Seducing His Convenient Innocent. Rachael Thomas
for her answer, the unexpected turn in the conversation working in his favour.
‘That’s not important now.’ Rio skilfully avoided the issue, but he wasn’t going to let her get away with not answering him that easily.
‘Why did you stand me up, Rio?’ The need to know surged forward, pushing all other thoughts to one side. ‘Because you kissed me? Told me you wanted to spend the entire night with me?’ He taunted her mercilessly.
She gasped, her gaze meeting his, indignation in her eyes. ‘No.’
‘Why did you change your mind?’ If only she could admit there was something between them. ‘What are you afraid of, Rio?’
‘I’m not afraid of anything. I simply don’t want a man in my life—any man.’ Sparks of anger filled her words, but he refused to allow them to penetrate his armour. He’d do precisely what he’d done for the last six weeks and wait for the right moment. This was a conversation to have later, in Greece, on the island, when she would have no option but to talk to him.
‘Xena would want you to come to Greece and help her through this difficult time.’ He pushed home his point, satisfied when he saw her conflicted expression. ‘The last thing Xena needs right now is to think you and I have fallen out. Whatever has happened between us, we owe it to her to be there for her in Greece—as a couple.’
* * *
Rio wanted to crumple to the floor. She was ensnared in a trap of her own making. Damn Lysandros. He’d led her right to it and she’d obliged, stepping in. Yet despite all this she knew he was right. Xena would need her, and if that meant going to Greece and pretending she and Lysandros were still together, then that was exactly what she would do. Not because Lysandros had asked her but because of the bond of friendship between her and Xena.
Lysandros had a business to run and she knew he preferred to spend his time in Athens, where he notoriously played as hard as he worked. Surely he would return to that life once Xena was settled into her island villa? Surely he wouldn’t pursue her or the promise she’d once made. Not when he could have any woman he wanted.
‘That’s unfair,’ she defended herself as he regarded her from dark and unyielding eyes. If only he wasn’t so striking, so handsome. If only he didn’t make her heart flutter so wildly. If only she didn’t find him so attractive and hadn’t almost given herself so completely to him. ‘I’d do anything for Xena.’
His brows rose in disbelief. ‘Except come to Greece and spend the summer with her—because of me.’
‘You really are very arrogant.’ She grappled with the way he made her body tingle as he moved closer. He searched her face, his eyes darkening, reminding her of the moment she’d told him she’d wanted to spend the entire night with him.
Her pulse leapt wildly as that moment clashed with this, confusing her after his annoyance. She wanted to turn away, wanted to conceal the attraction she had for him, but she couldn’t. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t fight the way he made her feel.
‘Right now, all that matters is that Xena gets well and regains her memory.’ Rio forced herself to look away from the handsome Greek who was wrong for her on so many levels. She couldn’t allow herself to fall for him all over again. She didn’t want that kind of power held over her.
‘As soon as the doctor tells me she is well enough to travel, we will go.’ His deep and sexy accent sent ripples of awareness over Rio, but she refused to feel them, refused to react.
‘What if I agree—just for a while?’ She was torn between what Xena needed and protecting her fragile heart.
‘Not for a while, Rio. For the entire summer,’ Lysandros added with icy calmness. ‘That is what Xena will want—and need.’ He knew she wouldn’t refuse to give Xena what she needed. Damn him.
‘No, I can’t.’
‘But you will come, won’t you, Rio? Because you will do anything to help your friend.’ Rio couldn’t believe how he was manipulating the situation—or the way her body reacted just from having him near her. Had she been too hasty in ending it all after what Hans had done? Would Lysandros have understood if she’d told him?
The questions chased each other through her mind. There was no way she could have told him, not when their relationship had been nothing more than just another affair to him. She’d never been foolish enough to believe otherwise.
‘Very well. I will, but not because you have asked, or should I say bullied, me to do so, but because I want to be there for Xena.’
The look he gave her made Rio realise that everything she’d ever been afraid of happening if she saw him again was happening. She was still attracted to him. Still wanted to be with him, but things had changed. Things he didn’t know about—couldn’t know about.
‘And because we have things to sort out?’ The question sounded casual, but the look in his eyes was far from that.
‘We don’t have anything to sort out. We won’t even need to see one another.’ Rio folded her arms, desperate to stand her ground, prevent her body from betraying her.
‘Xena believes we are together. I don’t think making her worry about us will help her recovery, Rio, and we will be seeing each other, of that you can be sure.’
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