Submerged. Elizabeth Goddard

Submerged - Elizabeth Goddard

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her. “Looks empty.”

      “They’re probably both on the island looking for me. We have to warn them.”

      “Ray said to stay put,” Jared said. “Wait until he got here.”

      “We can’t wait. My friends are in danger. We have to save them.”

      “You know she’s right.” Adam climbed into the skiff they’d towed that would take them where the trawler couldn’t go.

      He pulled a weapon out of a holster and checked it. Chills ran down Cobie’s spine. She was leading Adam and his friends into a potentially deadly situation, but she didn’t have a clue what else to do.

      His jaw set, Adam looked up at Cobie. “You’re not going.”

      “What are you talking about?” Panic and rage boiled inside. “I’m going. You can’t keep me here. I’ll swim if I have to. What difference does it make if I get wet? I’m wet already.”

      At the thought of getting into that water again, a knot swelled in her throat. Adam had to know it was an idle threat on her part, which made it worthless. Ignoring Cobie, Jared and Nate climbed into the skiff. There was no room for her; it was that small. Now she was spitting mad, but that wouldn’t help her make her case. She pushed her frustration down.

      “Look, I have to be with you. Laura and Jen are going to freak out when they see you. They’re going to be worried about me if I’m not at the cabin. They’re going to think you’re the bad guys.” Maybe. She wasn’t sure what they would think. If they had only just arrived on the island, they were probably still looking for Cobie without realizing anything was wrong. It was worth a shot to convince Adam to let her go along.

      Jared climbed out. “She’s right, Adam.”

      Cobie quickly climbed in before Jared could change his mind, giving him a quick squeeze on his arm and a thank-you. Adam’s jaw tensed. He didn’t look happy, but that wasn’t her problem. He grabbed the oars and rowed the boat to shore.

      They made it to the small sandy beach, the only place they could easily get ashore, away from the rocks and coral reefs that surrounded the rest of the island. She’d been fortunate to survive her jump off the bluff.

      Thank You, Lord. She’d taken a leap of faith, as it were, knowing she’d either sink or swim. She’d sunk all right.

      And Adam had pulled her from certain death.

      Cobie shrugged off the memory and helped Adam and Nate secure the boat.

      “How do we get to the cabin?” Adam’s rigid tone set her on edge, but she knew that deep down he was only worried about her. She wondered if he’d finally learned to think about consequences—something he’d never bothered to do in the past. He’d been reckless with her brother’s life, after all.

      She pointed. “It’s just there. The trail is overgrown. Not many people come here, but enough do, I guess.”

      Her father had. Others before him, too. Hard to believe the cave was mostly unexplored. Uncharted and undiscovered. There were hundreds of caves in southeast Alaska that they knew of. Many more they didn’t. And plenty had yet to be explored or mapped.

      Cobie trekked behind Adam and Nate up the barely visible trail that would take them to the cabin. The same trail she’d taken earlier when the pilot had dropped her off. He’d escorted her to the cabin. When he’d expressed concern about leaving her alone, she had assured him her friends would arrive soon. He had a schedule to keep and had to leave, but he promised to stop by after his deliveries to check on her. Billy seemed like a nice enough guy, and she knew people who knew him in Mountain Cove. She could trust him.

      As they climbed higher, the Sitka spruce grew thicker, and the birds chirped. In the distance, sea lions barked. Cobie’s encounter with the man bent on killing her seemed surreal. To think, a couple of hours ago this island had been a peaceful refuge. Now her fear gauge inched upward by the minute. What if the man was still on the island? What if he’d hurt Laura and Jen? What if he hurt Adam and his friends because Cobie had gotten them involved?

      “Shouldn’t we call out for them?” Cobie glanced up, searched the trees above. Small animals scuttled across the branches. “They could be anywhere on the island.”

      They could be in trouble.

      “True enough, but until we know what we’re up against, I’d prefer to take the stealth approach.” As soon as he’d said the words, Adam stopped.

      Nate did the same behind him, as did Cobie.

      “I can see the cabin up ahead in the clearing,” Adam said.

      “Let’s go.” She tried to hurry past him.

      He held his arm out, clutching her waist, holding her back. “We don’t know if it’s safe.”

      “Then you’d better be prepared to use that weapon.” Cobie shrugged free and ran toward the cabin. “Laura! Jen!”

      * * *

      Adam held back a few choice words. But what he’d said to Cobie came back to bite him.

       We don’t know if it’s safe.

      Those were the same exact words Brad had said to him when he’d tried to persuade his best friend to go down deeper into the cave they were exploring. Adam hadn’t heeded Brad then, and Brad had been the one to die. Life certainly wasn’t fair. Didn’t pick the person who deserved to live over the person who deserved to die.

      The guilt was crushing, except Cobie wouldn’t give him a chance to stop and catch his breath. Gather his thoughts. That was the only good going on here. He rushed after her, but she was already out in the open, out of the protective cover of the trees, and yelling at the top of her lungs. Whoever was in the cabin had to know they had company by now.

      With his gun in hand, he readied himself to defend them if it came to that.

      “Cobie, wait!”

      Adam caught up to her, grabbed her arm, pulled her back behind him. “At least let me go first. Let me protect you.”

      Cobie opened her mouth to argue when the door to the cabin opened. Adam’s heart jumped to his throat. He threw himself in front of Cobie.

      A tall brunette stepped out of the cabin and pointed her weapon at Adam. “Let her go.”

      “Laura! Wait. This is my friend Adam.” Cobie stepped out from behind Adam.

      Laura frowned and lowered her weapon. “I thought...”

      Cobie ran to Laura. They hugged. Another woman, dirty-blond hair, short and sturdy like an athlete, joined the hug fest. Adam stood in the rain watching, the rapid beat of his heart keeping time with the drops. He dragged in a few breaths. That had been too close. Two friends trying to protect a mutual friend had nearly gotten one of them killed.

      “Come inside.” Cobie and Laura pulled Adam and Nate into the cabin.

      Cobie made the introductions. Laura cocked a brow when she recognized either Adam or his name—he wasn’t sure. He might have seen her with Cobie years ago, now that he thought about it. But she’d changed something. Lost weight. Dyed her hair. And the other woman, Jen, didn’t look happy to see him.

      “We thought something had happened to you,” Jen said. “We went to the cave looking for you. You didn’t tell me you were bringing other friends, Cobie. Guy friends.”

      “No, wait. You don’t understand.” Cobie started to explain but then stopped. “What’s...what’s all this?”

      Laura and Jen moved out of Adam’s line of sight so he could see gear was strewn across the floor. Bags ripped. Junk tossed.

      “I don’t know. We found it like this. And you were gone.” Laura flashed a suspicious look at Adam. “That’s why we were so worried.”


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