Heart and Hustle. Patricia Bright

Heart and Hustle - Patricia Bright

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you can bring the passion, skills and knowledge to back that up. You’ll need the willingness and enthusiasm to really explore that segment of the beauty industry, so you can become an expert – the connoisseur! – of lashes. And if you can bring all that, great! You can be the go-to girl for eyelashes – the only one whose opinion matters.

      LIFE LESSON: Passion alone is just one part of the equation: find the thing you’ll be willing to grind on and dedicate every hour of the day to.

      Start off as a multi-hustler

      I never tell people to just quit their jobs and start a business. In the same way, I wouldn’t recommend that people with an Instagram account suddenly jack it all in to rely on their social media output as their sole source of income. If you can make that work, great, but that’s putting a huge amount of pressure on you and there’s a lot of risk attached. My approach was much more softly-softly. As I said, at the start I had no idea that my YouTube channel would become my career. At university it was a hobby, not a moneymaker. I still worked my weekend job and did hair as well. Later, I made a few career moves, and continued with YouTube on the side. It is totally OK to do more than one thing until you’re ready to go all-in on your side hustle.


      Ask yourself these four questions to help you discover your grind before you start putting yourself out there:

      > What could you talk about every day and not get sick of?

      > What would you do, or be interested in, even if you didn’t make a penny from it?

      > What are you doing or do you know about already that you could potentially share with others?

      > What could you keep on doing, without it feeling like a chore?

      Once you’ve figured out your grind, that’s when you can start identifying your personal goals.

      In the next few chapters we’ll be exploring how you can build your influence to help you achieve those goals. We’ll be looking at the ins and outs of social media, building and owning a profile and honing your content. Ever wondered about embarking on the influencer journey, or growing a brand online? Read on …

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