Before We Kiss. Susan Mallery

Before We Kiss - Susan Mallery

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at her business dream. Getting married would have been too much of a distraction. So they’d agreed to wait four years. One of which had passed, which left three more to go.

      Only she didn’t want to wait anymore and she couldn’t figure out how to get that information to Ryan without telling him directly.

      She held the dress in front of her again. From what she could see through the protective plastic, it was a beautiful strapless gown with layers of—

      “Leave that dress alone!” Dellina walked into the room and put her hands on her hips. “Fayrene, that’s either a special order or a sample. You can’t mess with the merchandise.”

      “If it’s a sample, I can.”

      “Then go to Paper Moon and try it on in the store like a normal person.”

      Fayrene returned the dress to the rack and sighed. “I’m not normal. I’m an idiot. Ana Raquel was smart. She realized she loved Greg and got engaged immediately. They moved in together.”

      “They also eloped.”

      Fayrene wrinkled her nose. “I wouldn’t want that. I want a big wedding.” With all her friends there. She wanted to walk down the aisle and see Ryan at the other end. She wanted a church ceremony and a backyard reception.

      “Fayrene, I love you like a sister,” Dellina began.

      “I am your sister.”

      “I know. You’re a smart businessperson, but when it comes to love—specifically with Ryan—you’re making this way too hard. Tell him how you feel.”

      Fayrene shook her head. “The guy is supposed to propose.”

      “That’s unbelievably old-fashioned.”

      “I don’t care. When I’m telling my daughter a bedtime story and she asks me how Daddy proposed, I don’t want to tell her he didn’t. That I had to ask.”

      It was more than that, she thought sadly. She wanted Ryan so swept away by love that he couldn’t help himself. That he didn’t care what she wanted. That being with her was the most important thing in the world and he would ask her to marry him no matter what. Only that didn’t seem to be happening.

      “Maybe he doesn’t love me anymore,” she said with a sigh.

      Dellina leaned against the door frame. “Kill me now.”

      “Before your big party?”

      Her sister straightened. “You’re right. The party is huge and I’m going to do such a good job that people will be talking about it for weeks. You still up for being my head babysitter?”

      “You bet. I’m looking forward to it.” As a rule, Fayrene liked kids. She would also like the big, fat check she would earn for just three days of relatively easy work.

      “Good. By the way, you don’t happen to know how long it takes to play a round of golf, do you?”

      “I don’t know. I’ve never played. Four hours, maybe.”

      “That’s what I’m thinking. I’ll do some research online and then talk to someone at the golf course. I’m planning the events for the weekend. I have to present the schedule to Sam tomorrow.” She tilted her head. “Don’t take this wrong, but what are you doing here?”

      Sulking, Fayrene thought. “I was hoping we could brainstorm more ways to get Ryan to propose,” she said, pointing to the dry-erase board.

      Dellina walked toward her and put her hands on Fayrene’s shoulders. “You’re my sister. I love you very much. I would step in front of a bus for you.”


      “But you’re going about this all wrong. Tell him how you feel. And if you won’t, comfort yourself with the knowledge that Ryan will propose.”

      Fayrene groaned. “In three years.”

      “Which is exactly when you told him to.”


      DELLINA ARRIVED AT the office of Score five minutes before her appointment with Sam. While she knew where the offices were, she’d never been in them before. Now as she walked through the glass doors, she took in the open foyer with the two-story ceiling. A big reception desk stood in the center. There were stairs to the left and an elevator beyond that. But what really caught her attention was the nearly life-size pictures on the wall.

      Sam, Kenny and Jack stared down at her from all angles. There were photos of the guys in uniform, in shorts and T-shirts, standing around and working out. There was one of Jack about to throw a football, another of Kenny jumping to catch. One showed Sam in that last nanosecond before he kicked the ball.

      She turned slowly, taking in the various poses and expressions. In the back, by the stairs, was one picture showing all four partners together. In her heels, Taryn was the same height as Sam. Jack was an inch or so taller with Kenny a couple of inches taller than him. The guys were in suits and ties and Taryn had on a long-sleeved black dress that showed every skinny inch of her body. Dellina immediately sucked in her stomach.

      A middle-aged woman walked toward her. “May I help you?”

      “Dellina Hopkins. I have an appointment with Sam.”

      The woman smiled. “Yes, of course. This way, Ms. Hopkins.”

      “Dellina, please.”

      She was led down the hallway. Signed jerseys and trophies lined the walls. The receptionist stopped in front of a partially open wooden door.

      “Thank you,” Dellina said before she stepped inside.

      She found herself in a large office. One end had a big desk with a computer. There were windows, a long leather sofa and, at the far end, a small conference table.

      The square footage probably came close to that of her house, she thought with amusement. Ah, to be a rich, famous football player, she thought. Talk about serious perks.

      A door by the conference table opened and Sam walked into the room. Her girl parts cheered, her breath seemed to catch and she wondered if it was just her or if the sun was shining just a little brighter now. He smiled when he saw her.

      “Right on time.”

      She was about to ask if there was a private restroom or if he and the other guys had secret passages back and forth between their offices when she took a look at his face. His left eye was slightly puffy and there was a deep violet and red bruise from the bridge of his nose to his cheekbone.

      “What happened?” she asked, instinctively stepping toward him.

      “You should see the other guy.”

      “You got in a fight?”

      The smile returned. “No. I played basketball and got in the way of Consuelo’s elbow.”

      “Consuelo did that to you?” Dellina cleared her throat and lowered the pitch of her voice. “On purpose?”

      “That second question is harder to answer. She would tell you it was my own damn fault and she would probably be right.”

      “You have a black eye.”

      “That seems to be the consensus.”

      She was only a few feet from him. For a second she thought about moving closer and lightly touching his skin. While the idea was tempting, she couldn’t figure out an excuse. It wasn’t as if she had magical healing powers. While being around Sam made her think of tangled sheets and soul-stirring kisses, the information wasn’t relevant for their current discussion. Or any discussion. Because what had happened that night had been an anomaly. Given the choice between the job and man, she would take the job.

      But being with the man had been very, very nice.


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