The Map of Us. Jules Preston
href="#u5d5f2b2e-f615-559c-8569-53b6d1da6166">5 things about Daniel’s father
the Matilda Eastleigh Compatibility Index
the Matilda Eastleigh Compatibility Index
‘Rooks Wood to Coldbank Ruins’
Numbers are a poor measure of love.
Millicent Fenwick
Mathematician 1970-
Violet North could not walk far. She had a pleasing enough disposition and an inquiring mind, but she had lost the use of her legs as a child. Polio was the cause. She was now twenty-six years of age and not expected to marry. She had other complications from her childhood illness that meant she seldom left her home without the help of company. As she was not often seen outside, there were precious few who she could call upon for such assistance.
Her family had lately abandoned her in a house with several staircases and a large garden in the hope that she would fall and die as quickly and conveniently as possible. They had told her as much when they left. She had been a burden to them for long enough. Violet could not walk far, but she was twenty-six and had her own house with a large garden and decided to be as inconvenient as possible. She did a grand job.