Ultimate Romance Collection. Rebecca Winters

Ultimate Romance Collection - Rebecca Winters

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ever find me.”

      Odious was the exact word to describe Jean-Michel.

      The analogy was so ludicrous she found herself laughing. But it underlined the fact that Cesare Donati wasn’t married. Tuccia couldn’t help but wonder how many women must have flung themselves at him.

      “That’s better,” he said before releasing her hand.

      Soon they arrived at the airport and were driven to the area where the private jets sat on the tarmac. The limo wound around and stopped next to one in silver and blue that stood out with a coat of arms depicting the Duc di Lombardi. A thrill of excitement passed through her to know she’d be flying to northern Italy with him. Just the two of them.

      Once Cesare helped her out of the limo with her suitcase, the steward welcomed them aboard. He showed her to the elegant club compartment where she sat across from her protector as she thought of him. Pretty soon the Fasten Seat Belt light went on and she heard the scream of the engines as they taxied out to the runway.

      After they’d taken off and achieved cruising speed, the light went off and the steward brought them breakfast trays. She found she was starving and ate everything, including a second cup of coffee to drink.

      Cesare flashed her a searching glance. “How long has it been since you had a substantial meal?”

      “My aunt kept trying to feed me after I arrived in Palermo, but I was so nervous I couldn’t eat very much. Now I’m hungry.”

      “How did you manage your escape so perfectly when all of your other attempts have failed?”

      “I can see my aunt has told your mother everything about my past.” Tuccia heaved a sigh. “I’ve been planning this latest scheme since my first dress fitting two months ago. Yesterday morning I went to the dressmaker with my mother for the final wedding dress fitting.

      “When Madame Dufy went to find the dressmaker and bring out my gown, I told my mother I needed to use the ladies’ room and hurried down the hallway. As soon as no one was in sight, I shot out the back door of the salon. I knew there was a nearby tête de taxi. From there I was driven to the airport where Bertina had chartered a private jet for me ahead of time under a fake name. And here I am.”

      His gaze held hers. “That was a daring plan.”

      “I’m sure you think me selfish and cruel, but it was the only way to end the nightmare of my life. I’ve written a letter to Jean-Michel to apologize. It’s all ready to be mailed except for a stamp.”

      “Where is it?”

      “In my purse.”

      “May I see it?”

      When she pulled it out, he walked over and took it from her. After examining the address, he put it in his pocket. “I’ll make sure he gets it without the police being able to trace it.”

      “You must think me heartless and that I’m living up to all the falsehoods spread about me. Actually they’re not all false. I do have a bad temper that erupts at times and I’ve gotten a lot of staff into trouble who were supposed to keep a close watch on me.”

      After a silence he said, “What I think doesn’t matter.” The Fasten Seat Belt light went on again. He strapped himself in. “We’re descending to Milan. Very soon I’ll take you to a place where you’ll be hidden from the world and hopefully safe for another twenty-four hours. While you’re figuring out what it is you would like to do with the rest of your life, I’ll have to leave you, but I’ll be back in a couple of days.”

      Her spirits plunged at that revelation. “Where are you going?”

      “To Palermo.”

      “Again? I don’t understand.”

      “I’m going to see the man I’d hired to be the castello’s new executive pastry chef.”

      Her brows met in a delicate frown. “Why didn’t you visit with him before you brought me all this way first?”

      The pilot set the jet down and it taxied to a stop. “Because he was rushed to the hospital during the night and couldn’t come with me to start his new position. He was supposed to meet my partners today and get settled in.”

      “Oh, how terrible for him and you!”

      “Since you needed to leave Palermo before the authorities caught up to you, I brought you instead.”

      The man continued to astound her. She shook her head. “I can’t believe you would do that for me.” Tuccia loved him already for his sacrifice.

      His blue eyes darkened with an emotion she couldn’t put her finger on. “Mamma said it was a matter of life and death. After learning how desperate you are to escape the life your parents and fiancé have orchestrated for you, I’m inclined to believe she was telling the truth.”

      His compassion filled her with feelings that threatened to overwhelm her. “Please—you don’t have to send my letter to the comte. It’s too much. I’ll find a way to do it,” she said in a throbbing voice he could probably feel.

      “It’s a simple thing that needs to be done so he’ll call off his army. There’s no one like you, and no question he wants you back. Needless to say, you’re a royal prize he won’t tolerate getting away from him.”

      Tuccia shivered because she felt he truly did understand the gravity of her desperate situation where Jean-Michel was involved.

      A few minutes later another limousine drove them out of the city. They swept past farms and villas until they reached a small village at the base of a prominent hill. On the top she caught sight of a massive fortress. The ochre-toned structure with its towers and crenellated walls sprawled across the summit.

      “That’s the ancient Castello Di Lombardi,” Cesare explained, “now a hotel ristorante.”

      The one he’d helped to make famous. Tuccia was eager to see it up close and thought they would drive up there. Instead he asked the driver to take them to a pensione in the village. Evidently he’d made arrangements for her ahead of time.

      Just as he helped her out of the limo and told the driver to wait, the padrona di casa came out of another door. She greeted them and showed them inside the attractive apartment. After a few explanations she left. Cesare lowered Tuccia’s suitcase to the floor and turned to her.

      “You should be very comfortable here while I’m gone. I asked her to fill the cupboards and fridge with groceries to last several days. As you heard her say, if you need anything, just pick up the phone in the kitchen and she’ll answer.”

      The last thing Tuccia wanted was for him to go, but she realized he was anxious to get back to Palermo and didn’t dare keep him. What a terrible position he was in!

      “I don’t know how to thank you for all you’ve done for me. How can I make this up to you?”

      He studied her features for a minute. “I’ve had two friends who helped me when I thought all was lost. It’s nice to be on the giving end for a change.”

      She could feel her eyes smarting. “I don’t deserve this.”

      “I remember telling them the same thing. A word of warning. Do you have a cell phone on you?”


      “Don’t use it for any reason and don’t go walking in the village. The only person who knows you are here is the woman who let you in. She’s a friend and will keep silent. When I return, we’ll talk. Until then, try to relax, watch TV. A presto, Principessa.”

      “Alla prossima, Cesare.” She followed him to the door and watched him drive away, causing her heart to act up until it actually hurt.

      Once he was gone, Tuccia went back in the living room for her suitcase. Then she walked to the bedroom so full of emotions, she didn’t know where to go with them. She didn’t know another person in

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