The Greenprint. Marco Borges
to lower risk of heart attack and stroke. Apples, peaches, pears, berries and other fruits all contain valuable heart-protective nutrients.
Quinoa (often classified and thought of as a grain, but actually a seed), in particular, is a great option and also lets you bump up your protein intake. There are 8 grams of complete protein (containing all the essential amino acids) in 185 grams of cooked quinoa, and if you combine it with other protein-rich foods, you’ll quickly reach your recommended daily protein intake while also providing your body with lots of essential nutrients.
Let’s pause here to consider the second part of this law: eat less of everything else.
‘And what is “everything else”?’ I hear you asking. Well, for one thing, it’s junk food, and I’m sure you know exactly what that is: it’s foods with questionable nutritional value laced with sugar and salt. It’s soft drinks and other sugary beverages. It’s highly processed, packaged food engineered with lab-produced flavours designed to be irresistible. It’s the fast food sold on every corner of every town. You know it when you see it. When you do, don’t eat it.
A lot of junk is filled with additives and artificial flavours, too. They trick your taste buds so much that they get confused when you eat real food because you’re so used to chemicals. But when you remove artificially flavoured foods from your diet, something magical happens. After a few days, your taste buds begin to function as they should. Suddenly you experience what an orange or carrot really tastes like. Or an apple, or a mango. You rediscover what sweet is really supposed to taste like.
Also under the heading of ‘everything else’ are animal-based foods, such as meat and cheese. That massive study I mentioned on see here also compared the diets of those in the study who eventually died and those who did not. Vegetarians and vegans had a lower risk of death than non-vegetarians. The point is that eating too much animal-based food just might cut your life short. Why risk that? When you follow this law, you will enjoy powerful results. As your new eating habits start to settle in, you will feel better and better – and learn that you actually love eating more fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. In fact, you will feel amazing, and you will begin to crave fresh, delicious plant foods.
You will notice this difference almost immediately. You will feel better and be healthier, and this will make you happier. Your amazing energy will come from those plants. When plants grow, the sun shines, energy is absorbed from the air and through the soil, and nature’s chemistry turns light into food that gives you energy – pure, natural, healing energy that will change the way you live in the world.
by Following Law #1
You will become thinner, live longer, and be healthier – a point established by our Holy Name study, as well as the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines, which state that vegetarian eating patterns, including vegan diets, may boost health by preventing obesity, slashing the risk of cardiovascular disease and lowering total mortality.
Many people don’t understand the differences between a vegetarian diet, a vegan diet and a 100 per cent plant-based diet.
Eats milk and eggs, grains and vegetables, but doesn’t eat meat, poultry or fish. There are variants of the vegetarian diet: ovo-lacto vegetarians eat eggs, dairy and honey while excluding meat, fish and poultry. Lacto-vegetarians exclude eggs, meat, fish and poultry, but eat dairy and honey. Pesco-vegetarians eat fish, but not the flesh of other animals. And ovo-vegetarians eat eggs but exclude dairy from their diets.
Doesn’t eat meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs or honey. Eats grains, vegetables, fruit and, often, overprocessed vegan foods.
Eats 100 per cent plants – grains, vegetables and fruits. Doesn’t eat meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs, honey or processed vegan foods.
Success depends upon previous preparation.
WHEN YOU’RE SWITCHING TO PLANT-BASED EATING, planning is the key for success – and enjoyment! Set yourself up for success by anticipating your nutritional needs and making healthy, plant-based food accessible and convenient. Selecting healthy, life-giving foods for each of your three meals a day is possible – but just like any lasting change to your diet, it requires planning. It requires effort. Cucumbers don’t buy themselves!
Some people bounce around from diet to diet, shedding weight but then gaining it all back. It’s frustrating. It’s disheartening. If you want to stop failing, step out of the cycle of weight gain and disease and create a new cycle of vitality, planning and following through are the only way to get there. If you are looking for a get-thin-quick plan, you’re in the wrong place. If you’re looking for sustainable habits that will result in weight loss and great health, you’re in the right place, because you are beginning an incredible journey towards optimum health and wellness. You’re going to see what it feels like to take care of yourself and move towards being the best version of you.
The first step to changing the trajectory of your diet, weight and health is to be completely accountable for where you are today – good or bad.