Tainted Love. Kimberley Chambers

Tainted Love - Kimberley  Chambers

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a bit of dust on the television, Queenie took the duster out the drawer. Both she and Vivian were the envy of their neighbours with their pristine homes and posh furniture. China and family photos were Queenie’s pride and joy and her lounge was brimming with both.

      Vinny had turned up early this morning to pick Ava up. He’d apologized for being short-tempered the other evening, explaining that he had something on his mind and he’d tell her what once he’d sorted it. ‘Don’t worry, Mum. It’s nothing to worry about. Quite the opposite, in fact,’ he’d assured her with a wink.

      ‘Ready, Queen?’ Vivian bellowed.

      Queenie stared at herself in the mirror, flicked her dyed-blonde hair and sprayed on some more lacquer. Looking perfect down the Roman was a must, especially on a Saturday. ‘Yep. Let’s knock ’em dead, Viv.’

      Katy Spencer was anxious, excited, scared yet buzzing, all at the same time. She hadn’t seen Michael all week. Daniel and Lee were being punished for misbehaving, which was why Michael had given her a fully paid week off work. He’d also insisted she wasn’t to visit him at the club, saying he’d had some business to attend to up north. Katy hadn’t quite believed his story, so she’d driven past his house and club a few times and there’d been no sign of his car. She’d even got her mate to ring the club three times and the staff had said he wasn’t there.

      Pulling up outside Michael’s house, Katy had the biggest butterflies ever as she turned off the ignition.

      Peeping through the curtains and wishing this moment was already over, Michael Butler opened the front door before Katy had even got to it. He’d been a proper Lothario back in the day, had more birds than hot dinners, but even then he’d been as kind as he could when dumping them. The stalkers he’d acquired along the way were few and far between. However, he had this awful feeling that Katy might turn out to be his biggest one yet. If Bella found out about his stupid fling, she’d probably chop his cock off. And the thought of losing her over something so meaningless did not bear thinking about.

      ‘I’ve missed you so much,’ Katy beamed, slinging her arms around Michael’s neck as soon as the front door was shut.

      When she tried to stick her tongue in his mouth, Michael swerved his head to the side, then gently prised her wrists away from his neck. ‘We need to talk, babe,’ he said, kissing her politely on the cheek.

      Following Michael into the kitchen, Katy felt a feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach. She sensed from his coolness that he was going to dump her.

      Having already prepared a story, Michael pulled a chair out for Katy, sat opposite her then squeezed both her hands in his. ‘You know how much I think of you, don’t you?’ Michael began.

      Tears in her eyes, Katy nodded. ‘You’re going to finish with me, aren’t you?’

      Wanting to tell the girl there was fuck-all to finish, Michael instead smiled politely. Treading on eggshells was a necessity at times, especially when it involved his beloved Bella, the love of his life. ‘We’ve got a bit of a problem, Katy. The boys clocked there was something going on between us and were pretty upset about it. You know what teenagers are like. I actually think they have a bit of a schoolboy crush on you themselves. Anyway, as much as it pains me, I’m gonna have to let you go. You’ve been absolutely brilliant all round and I can’t thank you enough, but I do feel it’s best you don’t turn up at the club any more either. A clean break would be best for both of us.’

      ‘What do you mean, let me go?’

      ‘I mean you can’t work for me any more and neither can we see one another. It’s too soon after Nancy’s death for me to be dating again. I have to put the boys first, that’s my duty as a father. You’re young, Katy, and I’m far too old for you anyway. You’re a beautiful girl who deserves far more in life than being stuck with some old git who has two unruly teenagers in tow. You can do so much better.’

      Sobbing, Katy jumped up, darted around the other side of the table and flung her arms around Michael. She might be young, but she knew in her heart that she would love this man for the rest of her life. ‘I think the world of Daniel and Lee. They’re great kids. And I don’t care about the age gap. I love you so much, Michael. Please don’t finish with me. We can see one another in secret, if you want?’

      Not knowing what else to do, Michael stood up and hugged the girl. He stroked her hair. ‘I’m so sorry, Katy, but it’s not just the boys. I’m not ready to move on from Nancy yet either,’ he lied.

      ‘But wouldn’t you like to settle down again one day and have more children?’ Katy wept.

      ‘Not yet, babe. Not for a long while. It was only the back end of last year Adam died. It’s far too raw for me to even think about having more kids. Perhaps one day? And who knows, one day when you’re older our paths might cross again. You never know what the future might hold.’ Michael wasn’t trying to give Katy false hope. He only wanted to soften the blow.

      Katy stopped crying and smiled. ‘Can we still keep in touch via the phone?’

      Michael shook his head. This was proving every bit as difficult as he’d expected, but it was his own fault for poking someone so young. ‘Look Katy, I really like you and that is why I don’t want you to contact me. If I didn’t think a lot of you, I wouldn’t care if you came to the club or rang me. I need some time on my own to sort my head out. It’s been all over the place since Adam died and Nancy committed suicide. You do understand, don’t you?’

      Secretly thrilled that Michael was that obsessed with her he couldn’t bear the thought of hearing her voice or seeing her, Katy nodded. ‘I won’t come to the club or phone you, I promise. I’ll wait for you to contact me. Can I ask you a question?’

      ‘Of course.’

      ‘Do you love me, Michael?’

      Hating giving her false hope, but knowing there was sod-all else he could do to get rid of her, Michael winked. ‘You know I do. Now you’d better get going because the boys will be back soon.’

      ‘How did they find out about us? What did they say?’ Katy questioned.

      ‘They’re not stupid, probably clocked the way we were with one another. Daniel was more upset about it than Lee. Anyway, as I said, they’ll be back soon, so best you make tracks. Look after yourself, sweetheart, and I wish you all the luck in the world for the future. This is for you,’ Michael said, handing Katy an envelope.

      ‘What is it?’

      ‘A grand. Call it a month’s wages. I thought you could treat yourself to a holiday. It’ll do you good to get away, babe. Clear your head, and you might even meet the man of your dreams.’

      Throwing her arms around Michael’s neck, Katy savoured his touch and the smell of his aftershave. She knew what scent he wore and would buy a bottle tomorrow out of the money he’d given her. ‘I love you, Michael. I will wait for you, I promise.’

      The Enemy was munching on a sandwich outside Percy Ingle’s when he spotted his prey. He’d heard the two old witches shopped at the Roman every Saturday, which was why he was donning his nerd disguise once again.

      Watching the two women laughing and joking with a stallholder, he fought the urge to stab both there and then. He wasn’t stupid though. He would only be able to get away with stabbing one of the women, and if he did so, it would have to be in the middle of the market where it was jam-packed. Queenie was the one he wanted to suffer the most, so perhaps he could knife Vivian in the back, then duck behind one of the stalls before anybody realized what had happened.

      When Queenie and Vivian began to walk away from the stall, the Enemy pulled the woolly hat over his head and adjusted the glasses on his nose. He’d spotted a few old faces he recognized earlier, but no way would anybody recognize him. Firstly, they wouldn’t have seen him since he was a child. And secondly, he was far too clever.

      ‘Daddy, I don’t like it here. It smells,’ Ava sulked. Her

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