Brides, Babies And Billionaires. Rebecca Winters

Brides, Babies And Billionaires - Rebecca Winters

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shuffled a bit closer, and covered his outstretched hand with hers. As always with her touch, his heart beat faster, and his temperature rose. He needed to get the truth out, have no more secrets. Then he could hold her again.

      ‘Apart from the woman in London, I knew others, male and female, who believed fidelity was outmoded. Faithful couples seemed to be a minority, or maybe my pride saw it that way as proof my father wasn’t so contemptible. If I didn’t believe in love their relationship wasn’t abnormal.’

      He took a chance and moved towards her. She stopped him with a hand on his chest, eyes wary and sceptical.

      ‘You didn’t want any of the photos.’

      He caught her hand, raised it to his lips and kissed her palm. Rejoiced in her quivering reaction, and his own. Regaining her trust was paramount so he fought the craving to enfold her in arms and kiss her the way he had in the hall.

      ‘They were for you. I ordered another set, which should have told me how special the evening with you was, and how much you already meant to me. It came the day after you left.’

      His thumb began an automatic caress of her knuckles. When she didn’t pull free, he closed his eyes and took a long breath.

      ‘I refused to believe in love even though I knew couples who proved me wrong. My experiences, including suspicion of my father’s computer deception, gave me little reason to trust in any sphere of life.

      ‘Then you walked into my office and all my resolutions collapsed. I fell in love, probably had ten years ago and hadn’t been mature enough to recognise it. I stubbornly ignored the reality when we met again.’

      Her smile grew as he spoke, her beautiful hazel eyes glowed, and his resolve crashed. He gathered her into his arms where she belonged, setting his world right. A different aroma, as alluring as the other, filled his nostrils. He brushed his lips across her forehead, and if his heart beat any faster, he’d short circuit.

      ‘Matt?’ She raised her head, a tiny furrow creasing her brow. ‘That reporter...’

      ‘She overheard my mother talking at a luncheon and started digging. I should have come home and talked to you. Instead I let my past rule my head. I couldn’t admit, even to myself, that only you had the power to break my heart. My stupid pride almost destroyed us both.’

      ‘She said she knew Clair, implied things about your father. I swear I told her I didn’t know what she was talking about.’

      ‘I believe you. I’ll never doubt you again, my darling. I love you. With all my heart and all that I am.’

      He kissed her deeply, lovingly with no reservations. Cradled her as close as humanly possible, only breaking away to breathe. Found the air clogged his throat at the love shining in her eyes.

      ‘I love you too, Matt.’

      He slipped from the sofa onto his knees in front of her and held her hands in his.

      ‘Lauren Taylor, you are sweet and courageous, and I’ll love you ’til my last breath and beyond. I’m yours, only yours, for ever. Marry me?’

      Lauren couldn’t speak. Her head spun as if she’d drunk too much champagne; the electrical zing from his fingers through hers was zapping along her veins at airship speed. Her already pounding heart threatened to burst from her ribcage.

      The love in Matt’s eyes wrapped her in an aura of soft warmth, a haven where there were only gentle caresses and love. A special place of devotion and commitment. For two.

      ‘Yes. Oh, yes, please. I love you, Matt. I’m yours, now and for ever.’

      He let out a roar of triumph, scooped her up and swung her round. She clung to him as her joyous laughter mingled with his. When he stopped, his kiss was gentle, reverent. He laid his forehead to hers.

      ‘I ache to make love to you, darling, but I promised Pete and Jenny we’d go and tell them the good news.’

      ‘Confident, huh?’ She tried to sound stern; it came out husky and adoring.

      ‘Optimistically hoping I hadn’t misread the signs when we were together, the passion when we made love. No way was I going to walk away unless you looked me in the eyes and swore you never wanted to see me again.’

      He kissed her again then set her on her feet and nuzzled her neck.

      ‘We’ll still have all night.’

      * * *

      Matt missed the earliest flight home in the morning, caught the next and went straight to the office. He stood in the doorway, taking in the expensive décor, the stunning views and his father’s top-of-the-range desk. He didn’t need all this to define himself, never had.

      Knowing Lauren loved him gave him a goal to be better than he was. It was time to lay the first ghost to rest. He strode purposefully across the deluxe tiles, through the first door and into the bedroom.

      It was neat, tidy and impersonal. Overwhelming sorrow shook him as he thought of how much his father had risked for the brief encounters in this cold place. He thought of his mother knowing the truth and living a lie.

      Closing his eyes, he conjured up Lauren’s lovely face as he’d kissed her goodbye, hair tousled, eyes shining. Together they’d face the uncertainties ahead. Together—a couple united by a vow to share life’s fears and sorrows, its triumphs and joys.

      Leaving youth’s judgement and bitterness behind, he scrolled for his mother’s number. From today he’d make up for the years of estrangement.

      * * *

      That evening, Matt held his mother close without censure and, for the first time in nine years, embraced his father. The hug he received in return filled his heart with love and relief.

      Marcus was almost his old self and pleased with the gift of his favourite wine. As Matt opened it he regretted missed opportunities like this, reflected on his culpability then let it go. The past couldn’t be changed but it could be left behind if they were all willing to face the future.

      ‘I’m in love with a very special lady and she’s agreed to marry me.’ He couldn’t keep it in any longer, and was elated at how good the words sounded out loud. Even more so when his mother hugged and kissed him and his father shook his hand.

      ‘She’s flying in from Sydney on Friday and I’d like Lena, Mark and the boys to join us here for lunch on Saturday to meet her.’

      Before he left he had a private talk with his mother, pledging his and Lauren’s support in caring for his father. They’d sworn together to keep their knowledge of his father’s infidelity a secret from her, saving her any more pain.

      Finally acknowledging that loving someone meant accepting their faults and weaknesses, he put his arm around her. Holding her close, he regretted the years they’d lost.

      ‘I was young, arrogant and so very wrong to keep distance between us for so long. If I hadn’t you’d have been able to confide in me and that reporter would never have had a story to write.’

      ‘You have your father’s pride, Matthew. Promise me you won’t let it come between you and Lauren.’

      ‘I promise. She’s more than I deserve, and is willing to help us keep Dad at home with you as long as possible.’

      She wrapped her arms around him and he clung tight, grateful that he had the chance to make amends and heal the rift between them.

      * * *

      Mid-winter, the twenty-third of June. Lauren woke before the alarm, stretched and smiled at the blue skies behind the treetops outside. Sunshine as predicted for her winter wedding day, though not even a cyclone could mar the occasion. Tonight she’d be Mrs Matthew Dalton.

      She threw back the covers, and ran to the shower, leaving the door open in case he rang early. He did, but by then she was perched on the side of the bed, wearing

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