Seduced By The Boss. Kate Hardy

Seduced By The Boss - Kate Hardy

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know,’ Grace said.

      ‘I was going to take you out for sushi and champagne tomorrow, to celebrate my job—because I wouldn’t have got it without you—but we can take a rain check on that, because I’m guessing you won’t want to see champagne again for months.’

      ‘Definitely not.’ Grace winced. ‘And you might’ve lost the job, because of me.’

      ‘Of course I haven’t. I’ll talk my boss round,’ Bella said, sounding slightly more confident than she actually felt. ‘Go and have a shower, clean your teeth, get in your PJs, and then we’re going to snuggle under a throw on your sofa and watch a re-run of Friends.’

      ‘I love you, Bel,’ Grace said. ‘You’re the best sister I could ever ask for.’

      Even though they were total opposites, Bella thought. And, weirdly, tonight, it felt more as if she was Grace and Grace was her.

      ‘You came straight to rescue me without asking any questions,’ Grace said.

      ‘Of course I did! You’ve done it often enough for me,’ Bella said. ‘And you’re the best sister I could ever ask for, too, and I love you to bits—even when I don’t understand you. Now go and get yourself sorted out. I’m going to raid your fridge because I’m starving, and I’m sleeping on your sofa tonight. Tomorrow, you can talk to Howard and we’ll make that list and work through it together. And then things will start to look better. You’ll see.’ She hugged her sister. ‘Nothing fazes a Faraday girl, right?’

      ‘Right,’ Grace said. ‘Nothing fazes a Faraday girl.’


      ON MONDAY MORNING, Bella left her flat at what felt like the crack of dawn. For the last couple of years, she’d been able to set her own working hours—meaning that she could sleep in until ten a.m. and work until late, which suited her body clock better—but she knew that she needed to make a good impression on her first day at Insurgo. Particularly given what had happened at her first meeting with the boss. She couldn’t afford to put a single foot wrong from now on, not if she wanted to keep her job and get her finances back on track.

      And getting up early would take her mind off what had been a truly lousy weekend. Seeing Grace—the person she’d always looked up to as a tower of strength, someone who knew exactly what to do to sort out any given situation—fall apart had shocked Bella deeply. Right now Grace was in the almost same position that Bella had been in six months ago: recovering from a wrecked relationship, worrying about her job and her home and her finances, and feeling as if the sun would never rise again.

      OK, so Grace had been the dumper rather than the dumpee, in this case, and she hadn’t lost her best friend and the contents of her bank account as well as her partner; but it was still going to be a huge change in Grace’s life. Even though it had definitely been the right decision.

      Privately, Bella thought her sister had had a lucky escape. Howard was a nice enough guy, but he was completely under his mother’s thumb. Marrying him would’ve basically meant having the rest of her life run by Cynthia of the Eagle Eyes and Concrete Hair, the most cold and judgemental woman that Bella had ever met. And finding another job might just mean that Grace’s new employer would appreciate her and give her the promotion she deserved. At Sutton’s, Grace had been totally taken for granted. They’d expected her to work way more than her fair share of hours, under the guise of being ‘almost family’, but they hadn’t actually given her any of the privileges of being ‘almost family’.

      Howard had barely raised a single argument when Grace had gone to see him on the Saturday morning and called off the wedding. So he clearly hadn’t loved Grace enough to fight for her. And Bella thought her sister deserved a lot better than a man who was nice enough but didn’t have a backbone and would never stand up for her.

      Today was a new chapter in both their lives. And hopefully this one would be better for both of them.

      Bella paused outside the Insurgo Records building. The basement was a recording studio and practice rooms that local bands could book as well as being used by the Insurgo artists; the ground floor and mezzanine comprised a seriously upmarket café—the sort that offered coffee made in a way that looked more as if it was some kind of laboratory experiment than a hot drink, but apparently brought out the floral notes in the coffee; and the top two floors were the record label’s actual offices.

      ‘All righty. Welcome to your new life,’ she told herself, and went inside.

      She was the first member of staff to arrive in the office after Tarquin, Hugh’s second-in-command—to her relief, Hugh didn’t seem to be there yet—and Tarquin handed her a design brief, a portable CD player and a pair of headphones. ‘Welcome to Insurgo, Bella,’ he said with a smile. ‘We’re doing a limited edition of coloured vinyl for Lacey’s third single. She’s one of our singer-songwriters. I’ve given you a rundown here of our target market, her career history, and the PR schedule. What I need you to do is have a listen to the album—the song we’re releasing is the fourth track on the CD—and come up with some ideas for the vinyl cover and a promo T-shirt, based on what you hear. Or if you have ideas for other promo items, bring them along. If you’d like to have a second listen in one of the studios rather than working on headphones, just yell and I’ll sort it out. And then maybe we can talk about it, later this afternoon?’

      ‘That sounds fine,’ Bella said, smiling back. She was being thrown in at the deep end, but she’d always thrived on that. And this was her chance to shine and prove they’d made the right decision in hiring her.

      ‘This is your desk, over here,’ he said, and ushered her over to a desk by the window with a drawing board and a computer. ‘As soon as Shelley—our admin guru—comes in, we’ll get you set up with a password and username. The meeting room’s on the floor above, along with Hugh’s office, the staff kitchen and the toilets. I’m over there in the corner, and I’ll get everyone else to come over and introduce themselves as they come in.’

      ‘That’s great,’ Bella said, trying to damp down the sudden flood of nervousness. She was good with people. She knew she’d find her place in the pack and quickly work out how to get the best from the people she worked with. She always did. But these first few hours in a new role were always crucial.

      ‘Is there anything else you need before you start?’ he asked.

      Yes, but she couldn’t exactly explain why she needed to see the boss without making things awkward. But she’d just thought of the perfect excuse to go up to the next floor. Hopefully Hugh wasn’t in yet, so she could leave the neatly wrapped parcel in her bag on his desk. Or, if he was at his desk, hopefully he’d be alone and she could snatch two minutes to apologise to him in person while the kettle boiled. She smiled. ‘How about I make us both a coffee?’

      ‘Excellent idea. Thank you.’ Tarquin smiled back. ‘Mine’s black, no sugar. I’m afraid it’s pretty basic stuff in the staff kitchen—tea, instant coffee and hot chocolate—but help yourself to whatever you want. If you’d rather have something fancier, you do get a staff discount downstairs at the café.’

      ‘That’s good to know. And instant does me just fine. At this time of the morning, any coffee works,’ Bella said with a smile.

      To her relief, she discovered that Hugh’s office was empty. So she wouldn’t have to confront him quite yet, then. There was a pile of post set neatly in the middle of his immaculate desk; she left the package and accompanying card on top of it. Then she boiled the kettle and made herself and Tarquin a mug of coffee before heading downstairs to her desk and making a start on the design briefs. And please, please, let Hugh Moncrieff accept her apology.

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      Hugh wasn’t in the best of moods when he drove his car into the tiny car park behind the record

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