The Dare Collection June 2019. Rachael Stewart
I SLICKED MY tongue over my lower lip, revelled in his thick, muted groan. ‘What would you like me to do about it, Damian?’
His gaze devoured my mouth with naked hunger. It was more than animalistic need. It was consuming in a way that mildly terrified me. ‘You don’t need me to draw you a bloody map, Neve,’ he said gruffly before closing the space between us to drag me against his body. The heavy column of his cock branded my belly. ‘You know what I want.’
My pussy clenched, reminding me how desperate it was to be filled. I placed a hand on his chest, registered solid muscle and a strong heartbeat beneath his shirt.
‘Do I? Our wires crossed badly somewhere along the line two years ago.’
‘In the aftermath, maybe. But not with this.’ He lowered his head until our lips brushed. It was like being caught in an inferno. ‘Never with this.’
My resistance was swept beneath the fiery lust that blazed through me. ‘You want to kiss me.’
He pinned me closer until my pelvis was flushed with his. Until the outline of his thick, hard cock was imprinted between my legs. ‘Fuck yes. I want to kiss you and more besides. You know how long it took to get a good night’s sleep without jerking off to the memory of you sucking me off?’
My breath rushed out, along with a cheeky, unfettered little moan as he rocked his hips against me. The friction released liquid heat, slicking my pussy.
I’d never thought I’d enjoy giving a blowjob until I met Damian. Taking him in my mouth, hearing his hiss and grunts of pleasure had triggered mine in a way I’d never imagined. I wanted the experience again.
But on my terms.
‘How long?’ I stoked the fires of his memory, shamelessly eager for the validation that our night together had impacted on him too.
‘Too damn long. And it wasn’t just the memory of you giving me head either. It was those insane sounds you made when I spread you wide and rammed inside your pussy that drove me nuts for weeks. It was learning how every inch of your body responds to being fucked. How you felt when you came on my cock.’
I shuddered through the explicit memories.
He’d taken his sweet time, driving into me over and over until I hadn’t been able to think or see straight. Until I hadn’t been sure whether to beg him to stop or plead for more.
Another groan vibrated inside me, but I forcibly snapped it off when I realised what he was doing. He was wrestling control from me. With each roll of his hips, each heated word that made me dig my fingers into his shoulders, I was seconds away from begging him to actively and enthusiastically refresh my memory.
With superhuman effort, I smothered my need, placed my hands over the fingers digging in my hip bones, melting me from the inside out. ‘You’ve told me what you want. Now let me tell you what I want.’
His gaze hazed for the moment, going blurry as if he’d retreated inward, and then he gave an abrupt nod.
‘You turn me on. But I won’t be as easy this time around.’
Abruptly, he released me and placed a few feet between us. I struggled to keep the bereft hollow in my stomach from showing on my face.
‘I didn’t think you were easy the first time around,’ he said in clipped tones. ‘The torment of being under your spell is still seared in my brain.’
I almost laughed but I throttled it back because I realised that laughter was directed at myself. At my unstoppable craving for a man I should’ve left alone. At thinking I was in control when I’d been his sexual slave. ‘I might take you to places you don’t like.’
Again the corner of his mouth kicked up but the action was a lot less mirthful this time. His fingers traced my collarbone slowly, leaving a trail of fire that nearly made me moan again. ‘I’m a big boy. If words fail me I’ll find another way to communicate. I guarantee you.’
His response triggered a need to test his boundaries. Test my boundaries. So much it terrified me.
I whirled away and headed for the bar. I didn’t really want to drink but I craved respite from the rampant arousal surging through me.
His gaze followed me, heavy and wanting, as I plucked a fresh glass off the tray.
‘I’m getting that drink now. Do you want one?’
A hard mask descended over his face as he strolled towards me. ‘I get my own drinks, thanks.’ The words were sharp and chilled with an underlying note I couldn’t decode.
It reminded me of that night we’d met. His refusal of my drink and the water I’d seen him stick to since. It was either a peculiar ritual exclusive to him or...
My brain threw up blanks. I searched his face but his expression remained closed. He watched closely as I fixed myself a dirty martini and added the three olives I preferred.
He didn’t move from his spot on the carpet. His fists were curled tight and a quiet fury vibrated from him.
Instinctively, I knew his reaction wasn’t aimed at me. ‘Is everything okay?’
He took a visibly relaxing breath although his harsh expression remained. ‘I’m fine,’ he said abruptly.
He watched me for a handful of seconds before perching on the opposite stool. Even with the counter between us, the force of his charisma and sheer gorgeousness hit me square in the chest.
It grew worse when his elbows landed on the hard wooden surface, his bare forearms drawing my gaze to the wispy hairs that covered his golden skin.
It was hard to swallow, just thinking about his hard, packed body. Only the sound of his voice drew my attention back to his insanely gorgeous face.
I grimaced inwardly. This was going to be much harder than I’d thought. Relief spiked through me when my phone buzzed. I pounced on my clutch, fished out my phone and read the message.
‘It’s Tyler. They’ve arrived in Westport and are already setting up.’ I sent a quick reply and placed my phone on the counter.
His lips twisted. ‘Now that we’ve established where we both stand from two years ago, are you going to clue me in on whatever you have planned?’
I didn’t even bother to deny the allegation. ‘No.’
‘Getting back to business for a minute, I’m prepared, if the trial period is successful, to throw the PR and marketing skills of The Mortimer Group behind this project. For free.’
My hackles rose. ‘I don’t need your charity, especially if you think it’ll grant you special privileges of the sexual kind.’
‘I prefer to see it as goodwill. You seem to think this is just a whim for me. I’m giving you my word that I’m committed to this project and will stick to the agreements we make.’
‘I have a solid marketing department of my own, thanks.’
He eyed me. ‘You don’t have to give up control to get what you need, Neve. Not unless you expressly wish to.’
My heart lurched, then kept on falling as I spotted the astute intelligence in his eyes. Somehow he’d latched onto my governing essence. The one that warned against giving in to the reckless lust prowling inside me. Not until I could handle any fallout.
We sized each other up for a long stretch. And even after my gaze dropped I knew he was still staring at me because my whole