The Billionaires Collection. Оливия Гейтс
sighed softly. ‘Whatever you might think of me, I’m not used to this sort of arrangement.’
‘What sort is that? A lovers’ weekend away?’
‘It’s not something I’ve done before.’ If she told him she was inexperienced, would that dissuade him from looking for more than she could give?
‘You have never slipped away for a weekend of passion with your lover?’ The incredulity in his voice was clear.
‘No.’ She couldn’t quite tell him she had never had a lover. Maybe now was a good time to say goodnight. The incredulity in his voice left her in no doubt that he was more than used to such weekends. She just wasn’t ready for that yet. ‘Goodnight, Liev.’
THE NEXT MORNING Bianca had woken to the sounds of the ocean and had blushed as she’d recalled how she’d behaved with such wanton abandon the previous afternoon, lying on the beach as waves had washed over them. What was more shocking and harder to deal with was the fact that she’d wanted Liev in a way that had been almost impossible to resist. Her whole body had been on fire with need. So much that she’d almost given in to him last night.
As the morning had passed they had made polite conversation and after a while Liev had gone for another swim, but this time she’d declined his offer. As she’d watched him go, the feeling that she was making a mistake, letting something special slip by, wouldn’t leave her. She began to question why she’d stopped him last night, why she’d denied herself something every nerve in her body had demanded.
She didn’t know that answer, didn’t want to know it either. All she did know was if he ever kissed her again she wouldn’t be able to stop. Every nerve in her body was on high alert, the simmering attraction she’d felt from the beginning now a desire-driven madness.
What was it about Liev? Could she really be in love with him? Had she found the same love Lucia had written about in her letter all those years ago? The words she’d read so many times came back to her, strangely fitting what she felt right now.
For is that not what love does? I would not change a moment of it, even though you are not entirely mine and I not entirely yours.
She was not Liev’s fiancée. She had no right to feel anything for him, let alone this strange emotion that felt painfully like love. That thought was knife-like in her heart because, right now, cameras were being set up and her make-up was about to be done and she would be going out to face everyone as Liev’s fiancée.
‘Are you ready?’ Liev joined her, his firm stance as he looked at her one that would not take no for an answer. At least once this was over and the visit to her grandfather done, they could finally go their separate ways. She was sure the shelter interview and this photoshoot would achieve much more than he’d originally demanded of the deal.
‘Ready,’ she lied, and she followed him out to the beach where the first shoot was planned. Posing so boldly for the camera was not something she was used to. She’d never invited the attentions of the press or magazines like this, which was probably why they’d instantly jumped at the chance.
The cameras clicked and Bianca posed, her body pressed close against Liev. Every move she made intensified the fire of awareness within her. All she could think about was that kiss yesterday, the one which had left her yearning for more, needing to know the joy of loving a man. Would that have happened if she hadn’t stopped things last night?
‘Have you set a date yet?’ the interviewer asked as they took the final shot. ‘And where will the wedding be? Here?’
Bianca blinked. She hadn’t rehearsed any answers to their questions. Yesterday’s moment of intimacy with Liev had completely thrown her off her usual organised course.
‘Nothing is set yet.’ Liev came to her rescue as he took her hand and lifted it to his lips. The camera she thought had been packed away clicked once more as she looked up at him. ‘We are enjoying being together for now, are we not, Bianca?’
‘That’s it. That’s the one.’ The photographer’s ecstatic voice hardly registered as she looked into Liev’s eyes. The icy grey had softened as desire blended within them. Desire she knew was echoed in her eyes, but it was the intensity of them, the potent power of that seductive look, which almost made her knees buckle.
He lowered his head and kissed her—slowly, lingering so sensuously she closed her eyes and gave herself up to the moment. Then it ended. He pulled away and a chill swirled around her despite the warm wind and afternoon sun.
‘Thank you,’ Liev said as he turned to shake hands with the interviewer, but Bianca just wanted them gone, wanted back the peace that had surrounded the small villa as they’d arrived.
* * *
The sun was low in the sky, but Liev didn’t feel the happiness he should feel as he stood and looked out over the ocean. The photoshoot had gone well. Bianca had been amazing, providing plenty of photos that could be used to show how much they were in love. She’d been so convincing he’d almost believed it too. But he’d been deceiving himself.
Try as he might, he couldn’t fight the attraction he had for Bianca. She had unlocked the man he could have been if his life had taken a different course, the man who wanted love and happiness, just as his parents had enjoyed before everything went spectacularly wrong. But he wasn’t that man any more and never could be again. One disastrous affair had seen to that.
‘It’s so peaceful here. You can almost forget the rest of the world exists,’ Bianca whispered as she joined him on the balcony, the warm evening breeze moving through her dark hair as he turned to look down at her. This was a much softer version of the woman he’d outbid at the auction for a bracelet. During the time they’d been together as a couple he’d fallen harder and harder for her, until he knew he couldn’t get enough of her.
What would she say if he told her he wanted to scoop her up and take her to the big bed he’d slept in alone last night and make her completely his? Would she welcome his touch, his kiss and his possession?
‘Thank you.’
‘For what?’ His thoughts were muddled as heat infused him at the image of her in his bed.
‘For bringing me here.’ Her voice had a delicate wobble and he clenched his hands into fists to prevent himself reaching for her, pulling her into his arms and kissing away that worry. ‘I know it’s for the benefit of the exclusive, but thank you.’
‘Is it true, that you have never spent time with a man like this, that you’ve never had a holiday romance?’ He was still getting his head round the fact that a woman as sexy and alluring as Bianca had never gone away with a man.
She blushed and looked down. ‘Yes.’
Now he couldn’t help himself. He reached out and lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him. Apprehension showed in her eyes as well as that ever-increasing vulnerability. Had he pushed her too far in his pursuit of revenge? ‘I’m sorry to have put you in this position. I never intended it to be this way.’
It had all been about keeping her from her latest trinket, but he suspected even that wasn’t the truth. Whatever was going on with the bracelet, she’d stood up to him, fought her battles hard and kept her side of the deal.
The gentle breeze moved her hair across her face as she looked up at him with an expression of innocence. Gently he pushed her hair back and tenderness squeezed at his chest. If only he wasn’t the heartless man life had made him, he knew he could love her.
‘I needed the bracelet,’ she said softly, her eyes searching his, but no trace of anger in her voice.
‘I know,’ he whispered, guilt pressing down on him.
‘You thought I was just being frivolous, buying myself jewellery?’ Her words, though barely