Kiss Me At Christmas. Susan Mallery
in town for the long weekend.
The woman stared at him, then nodded. “It’s you. I can’t believe it. Mike, hurry. It’s Jonny Blaze. You need to take our picture. This is amazing. Can we kiss, because wow, would I like to kiss you.”
This happened all the time. He knew exactly what to do, how to establish boundaries. He’d been doing it for years. Only in the past few weeks, he’d forgotten what it was like to have the public intruding into his life. So he wasn’t prepared and in the seconds it took him to figure out what he was supposed to say—beyond “Hell, no, we can’t kiss”—the woman was moving in for her picture.
“You’re going to feel really foolish in a minute.”
The voice came from behind him, then a woman who had to be in her seventies pushed in front of him.
“I know what you’re thinking,” she continued cheerfully. “That he’s that movie star Jonny something, right? Happens all the time.” The old lady slapped him on his upper arm. “This is my no-good grandson. He can’t hold a job to save his soul. My daughter is pulling her hair out, let me tell you. Now he’s not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he’s learned how to clean out gutters. You have some work he could do? He’s honest and he’s cheap.”
The woman holding the baby took a giant step back. “You’re not Jonny Blaze? And you were going to kiss me? I don’t think so. Yuck.” She rolled her eyes. “Why would I want to kiss a stranger?”
My point exactly, Jonny thought as the woman and her family hurried away.
He turned to the old lady. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I saw them moving in for the kill and figured you could use some help.”
“I’m usually better than that.”
She shrugged. “It’s okay. Everyone gets to have an off day. I’m Gladys, by the way.”
“Jonny Blaze.”
She grinned. “Like I don’t know that. Nice to meet you officially. You’re very handsome.”
He laughed. “Okay, don’t get scary.”
She winked. “I know things. You’d be amazed.”
“I probably would be. And then you’d dump me and break my heart.”
“Very possibly.” She eyed him speculatively. “I do have a great-niece who’s single. Actually, Nancee’s in a relationship with a no-good jerk, but does she listen?”
“They never do.”
She motioned to someone he couldn’t see. “I’m leaving you with protection, seeing as you’re woefully unprepared to take care of yourself.”
He turned and saw Madeline walking toward them. Gladys quickly explained what had happened.
Madeline turned to him. “Are you okay?”
She was genuinely concerned. He could read it in her blue eyes. Talk about strange—people didn’t look out for him, they took from him. He was expected to be the one to provide. If he needed help, he hired security.
She was dressed in a bright red coat that matched her lip gloss. A matching scarf was wrapped around her neck and she had on mittens. Nothing overtly sexy, yet he found the outfit appealing. And very Fool’s Gold.
“I’m fine,” he told her. “Just an overly zealous tourist. Gladys shut her down.”
“Gladys is good at doing that. But brace yourself. She’s going to want payback.”
“She already mentioned us sleeping together,” he said, telling himself she really had been joking.
“If only it would stop there.” Madeline glanced around. “You’re a sitting duck out like this. Come on.” She pointed down the street. “You can hang out with my family. We’re small in number, but mighty in spirit.”
He wanted to say he could take care of himself—that he wasn’t some dweeb who needed protecting. Only he liked her looking out for him. It was strange, but kind of nice. Like the town, he thought as he walked with her.
Madeline stopped in front of an older couple. Jonny remembered what she’d said about being a late-in-life surprise for her parents.
“Mom, Dad, this is Jonny Blaze. Jonny, my parents, Joseph and Loretta Krug.”
If the older Krugs were surprised, they didn’t let on. They both greeted him, then shook his hand.
“No relationship to the French Krugs,” her father said with a wink.
It took Jonny a second to make the connection. “The champagne guy,” he said.
“That’s the one.”
“I wouldn’t mind being related to a champagne baron,” a tall, younger man said.
Jonny took in the similarities between Joseph and the man standing next to him, then held out his hand. “You must be Madeline’s brother.”
“Robbie. Nice to meet you. And this is my daughter, Jasmine.”
“Hi,” the young woman said with a smile. “Wow, you really are Jonny Blaze.”
“It’s just a rumor,” he told her.
The music got louder and everyone turned toward the street. He could see a banner carried by members of the high school drill team. Behind them was his car with Mayor Marsha sitting on the open back, her feet firmly planted on the rear seat.
“She’s beautiful,” Madeline teased. “Does it hurt to see her in public like that?”
“No. Better for her to be admired by all.”
Robbie moved next to them. “We’re talking about the car, right? Not that I don’t love Mayor Marsha, but words like that would make me really uncomfortable.”
Madeline linked arms with her brother. “Don’t worry. Jonny is already spoken for. Gladys has made her play for him.”
Robbie slapped him on the back. “You’re a braver man than me.”
“Gee, thanks.”
Behind the car with the mayor was the marching band. Jonny wondered if the good mayor had thought to invest in earplugs, because the music was loud. Then he remembered this wasn’t her first rodeo. She was California’s longest-serving mayor and he would guess there was very little she wasn’t prepared for.
After the marching band came the floats. Some were expected—like the decorated fire truck. Others surprised him. There was a giant plastic polar bear, all decked out for the holidays. Of course, that was nothing when compared with an actual live elephant, dressed like Santa.
Loretta, Madeline’s mother, moved next to him. “Before you ask,” she murmured, “they keep it on with Velcro. Several women in town banded together to make the costume. The tricky part is getting it on her. Not that she doesn’t cooperate. She does. But she’s a big girl.”
He nodded, wondering how on earth an elephant came to be dressed as Santa in a parade. Of course, she was trailed by a pony and a goat, both in elf costumes, so hey.
Loretta leaned close. “What are your plans for dinner? Would you like to join us? Before you answer, I’ll tell you that it’s just family for the meal. Maddie and I have been cooking since yesterday and everything is delicious, if I do say so myself. After dinner, there’s an open house. Our friends and neighbors stop by to welcome in the holiday season.”
He thought about the big, empty house waiting for him back at his ranch. He’d come to Fool’s Gold looking for privacy and solitude. After having found both, he had to admit that the nights could get a little long and lonely.
“I’d like that,” he told her. “Thank you.”