Brides & Bargains. Maureen Child
She immediately threw her arms around Darin’s legs, leading him to sweep her up. “And this is Liana, our youngest,” Darin said. “She will be three years old in three months.”
When the little girl touched her father’s face, and the stoic sheikh gave his daughter the softest look, Nasira’s heart melted. “You have a beautiful family.”
Fiona patted her belly. “Thank you, and in about five months, we’ll be expanding it with another boy.”
Nasira experienced a sense of awe and a slight sting of envy. “Four boys should be interesting.”
“Very interesting,” Sebastian said. “How do you manage caring for so many children?”
Fiona slid her arm around Darin’s waist. “With a lot of love and sharing.”
“And our nanny, Amelia,” Darin added.
“A part-time nanny,” Fiona amended. “When Amelia isn’t here, I’ve learned to be extremely organized out of self-defense. Otherwise the house will be utter chaos and I’ll be a raving maniac.”
Darin pointed behind him. “Boys, return to the playroom.” No sooner than he commanded it, the Shakir sons departed.
Fiona gestured toward the hall beyond the foyer. “Come inside and I’ll show you around.”
“I would enjoy seeing the livestock,” Sebastian said to Darin. “We can leave the wives to tour the house and talk about us when we’re out of earshot.”
Darin finally smiled. “I would be glad to show you the stables.”
“Take Liana with you,” Fiona said. “She’ll throw a fit if you walk outside without her.”
Sebastian looked somewhat alarmed. “Is it wise to take a child around the horses?”
Fiona smiled. “She’s fine as long as she’s supervised.”
Darin shifted Liana from one hip to the other. “We have several Arabians if you and your wife would like to ride.”
“It would be a pleasure,” Sebastian began, “yet I’m afraid my wife would probably balk at the idea.”
But Sebastian was wrong. “I would love nothing more than to go for a ride. I spent much of my youth on the back of a horse.”
Sebastian frowned. “You’ve never told me that in our ten years together.”
“You never asked.”
“Ten years?” Fiona interjected as if she sensed the tension. “Darin and I have been married that long. Do you two have children?”
Nasira swallowed around the nagging lump in her throat. “Not yet.”
“We have a very busy life in London,” Sebastian added. “And we both enjoy traveling. Nasira is involved in charity work and my shipping business requires quite a bit of time.”
Fiona shrugged. “Children are definitely time-consuming.”
“And wonderful,” Nasira said, determined to get her point across to her husband. “I definitely want at least one or perhaps two.”
Sebastian regarded Darin. “Shall we begin the tour of the stables? We wouldn’t want to detain you in light of your upcoming vacation.”
Leave it to her husband to avoid the topic of children. And that gave Nasira pause. “I am very much looking forward to seeing the rest of the house.”
“Right this way,” Fiona said as she gestured Nasira forward.
They made their way through a large formal lounge with gleaming dark wood floors and several seating areas containing multicolored leather furniture and assorted club chairs.
She already felt at home surrounded by such opulence. “This is very grand but comfortable.”
“Thank you, Nasira.” Fiona nodded toward the sweeping staircase. “We have five bedrooms upstairs and our other family room, which is always a mess. So I’ll concentrate on the downstairs for now. But feel free to explore when you’re here.”
Provided they decided to stay there, though she had to admit she would love it. “We so appreciate your hospitality.”
“You are so welcome,” Fiona said as she took off at a fast clip. “The two guest bedrooms are down here.”
Nasira admired the luxury of the first bedroom Fiona showed her. It was accented in whites and grays with a plush king bed and gorgeous en suite bath. The second was equally remarkable though the color palette featured differing shades of blue. Nasira welcomed the fact that if serious conflicts arose during their time her, she could have one room and Sebastian could have the other.
“Amelia usually stays in one these rooms when she spends the night,” Fiona began, “but we’re taking her with us. Darin and I could use a little alone time, if you catch my drift.”
Nasira was not familiar with the term, yet she did understand the meaning behind it. “I have no doubt enjoying private moments with your husband must be difficult in light of the children’s needs.”
The redhead grinned and winked. “We women have needs too.”
Something Nasira had realized all too well last night. “Yes, we do.”
Fiona led her out into the corridor and waved her forward. “The housekeeper, Annie, will be in every day if you decide to stay with us. And she prepares wonderful meals.”
“That would not be necessary.”
“I insist,” Fiona said as she stopped in the great room. “Besides, Annie would be lost if she didn’t have something to do. I promise she won’t be in the way. In fact, you won’t even know she’s here most of the time.”
A phantom maid was quite a novel idea. “Well I would not want her to feel unwanted.”
“I can show you our bedroom if you’d like,” Fiona began, “or we can take a look at the kitchen.”
“I would love to see the nursery,” Nasira blurted without thought.
“Then follow me.”
They crossed to the opposite end of the house and walked down another long hall until Fiona paused at a door with a keypad. “This is the elevator to the upper floor. I’ll leave the code in case you need it.”
She could not imagine why they would. “Did I not see a staircase?”
“Yes, you did.” Fiona smiled as they continued on side by side at a much slower pace. “We use it to get to the second floor fast if one of the kids needs us during the night. Darin is usually the one who hops out of bed first. He’s a very light sleeper.”
“How did the two of you meet?” Nasira asked, overcome with curiosity.
“In a Vegas lounge,” Fiona said. “I happened to be bartending when he walked in and he thought I was someone else.”
“Someone else?”
“Yes. An FBI agent. It’s a long story but let’s just say that particular night started a harrowing adventure that led to this wonderful life full of love and chaos and beautiful children. And speaking of children, this is where the babies stay.”
Fiona opened the double doors to a large nursery that Nasira could only describe as a children’s wonderland. A majestic white canopy crib draped in sheer pale green netting to complement the gender-neutral decor had been positioned between two windows. Stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes dotted built-in shelves that also held trinkets and framed photos of the Shakir children at various points of their life. It was a remarkable place that indicated a very happy family lived here.
Fiona pointed to a small bed to their right. “Liana still sleeps there for the time being. We’ll move her upstairs to the big girl room right before the baby