Ultimate Romance Collection. Rebecca Winters
and me, may they remain lovers for all of life and the hereafter.”
“You can plan on it!” Takis declared without shame, causing everyone to laugh and clap. Then he pressed a kiss to her cheek. “It’s time for you to change. We’re taking a helicopter ride to the yacht. Hurry. I can’t wait to get you alone.”
Those words said in his deep voice charged her body and she left for her bedroom to put on the stylish new cream-colored suit she and Danae had picked for her. She pinned a purple rose corsage to the shoulder. It was heaven to be out of mourning at last. The sorrow of the past was gone. With Takis waiting for her, there was nothing but joy ahead.
Twenty minutes later everyone followed them outside to the helicopter. Twilight had crept over them. Lys hugged Danae, both of them shedding happy tears. “I have no doubt your parents and Nassos were looking on today.”
A sob caught in her throat. “I think so too. I love you. Thank you for everything and for making his family and friends so welcome. We’ll be back soon.”
“You’ve married a very exciting man, Lys. I envy you for what’s in store.”
Lys watched Takis hug his family before he helped her climb on board and told the pilot they were ready. Earlier in the day their luggage had already been flown out.
Lys was thankful they didn’t have to fly a long distance. She’d anticipated this moment too long to wait any longer. Before she knew it, they’d put down on the landing pad of the yacht. She practically leaped out of her seat, anxious to be alone with Takis who helped her out.
“Am I dreaming, darling?”
He stopped to kiss her thoroughly. “If you are, I’m in it with you. Forever.”
Their wedding night was about to begin. Now if her heart would stop running away with her, she might be able to breathe.
When they reached the outer doors of the master cabin, he swept her in his arms and carried her over the threshold. “At last,” came his fierce whisper.
* * *
His friends had prepared the suite to his specifications. The flower-laden room was lighted solely with candles. Bless Danae for confiding in him about Lys’s fascination with the prince in the fresco. Not only had she told him there was a strong resemblance to Takis, but Lys had once said that in a fairy-tale world, she would love to be married to the prince.
Upon hearing that, Takis had made up his mind that on their wedding night, he’d treat her like a princess. He couldn’t re-create a Minoan palace, but he would convince her she was the most precious thing in his life. As he lowered her to the floor, adrenaline gushed through his veins in anticipation of what was to come.
Her heart kicked her ribs hard as she looked around, leaving him to freshen up in the bathroom. She’d been on this yacht many times before, but rarely came in this room and had never seen it looking like this. Takis had transformed it into a bridal chamber fit for a queen. The perfume from the flowers was intoxicating. She walked over to smell the ones next to the bed.
“I’m right here.”
She turned to him and almost fainted. He looked so beautiful in the simple white terry cloth robe, she couldn’t think, let alone talk. His eyes gleamed like green gemstones in the soft light.
He handed her an identical robe. Her knees came close to buckling. With hands that were trembling, she went in the en suite bathroom. After removing her clothes, she put it on.
Lys had known he had a creative side to his nature, but to go to this kind of trouble to please her endeared him to her in a brand new way. With her heart beating out of control, she walked back into the bedroom.
He stood at the side of the massive bed. “Come closer so I can look at the most beautiful bride in all Crete.”
“You’re not frightened of this surely? Not after all we’ve been through.”
“I—I don’t know what I am,” her voice faltered.
“You’re my desirable wife, the compassionate-hearted woman I’ve wanted from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I don’t deserve you, but I swear an oath that I’ll love you forever. Come here to me, agape mou.”
She flew into his arms. He swung her around before lowering her to the bed. Their mouths met in frantic need and they began to feast on each other. One robe, then the other landed on the floor.
Their bodies came together in an explosion of love and desire. Lys hadn’t known it could be like this. All night long they gave and received unimaginable rapture. “I love you so much, Takis. You just don’t know...”
“Then you have some concept of how I feel. You’re the light of my life, Lys. Love me, darling, and never stop.”
They didn’t stop. It wasn’t till midmorning there was a loud knock on the cabin door.
Lys groaned and held him tighter. “Tell whoever it is to go away.”
“If it wasn’t for the fact that Cesare prepared our breakfast before leaving, I would. But he’s sure to have given explicit instructions to make sure that we ate a perfect Cretan breakfast.”
A chuckle escaped her lips. “And he knows how hungry you are for every meal. I love him for that since I forgot all about feeding you.”
He kissed a certain spot. “You’ve fed me the nectar of the gods, but it’s true I still need mortal food and his creations are out of this world. In truth he should be the new cook for the restaurant after Gemma leaves.”
“Have you told him that? Maybe he’d like to do it for a while.”
“I’ll have to run it by Vincenzo. Do you know Cesare had always said his mother was the best cook who ever lived?”
“That’s a thought. We’ll have to talk some more about it, but right now I know you’re hungry. So am I.” She kissed his hard jaw that needed a shave and let him go long enough to slide out of bed and put on her robe. “Stay there and I’ll get it.”
He lay back on the pillows, looking every inch the prince of her dreams. There wasn’t enough she could do for him. “I love you desperately, Takis, and want to do everything I can to make you happy.”
After kissing him passionately, she flew across the room. A staff member had left the tray with Cesare’s breakfast beside the door. It was laden with every conceivable dish Takis would love. She carried it to their bed, where they could lounge and eat to their hearts’ desire.
After eating as much as she could, she lay back. “You’re right. I’ve never tasted better food in my life.” She eyed her fabulous husband. “Would it hurt his feelings if you actually approached him with the idea of being the chef at the hotel in Milan?”
Takis put the tray on the floor, then pulled her back in his arms. “Of course it wouldn’t,” he murmured against her throat. “After running his own chain of restaurants in New York, he’s been begged by restaurants around the world to be their executive chef. All he has to do is name his price.”
She covered his face with kisses. “But he wants to be with you and Vincenzo and Dimi. You four have an amazing relationship. I’d be jealous if I didn’t understand how it all started, and why.”
“We’re very close, but you will always come first.”
“Why did you laugh so hard when Cesare made his toast?”
“I was afraid you would ask.” He kissed her again. “After you left my office, he witnessed my meltdown. I couldn’t understand why Nassos had left me half a hotel.
“To make matters more complicated, I’d just met you after seeing you at the funeral. Since then you’d never been out of my thoughts