Dreams & Desires. Kat Cantrell

Dreams & Desires - Kat Cantrell

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all things considered, Maddie is lucky to be alive. She’ll always have issues with her heart, but for the most part she’ll lead a normal life.”

      “Now what? She’s still too sick to go home, even if she has one.”

      “There’s a children’s center in Plano that specializes in the disorder. She’ll be moved there until she’s well enough to go home. And even then she’ll need special care. She’s still a very sick little girl, but at least now there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. We have effective treatment options.”

      It was usually a happy occasion when a patient left the hospital, and while Clare was relieved that Maddie—that name would take some getting used to—was improving, she would miss the baby terribly.

      “When are they moving her? I’d like to see her before she goes.”

      “She’s being taken over by ambulance tomorrow morning,” he said.

      Clare fought the irrational urge to cry. “I want to get over there and spend some time with her.”

      “Of course. And I know this is difficult because we’re all very attached to her. But it’s for the best.”

      Logically, yes.

      “Would you mind if I just lie here on the couch and take a catnap?”

      “It will have to be a short one,” Clare told Parker. “I won’t be long.”

      “Take your time,” he said with a huge yawn, putting his head back and closing his eyes. “I’m beat.”

      He looked beat, and kind of harmless. But she was still a little unsure...

      “You’re staying right here?” she said.

      He looked up at her with bloodshot, sleepy eyes. “I’m not going to move, I promise. And this time I really do promise.”

      “I’ll only be five minutes,” she said.

      His eyes slipped closed again and he mumbled something incoherent.

      Feeling a little on edge, but also fairly certain he was telling the truth, she jogged upstairs to her bedroom. If she gave him too much time alone he might get bored and into trouble.

      She picked her clothes out and laid them on the bed then went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair. She’d slept like hell last night. Not even a date with the water jets in her spa tub had been enough to soothe the restless, itchy feeling in her soul. She knew of only one person who could throw her into such turmoil, and he was napping on her couch.

      She brushed the knots from her waist-length hair, reminding herself that it was time for a trim. She reached for a hair band, still thinking about Parker, wondering what he could be getting into down there. Her hand stopped in midair halfway to the drawer, then fell to her side, and she asked her reflection, “What could he be getting into?”

      That was a really good question, because knowing Parker the way she did, he was definitely getting into some sort of trouble. He couldn’t seem to help himself.

      She frowned at her reflection. What the hell was she doing? Instead of making him promise not to snoop, she should have sent him on his way instead. Politely but firmly. It wasn’t as if she needed him to drive her to the hospital. She had her aunt’s car for that. He literally had no reason to be there. Other than to frustrate and annoy her.

      Still in her robe she headed back down the stairs, calling out to her uninvited guest. “Hey, Parker, I was thinking—”

      Parker didn’t hear her. He was stretched out on her couch, hands tucked behind his head, sound asleep and snoring softly. He was taking a catnap, just as he’d said he would. But that wasn’t what had her tripping over her own feet, or whimpering like a wounded animal.

      Parker still had his pants on, which was a really good thing. Unfortunately that was all he had on. His shirt, undershirt, shoes and socks were on the floor beside the sofa. And oh, did he look good. Better than she had ever imagined he would.

      Damn him!

      Hard as she’d tried to deny it, there was definitely some sort of connection there. An irrational and scary kind of connection. It didn’t make any sense. But lately it seemed that very few things in her life made much sense anymore. So if she just crawled up there with him...

      You cannot let that happen, Clare.

      No, she could not.

      She closed her eyes and shook her head, wishing away the mental picture of him lying there looking all sexy and perfect. Wishing him away. But when she peeked through the small slit between her mostly closed lids he was still lying there, still looking amazing with his muscular chest and wide shoulders. And his abs? They were freaking perfect. She could do a million crunches a day and never look that good.

      On the bright side, this was without a doubt the least obnoxious she had ever seen him. But now more than ever he really needed to go. And she really needed to stop staring at his chest.

      “Parker,” she said, keeping a safe distance between them. When he didn’t respond she said it louder. “Parker!”

      Still nothing.

      She clapped her hands hard and loud, thinking it would startle him awake. He didn’t even flinch.

      This was not working.

      She stepped just close enough to the couch so that she could reach him with her foot. She gave him a firm jab in the leg with her toes then stepped back. Parker kept on snoring.

      Wow, he was out.

      She stepped a little closer and nudged him again, then once more.


      This was getting ridiculous.

      She laid her foot on his stomach, intending to give him a good hard shake, right up until the second the sensitive bottom of her bare foot touched his warm, smooth skin.

      Oh, that was dumb.

      He didn’t budge, and she realized, as she dropped her leg, that if he had woken he would have opened his eyes to an X-rated, full view of her goods from the waist down.

      And why was she more disappointed than relieved that he remained asleep?

      Okay, it was time to get serious. He really had to go. She wasn’t thinking straight at all.

      Using her opposite foot, in case he actually did wake up at some point, she hauled off and kicked his leg.

      He mumbled something and shifted onto his side, facing her, and when he did his phone slipped out of his pocket, hit the hardwood floor with a thud and slid under the couch.


      She would have just left it there, but Parker was on call. If his phone rang he needed to be able to hear it.

      Realizing that the odds of him waking at this point were slim to none, she got down on her knees and fished his phone out from under the couch, finding a couple of dust bunnies under there, as well.

      Sitting back on her haunches she laid the phone on the arm of the couch next to his ear, then changed her mind and set it down on the cushion next to him. As she did, the backs of her fingers “accidentally” brushed against his stomach. She felt the contact with the intensity of an electric shock and it left her feeling limp and shaky.

      This was getting out of hand fast, and she knew she should stop. Problem was, she really, really wanted to touch his abs. Not for long. She just wanted to know how it would feel. A few seconds tops. He would never have to know.

      The idea of touching him was terrifying. And intoxicating. Her hands shook in anticipation. But did she have the guts to do it?

      Her aunt was always telling Clare that she needed more excitement. That she was in the prime of her life, and she needed to take chances every now and then. Kay’s life had been one long adventure, and despite what the family may have believed,

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