Desire September 2017 Books 1 -4. Yvonne Lindsay
reigned until they pulled into the long drive to the Jeffersons’ palatial home. They lined up behind the considerable number of cars already parked out front.
It wasn’t until Royce came around to help her out that he spoke. And he was so relaxed, it was as if there hadn’t been a long silence between them. “So, you just be your beautiful, smart self, and I promise not to accost you when everyone is looking. Okay?”
“What about when they aren’t?”
Again he reached out to her cheek, smoothing the pad of his thumb across it as if testing the texture of her skin. She heard the telltale note in his voice that always signaled his arousal as he said, “I’m sorry. I can’t make any promises about that.”
For the first time since she’d woken up that morning, Jasmine laid her worry aside and smiled. “I guess I’ll have to live with that.”
It was different, entering the stately house on Royce’s arm. She’d been there over a dozen times before, and the Jeffersons had never made her feel anything but welcome. They did the same this time. Still, her smile was a little bigger, her confidence a little higher and her mood a whole lot brighter. Royce stiffened as they went in, but she chalked it up to adrenaline. She doubted Royce ever really felt nerves. But something had to power him through all those business negotiations and decisions.
“Royce Brazier, this is Don and Marilyn Jefferson, our hosts,” she said, automatically attempting to put everyone at ease.
The man she’d respected for a long time shook Royce’s hand without hesitation. “Welcome to our home. I believe we’ve met once or twice before, but always on more formal occasions,” Don Jefferson said with his slow Southern drawl.
Jasmine was grateful to see Royce meet his gaze and shake his hand without any of the macho posturing she’d had to endure in some Savannah circles. “I believe so, sir. Thank you for having me.”
“Always a pleasure. We’re glad to see you, but would welcome anyone Miss Jasmine cared to bring with her.”
“It was gracious of her to include me in her invite, sir,” Royce said, with a smile in her direction that lingered just a little longer than normal.
Jasmine warmed from the inside out, despite the sleeveless summer dress she wore.
“This is my wife, Marilyn. Please, call me Don. Now Jasmine, why don’t you show Royce where the food is? Make yourself at home. We can talk after a while,” Mr. Jefferson said.
Fifteen minutes of mingling, with Royce’s hand at the small of her back and a mimosa or two, helped Jasmine get a handle on how to behave. She let Royce lead, but introduced him to a few couples he hadn’t met before. Most were familiar with his meteoric rise in Savannah’s shipping industry but were gracious enough not to grill him on his presence at today’s party.
“So, what are you working on now?” Evette Pierce asked Jasmine. She’d been to several of Jasmine’s events, and they’d worked together on a charity event last spring.
“It’s gonna be so much fun.” Jasmine knew she was gushing, but she couldn’t hold her excitement in. “We’re working on a masquerade night in late May. You’ll love it.”
“Sounds fascinating.”
“It will be. And the proceeds will go to build a dormitory for the mission.”
Evette raised her wineglass. “A cause very close to you, I know. You can count on me being there.”
As they moved away, Royce leaned closer to whisper, “I thought this wasn’t the place to discuss business?”
“She asked,” Jasmine said with a shrug. “Besides, it wasn’t really business. I was just passing her information about something fun I think she would enjoy.”
“Po-tay-toes, pot-ah-toes.”
She simply grinned. “Told you. Everything has a social spin.”
“And you are the smarty-pants I should trust to know what she’s doing?”
“Every time.”
Royce grinned down at her. Movement in the doorway behind him caused her to glance over his shoulder. Don and Marilyn were greeting a man in the foyer. Suddenly Don looked toward her, a frown on his face as his gaze met hers. Only as the other man faced her did she realize who it was. And why Don looked so unhappy.
The man who had just arrived was Royce’s father.
“I do want to apologize for the mix-up,” Don said as he led Royce down an ornately paneled hallway into an office.
“What mix-up?” Royce asked.
Don let the heavily carved door close then studied Royce for a moment. He had a feeling this wasn’t going to be a very comfortable conversation. And he could think of only one subject that would warrant this type of formality from his host.
“Of having your father here without any warning.”
Don stepped into the room, gesturing Royce toward a chair while he took the one behind the large desk. “Not all of our guests are as courteous as Jasmine about letting us know who they are bringing with them.”
Royce felt the unease that had been simmering since he’d first caught sight of his father rise a little higher. Not for himself, but—“I don’t like the idea of him having access to Jasmine.” Especially without him there to run interference.
Don offered an approving look. “We agree. Marilyn will be watching over her until you return. I assure you, she’s quite capable of handling men of his ilk.” He grinned. “Jasmine can, too, though she’s often polite to a fault.”
He studied Royce for a minute more before he asked, “Does he know about the two of you?”
“That your relationship has become personal as well as professional?”
Royce wasn’t sure he wanted to address that issue yet. Something had been bothering him since this conversation started.
“How did you know he was my father?” Royce asked. “That’s not something I advertise.”
“I don’t blame you. He’s not the kind of man I’d want to claim as a relation, either.”
Royce met the other man’s gaze in surprise. It wasn’t often he had conversations with people who would admit to disliking his father as much as he did.
Don explained. “I’m a very thorough man. I know a lot about you, Royce. I’ve kept you on my radar for a while. With your meteoric rise on Savannah’s business scene, it was inevitable we would do business with each other at some point. When your proposal came in, we had you investigated.”
“Why?” But there was something Royce wanted to know more. “Actually, right now, I just want to know if my father has ever tried to do business with you.”
Don nodded slowly. “He has attempted to work with us in the past. And, yes, I did investigate him just as thoroughly. But I didn’t find the connection at that time.”
He smiled at Royce. “I didn’t need to investigate to see your relationship with Jasmine. It’s all in her face, though she tries to hide it.”
Royce could see it, too, every time she looked at him. He was deeply worried his own feelings showed just as clearly, and he wasn’t ready for that.
Don leaned back in his chair, causing it to creak. “As to why we investigate the personal backgrounds of potential business associates, I like to know who we’re working with. Not just what you’re capable of in a business arena, but who you are as a person. Unusual, but that’s just how my wife