Hot Docs On Call: Surgeon's Seduction. Carol Marinelli
like that. She’d as soon as skin me than let me have a shot at any specialized procedure. Of all the sharks, she’s the nastiest.”
“You think highly of her,” Mindy teased, and then she sighed. “Actually, I didn’t let her into my OR and she’s effectively off my service.”
Now he was intrigued. “And you’re not going to elaborate any further.”
“It’s not prudent. You are her competition.”
Sam didn’t say anything further as Mindy finished her charting and set the binder back in its place. The only thing that would have kept Dr. Snow out of surgery was if she’d done something really bad to anger her attending. In their first days, Dr. Snow had been a bit pompous, but she was a talented surgeon and Sam couldn’t help but wonder what Dr. Snow had done. Well, whatever it was, it wasn’t his business to know.
Mindy was right. Dr. Snow was his competition and he didn’t want to have any unfair advantages.
“That’s foolish, Samuel! Take whatever advantages you can get. Given the chance, another surgeon will stab you in the back to take your spot.”
His mother’s cutthroat attitude had never sat well with him.
It was his father’s gentle soul which always seemed to win out. His mother’s downfall was that sometimes she acted before she thought and Sam was a bit more methodical. He didn’t gossip; he didn’t jump into the fray unless it was during a medical emergency.
“I’m going to go grab a coffee. I still have a few more hours left on my shift. I’ll see you around.” Mindy moved around to the other side of the charge desk and headed down the hall.
“Dr. Walker… Mindy, wait.”
Mindy spun around, stunned, but she didn’t chastise him for using her first name.
“Would you like to get a cup of coffee with me? I’m on call, but I thought you might like some company.”
What are you doing?
He didn’t know. He never acted this spontaneously, but he couldn’t help himself. All he knew was he was probably setting himself up for something he wasn’t sure he was ready for.
Mindy stood there for a few moments, absolutely dumbfounded. It felt like she was standing there for hours, but of course that was foolish.
She was surprised that Sam had asked her to have coffee with him.
Say no. You can’t trust him. He’s just using you.
“Sure.” She couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth.
What’re you doing? She didn’t know at that moment. She was actually surprised at herself, but she was lonely. She knew hardly anyone in New York. There was no harm in getting a cup of coffee.
Sam smiled the grin that melted her heart. Darn him.
“Good. I have to get my post-op notes off to Dr. Chang. I’ll meet you in the cafeteria in thirty minutes?”
“No, not the cafeteria.” If she was going to go through with this then she was going to do it outside the hospital.
“Where, then? I’m on call and I can’t go far.”
“There’s a coffee shop next to the hospital. You’ll be close enough to run back if you get called in.”
“Okay.” Sam picked up his notes. “I’ll see you there in half an hour.”
“Sure,” she said nervously, and then quickly walked away before she did something ridiculous like blush.
This was not going according to plan. Her plan had been to swear off Sam, even though she knew that was going to be a hard thing to do. There were so many things about him that she liked and admired. She also had a hard time forgetting about the way he kissed, even though that had been nearly a month ago.
Sam was also the only person she’d really connected with in New York. She’d spoken to other attendings, her patients, nurses, but there wasn’t a connection. Mindy had been so busy she hadn’t had the time to form any friendships or to get to know anyone. And she had a hard time opening up.
Perhaps she was blocking them out because she was scared of trusting people. Especially after what had happened in California.
She’d been deceived and she’d had no idea. Instead she’d lived in this oblivious little bubble, thinking that her marriage was okay, that her best friend wasn’t betraying her. All the things she’d told Owen made her stomach knot. She’d been such a fool.
After it had all gone down it had been the pitying looks she’d been unable to handle. The “Poor Mindy”s. She hadn’t liked being pitied. When she’d been an intern she’d struggled that first year and had been pitied. She’d been the underdog and scared of her own shadow.
When Dr. Guild had taken her under her wing Mindy had blossomed. That shy girl who had dominated her life had disappeared and all of those who had dubbed her the runt of the surgical litter had been left behind as she’d become a surgical star.
It was hard for Mindy to make friends. She just didn’t want to open herself up to any more hurt.
With Sam it was totally different. She was just at ease around him. She liked to talk to him and she kept forgetting that she shouldn’t be so relaxed around him, because Sam was off-limits and because she refused to open her heart again. It just wasn’t worth it.
She found herself in the coffee shop next to the hospital, still in a bit of daze, with a latte in her hand. One of those limited edition spiced ones.
Mindy took a seat in the corner, waiting with anticipation for Sam to come. Though part of her hoped he wouldn’t. It would be easier if he didn’t show and she was hoping that he would be called to something.
The chime over the door tingled and Sam walked in. He didn’t see her at first, so she watched as every female in the coffee shop turned their appreciative gaze on him and she had to admit she couldn’t blame them. He was tall, broad-shouldered, with dark reddish hair, ridiculously gorgeous features and eyes that had no business being on a man who wasn’t going to be an actor or a model.
Mindy could almost see him in a kilt with a big giant sword. What do the Highlanders call their big giant swords?
Why the heck are you thinking about big giant swords at this moment?
Mindy shook her head and rubbed her eyes. She needed to get some more sleep. He ordered a small coffee and headed over to her. All eyes followed the handsome doctor as he slid into the booth across from her.
Sam frowned. “What?”
“What?” Mindy asked, confused.
“You’re staring at me like I have horns growing out of my head or something.”
“Sorry, I was just watching all your admirers give me the look of death.”
Sam glanced over his shoulder and a few female patrons who were still looking in their direction looked away quickly.
Sam chuckled and smiled with smug satisfaction. “Oh, that. I’m used to that.”
Mindy snorted. “I’m sure you are. What’re you drinking?”
“Black coffee with a shot of espresso. Dr. Chang paged me just as I was leaving. There’s a surgery in about thirty minutes.”
Sam nodded. “Not pleasant, I’m afraid, but it needs to be done and once it’s done the child will be better off for it.”
Mindy was just about to ask what surgery when she got a page herself. She frowned when she saw it was from the OB/GYN department.
It was in regard to Ms. Bayberry. She was over the crucial twenty-five