Ghost Writers. David Shaw

Ghost Writers - David Shaw

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to the dead. There, I’ve said it, now you can start laughing, unless you’re dead of course as the dead can still read books too!

      I’ve always been able to communicate with those of us who have passed over to another world; it was only ever my lack of awareness of this fact that continually stifled my early progression through life. And as for the dead – well, that’s just a myth: nobody dies, we all just turn into butterflies that flutter through the minds of those we love, hoping that they might notice us and heed our advice. After all, the dead should now know that life is not terminal, nor is the notion that love is lost whenever we leave this world. In reality, we are only ever as dead as the morbid thoughts that imprison us.

      Through my extensive work with the spirit dimension, I have been given the opportunity to work with the ‘the big team’ as I like to call them. The knowledge brought forward by this highly advanced spiritual group is incomparable, but I can only ever ask that you take my word for this. Their only request is that I write about the reality of life, no fantasy or fairy-tale – just life as it is laid bare for every soul that should grace our shores.

      Thankfully, I have been blessed with some extra hired help for this project. I’m forever being reminded that the greatest spirit mediums on this side of life have always been the creative minds – artists, composers and authors. Therefore, ‘the big team’ have invited ten of the greatest writers ever assembled to come back and share their stories through my very own mediumship.

      It is not important which particular writer comes forward to work with me, nor is it absolutely necessary to know how I receive the information that’s brought forward, but it is essential that you attempt to understand the underlying message being relayed by each writer – that is all they ask. And who knows, you may find that you have been guided towards this book by a loved one from the land of the dead. Perhaps a little butterfly has attracted your attention and now wishes to send you a sign of their love from afar. If that should be the case then grasp this opportunity – I promise that you won’t regret it.

      Finally, please remember that the next breath that you take is always the most important one – I hope it’s filled with the kindness that you deserve.

      Hello. My name is David and if this is the first time we’ve met then the honour is surely all mine. If we have met before through my other books then it’s great to meet up again. How have you been? Still trying to put the world to rights? Me too! Let’s have another go. It’s us against them…just as it has always been.

      Now then, what’s all this ghost writing business when it’s at home? And furthermore, exactly whose ghosts do I intend to write with? Well, all will be revealed soon, and, believe me, you won’t be disappointed!

      I must admit that I’ve been wallowing in self-pity for the last few months, wondering what to do next. Should I start a novel? Should I concentrate on promoting my other books? Or should I just do what I do best – set the dinner table; ignite the oven; invite friends round for a feast, before serving the most wonderful food that you can ever imagine? Not cooked by me, of course. I am only the server, the messenger or sometimes just the choreographer — nothing more and nothing less.

      What we are about to embark on today is quite unique. This book will endorse ten spiritual commandments. However, there will be no parting of the Red Sea, nor will Charlton Heston need to search for his wooden staff and sandals! These commandments are only meant for guidance, so they’re more like polite requests. It’s your choice whether you wish to heed this advice or carry on with your merry way. That’s the beauty of the spiritual world – it won’t strike you down with lightning if you make different choices. But if you’re like me, and every now and again you tend to drift away from your spiritual roots, then this book may just give you the gentle kick up the ass that should hopefully bring you right back on track.

      To help us along the way, there will be some celebrity guests appearing. Ten different spiritual authors will grace this book with short, fictional stories that will hopefully marry the factual words brought forward by my guides in spirit. At this stage I do not know who these authors are but I do know that their influence will be remarkable.

      So, non-fiction and fiction in the same book! What next? Is there anybody else invited to the dinner table? I can’t wait to find out.

      As before, my role in this book is to simply receive knowledge from the spirit world and pass this information on to you. And if you choose to dine with such divinity then I can promise you that you will leave this book a far better person in the eyes of those whose journey you share.

      And when the last ass has been firmly kicked, we can reflect on this momentous feast of knowledge received, before embarking on the next part of our voyage of discovery.

      Napkins at the ready – shall we begin? Why not?

      Now then, where did we leave it? Oh, yes, at the conclusion of New Mediumship – our second helping of this lung-sapping marathon of knowledge brought to you by Spirits Inc. And now, the end is near, and so we face the final episode (sorry, Frank) of our trilogy of hope for the future…for mankind …for the sake of true and unconditional love!

      STOP right there! No more lovey-dovey nonsense; angels in heaven spreading their wings over our manically depressed flock; love and light all around us like some kind of halogen stalker; Archangel Metatarsal and his cosmic ramblings from a nicer Galaxy than ours… NO!

      As before, we are not that kind of book. So, if you’ve just joined us and you don’t want to know the score, you can look away now. There are numerous self-help books aplenty that empower the notion that only positive thinking can save the world and they’re beautifully written. And they will make you feel good. But so will morphine – for a while. In actual fact, if you are living a life of extreme poverty, where just finding enough food to eat is a marathon in itself, then no amount of positive thinking alone can realistically break this ingrained mould. Nevertheless, a life borne through this means is no less important, nor valuable, than any life of material luxury. Of that, I can promise you.

      To be fair, positive thinking is important to all of us. It can give someone living within extreme hardship the willpower to keep going; to feel a part of life itself and to feel love in its most powerful form. But it won’t necessarily get you a BMW.

      This spiritual kick up the ass is simply a reminder to all of us that life is merely a test of our worth as individuals. There are many trapdoors set throughout our journey. This book will show you how to avoid falling down them. It will also show you that if you do fall down one, you can easily climb back up a more knowledgeable soul, and a more spiritual individual.

      An Average Joe was the first instalment and highlighted my own roller-coaster ride through life’s perils and permutations. New Mediumship then gave us the impetus to seek meaning in everything that surrounds us, aided by the knowledge of Master Guides, Mr Chung & SiBir. Now, Ghost Writers sets our wheels in motion. So, let’s now attempt to put everything that we have learned into practical use. Let us try to help our neighbour live a life not less worthy than what we would expect of ourselves. And please let us do this regardless of the choices that anyone has made, or the path that they have selected for themselves.

      You may have heard this quote before and I make no apologies for going over old ground. ‘There was never yet an uninteresting life. Such a thing is an impossibility.’ Mark Twain.

      Please remember these words and you will never stray far from the correct path.

      * * *

      When the dinosaurs first roamed our Earth in search of food, and perhaps other dinosaurs ‘to play with’ (it’s a family book!), there wasn’t technically that much wrong with our world. Okay, the big guys would normally eat the little guys, but has that changed much today? Not really, except for maybe the smarter guys eating the thick ones. No, what’s

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