Historical Romance – The Best Of The Year. Кэрол Мортимер
when they sat together in the supper room during Lady Grayson’s summer ball. ‘You have shown me just how to go on here.’
‘Nonsense, you would have come about,’ replied Gwen, justifiably proud of her protégée.
The shy little sparrow, blown into town on the icy spring air, had been transformed into an exotic creature, dressing in hot, vibrant colours that made the most of her dusky curls and emerald-green eyes. Her liveliness and appealing manners charmed the hostesses, who considered her an asset to any gathering. She had also attracted the attention of a considerable number of gentlemen, but watching Dominique now, as Gideon led her on to the dance floor, Gwendoline concluded that her vivacious sister-in-law had eyes only for her husband.
Not that Dominique doted upon Gideon: on the contrary, she never clung to his arm and smiled complacently when he went off to the card room, or partnered another lady in the dance, but Gwendoline noticed those occasional, unguarded moments when Dominique’s eyes would rest just a fraction too long upon her husband. She had seen that same look upon the faces of other young brides and it rarely survived the first year. After that they found other men to amuse and divert them. She sighed. As she had done in a vain attempt to pique Ribblestone’s interest.
* * *
Dominique went down the dance with her husband, wishing the moment could go on forever. She knew no greater felicity than to stand up with Gideon. He was always most attentive when they were in public and she could pretend at such times that they were really the doting couple society thought them. It was a game they played, but this evening her confidence had been badly shaken, following an encounter with her cousin.
It was inevitable that they should meet Max occasionally, but they generally contented themselves with a brief nod in passing. However, this evening Max had sought her out. She thought he must have been waiting for his opportunity, because it was one of the rare occasions during the evening when she was standing alone. He asked her to dance with him and when she hesitated he gave a rueful smile.
‘I suppose you think me too bad a person to partner you, but can we not put aside our animosity, just for half an hour? We are family, after all.’
‘Very well, Cousin.’ She took his hand and let him lead her on to the dance floor, well aware of the curious glances of those around them. The rumours might have died down, but the circumstances of her irregular marriage to Gideon were not yet forgotten. She held her head up and smiled at her partner. ‘Perhaps this will show we are not at daggers drawn, my lord.’
It was a lively country dance and, by the end of it, the earl’s countenance was more ruddy than ever and he was wheezing a little.
She went to move away, but he caught her hand.
‘Not yet. I want to talk to you.’
‘I do not think there is anything to talk about.’
He drew her towards the long windows which had been opened to allow in the balmy night air.
‘Are you not interested to know what is going on at Martlesham?’
‘My mother is a frequent correspondent. She tells me all I want to know.’
‘Let us step out on to the terrace a moment—’
‘No.’ She stood her ground. ‘I do not trust you, Max. You are wont to make trouble.’
He looked pained. ‘I merely want to get a little air. Dancing is so exhausting.’
‘You should dance more, Cousin, not less.’ Her eyes fell on the bulging front of his waistcoat. ‘The exercise would be beneficial.’
He scowled at that.
‘Aye, you may mock me, madam, but I know this marriage of yours is not as it seems.’
‘You know nothing. We are very happy together.’ She added, a touch of relief in her voice, ‘My husband is over there and he is looking for me. Do not detain me, Cousin, if you do not wish to anger him.’
He reached out and caught her arm as she went to walk away.
‘Happy, are you?’ he muttered, his lip curling. ‘Well, enjoy it while you can, Cousin. As soon as he has got you with child, Albury will pack you off to Rotham so he can take up his old life again.’
With a great effort of will Dominique kept her hands from sliding protectively across her belly. It was two weeks since she had told Gideon about the baby and so far they had kept it a secret from everyone else. With a scorching look she pulled herself free and hurried away to join Gideon.
‘I saw you with Martlesham,’ he said as she came up. ‘I hope he did not upset you?’
‘No, he wanted to dance and I thought we should, to show the world there is no bad feeling between us.’
‘And after?’ He was watching her carefully. ‘He tried to take you outside.’
She shrugged.
‘He would make mischief if he could, but I am wise to him.’
‘Perhaps I should warn him off—’
She put her hand on his arm.
‘Please, Gideon, let it be. He is my cousin and I would rather we ignored him than quarrelled.’
‘Perhaps you are right,’ he said. ‘After all, he has done his worst. He cannot hurt us now.’
Dominique allowed him to lead her away, but despite her smile and Gideon’s assertion, the earl’s warning remained with her.
Max’s words were still in her head the next morning, when she stood naked before the mirror and placed her hands on her thickening body. Gideon had insisted she should see his doctor and she had just endured a lengthy examination, after which Dr Harris, a blunt, jovial man, confirmed what she already knew.
‘Carry on with your life as before,’ he said. ‘I don’t believe in ladies mollycoddling themselves just because they are increasing. You are a healthy young woman, exercise and fresh air will do you more good than lying on a daybed. Your body will tell you what you can and cannot do, but you should not need to make any changes just yet.’
She had no intention of making changes, but Gideon had already done so. He had not shared her bed since the day she had told him about the baby. She could only assume that he considered his duty done now, until she had given birth. Her hands moved over her belly: in a few months it would be swollen with their growing child.
A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts and she reached quickly for her dressing gown.
‘Come in.’
Gideon entered. He was smiling.
‘I have been talking to Harris. He agrees with your assessment that the child is due in December.’
‘Are you pleased, Gideon?’ she asked him shyly.
‘Do you doubt it?’ He came forwards and put his hands on her shoulders. ‘I am delighted.’
‘Then so, too, am I,’ she said, smiling up at him.
He hesitated before lowering his head to kiss her. Tentatively she put her arms about him and felt his hands tighten on her shoulders. Her body tingled with anticipation as she felt his fingers close upon the wrap, as if he was about to push the thin silk from her shoulders and expose her nakedness. Her disappointment was searing when instead he gently put her away from him.
‘Delighted,’ he said again, smiling awkwardly down at her. ‘I must go. I have work to do. How do you amuse yourself today?’
She turned away so that he should not see how his rejection had hurt her.
‘I am going to Grosvenor Square to take tea with Gwendoline before we drive in the