With Love From Las Vegas. Cat Schield

With Love From Las Vegas - Cat Schield

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straps of her bra slipped down her arms as he unhooked it. Missy pressed her hands to her chest, catching the flimsy material to preserve her wits.

      “I was heading back to my room.”

      “But the night is still young.”

      He coaxed her to give up the bra and palmed her breasts, kneading the tender flesh and rolling her nipples between his fingers until she gasped and closed her eyes. The rest of her senses sprang to life.

      Before she knew it, her underwear had pooled at her feet. He raised her arms above her head, arching her back against his torso. He stroked his hands over her breasts, across her stomach and down toward the triangle of hair at the apex of her thighs. She buried her fingers in his hair and parted for him, a moan escaping her lips as he pressed the heel of his hand against her mound.

      He found her ultra-sensitive bud and circled it with his index finger. “That’s it, let it happen.”

      Missy shuddered as he fondled her, breathing Sebastian’s name as she surrendered to his mastery. Her lips parted as meaningless words of encouragement poured out of her, and she felt herself start to unravel as he slid his finger up inside of her. He dragged kisses down the side of her neck, teeth nipping at the cord of her throat. Her body jerked in response, cueing the explosion that erupted like a series of deep shock waves through her.

      Limp as a noodle in the aftermath, she appreciated the support of Sebastian, solid and steady against her back. In that second, she knew she could face her worst fears with his arms around her.

      Spinning out of his arms, she caught him by the hand and backed toward the windows.

      “What are you doing?” he asked, his free hand cupping her cheek.

      “Facing my fear.” Her peripheral vision filled with bright lights and empty space. A familiar anxiety tightened like a band around her chest. She shoved the panic down and ran her hand along Sebastian’s bicep. The muscles in his chest flexed as her fingers traced his powerful contours. Appreciation purred through her. “Feel like helping me?”

      “What did you have in mind?”

      “I was hoping you could replace my negative memory of heights with a positive one.” She continued to move backward until there was nowhere to go. A gasp escaped her as she realized nothing stood between her and a fifteen-story drop but inch-thick glass.

      The arms Sebastian slid around her tensed as if he was ready to pull her to safety at the first sign of trouble.

      She concentrated on Sebastian’s strength and concern, refusing to be ruled by fear. The sensation of chilly glass against her back and hot male against her breasts and stomach was far more powerful than any phobia.

      “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

      “It will be if you make the memory sensational.”

      The lips that grazed hers wore a smile. “I can do that.”

      She felt the urgent bite of his hands on her hips and butt as he trailed his tongue across her lower lip. She grabbed fistfuls of his hair and pushed up on tiptoe as his mouth seized hers, stealing the air from her lungs before sharing his breath with her.

      Urgent, wordless moans erupted from her throat as he lifted her off her feet. She clutched his shoulders, legs parting wide, and wrapped her thighs around his hips as he settled her onto his engorged shaft. They both growled in appreciation at the snug fit of their bodies.

      Sebastian rocked against her powerfully, driving her pleasure higher. Missy held on to him for dear life and wondered at the strength of the passion between them. How could he make her so wild with so little effort?

      Astonished to feel another surging orgasm ripping through her, Missy called his name and heard Sebastian groan in masculine appreciation. He drove deep into her, his hips pulsing frantically as he neared his own completion. While wave after wave of sensation rolled through her, Sebastian’s fingers bit down hard on her hips as he came.

      He sagged against her, pinning her to the window. The drop that had terrified her moments before now filled her with delight. She might not be ready to go bungee jumping or skydiving, but she’d make love with Sebastian in a skyscraper anytime.

      He stroked the hair from her face and bussed her cheek. “How was that?”

      “Fabulous,” she retorted weakly, leaning her head back against the glass. “Thanks to you, I’m now a fan of heights.”

      “Glad I could help.” His voice soft with amusement, he kissed her temple. “Give me a second and I’ll put you down.”

      “Don’t hurry on my account. I’m quite comfortable.” She tightened her inner muscles around him and he shuddered. If she’d been able to see his expression, Missy knew for certain it would make her grin.

      Her heartbeat had almost returned to normal by the time he eased free of her body and set her back on her feet.

      “Come back to bed.” He towered over her.

      “I really have to go,” she began. Her proclamation ended in a sharp cry as he hoisted her off her feet and carried her back to bed fireman style.

      “Stay a while longer. I’ll make it worth your while.”

      “Worth my while?” Missy rolled onto her stomach, a mild but satisfying ache in every muscle, and buried her face in the mattress. “I don’t think I can take much more.”

      “Oh, you might be surprised,” he said, joining her on the bed. “We’ll rest a while and then see how you’re feeling.”

      He sounded so pleased with himself she picked up her head to scold. “You are completely insatiable.”

      “I’m insatiable?” He settled on his back beside her, hands behind his head, and smirked. “Who’s been having orgasms at the drop of a hat?”

      Kicking her feet in the air, she threaded the sheets between her fingers. “So you’re a great lover. Quit bragging.”

      “I don’t think it has anything to do with my skills.” He leaned over for a quick kiss. “I think we have great chemistry.”

      “For another four days,” she reminded him. “Then, it’s back to Houston and what happened in Vegas …”

      “Stays in Vegas.” Suddenly serious, he took her hand and kissed her palm. “What if I don’t want it to end?”

      She froze. Her entire body flushed hot, then cold. Goose bumps broke out on her skin. “It has to.”

      “Does it? Until two days ago, you’ve had a knack of keeping me on track and calm.”

      “And now?”

      “You drive me crazy. And I don’t care.” One side of Sebastian’s mouth kicked up. “I’m not ready to lose you.”

      The predatory glint in his gray eyes warned her some shift in their dynamic had happened.

      “I’m not sure I understand what you mean.”

      “Then let me be clear.” A soft light entered his eyes. “One night was not enough. A week is not enough. I want more.”

      Her heart stopped beating. She’d had no expectations when she’d wagered one night with Sebastian. But a connection had been made. Hearing him reveal that he, too, felt it made her heart sing.

      “More?” A second week? A month? “How much more?”

      “Do we have to define it?”

      Anxious buzzing began in the back of her mind. “I’d like some idea what you have in mind.”

      “Let’s start slow and see where it goes.”

      Start slow and soon she’d be making plans. She wouldn’t mean to. It was just something that happened in her psyche. She’d been saving for two years to buy a wedding dress. She wanted

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