Midwives On-Call. Alison Roberts

Midwives On-Call - Alison Roberts

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the conversation. ‘Sophia paged me. I need to speak with you about your sister.’ She saw concern flash across his features and immediately put him at ease. ‘There’s nothing wrong with the baby, but before you go in and see Allegra there is something that I need to discuss with you.’

      Alessi’s eyebrows rose and she had a feeling he was about to walk off but he gave a small nod.

      ‘What is it that you want to discuss?’

      ‘Perhaps not here.’ Isla gestured to one of the consulting rooms and they both walked over to it.

      It was awkward to be in there with him, given all that had, or rather hadn’t, taken place between them, but Isla pushed all that aside and dealt with what was important—the patient. She took a seat at the desk and Alessi did the same. With the door closed she could smell his cologne and she really wished this conversation didn’t have to take place on the tail end of last night, but she had no choice in the timing of things and so she pushed on.

      ‘I’ve just been speaking with Allegra. We’ve had quite a long conversation, in fact,’ she ventured. ‘The thing is, while Allegra really appreciates your concern about the pregnancy—’

      ‘I don’t need you interfering in my family, Isla,’ Alessi interrupted, and it was clear that he knew what the discussion would be about and wanted no part of it.

      ‘I’d prefer not to have to but it’s not about what I’d prefer and it’s not about what you need—this is about Allegra.’

      Alessi took a breath. ‘Isla, I’m not going to discuss this with you.’

      ‘You don’t have to discuss anything with me, Alessi,’ Isla answered calmly. ‘I’m just asking that you take a few minutes to listen.’ He went to stand but Isla halted him. ‘Alessi, Allegra isn’t your patient, she’s my patient in my unit.’

      ‘I’ll discuss this directly with Allegra,’ Alessi said, and headed for the door.

      ‘And cause her more stress?’ Isla responded, and watched as his shoulders stiffened. It really was a difficult subject to approach. She hadn’t been lying when she’d said to Allegra that she’d handled this sort of situation several times and she would be blunt if she had to be. ‘Allegra knows that you’re just trying to look out for her and while she does appreciate it she wants you to be the baby’s uncle rather than some hovering neonatologist. Everything is going well this pregnancy.’

      ‘Everything was going well the last one,’ Alessi said, though at least he sat back down.

      ‘Do you think that Allegra doesn’t already know all that?’ Isla asked, and watched as Alessi closed his eyes and breathed out. ‘Do you think she hasn’t wrestled for a long time with her decisions before making them?’

      ‘I’m really causing stress for her?’ he asked. When she didn’t say anything his black eyes met hers and he gave a wry smile as he answered his own question. ‘Clearly I am. God, I never meant to, Isla. The thing is, what happened during Niko’s labour was preventable. I just want to …’ His voice trailed off.

      ‘You want to ensure that nothing goes wrong with this one,’ Isla finished for him, and Alessi nodded. ‘I get that but if something does go wrong, if an emergency does arise, do you really want to be a part of it?’

      ‘I want to be there to ensure nothing untoward happens in the first place.’

      ‘Look, I do get that …’ Isla started but Alessi didn’t let her finish.

      ‘Allegra going for a natural delivery is a crazy idea, given what happened last time.’

      ‘It’s not a crazy idea to Allegra, and it’s not a crazy idea to her obstetrician—’

      ‘Darcie’s been here all of five minutes.’

      Isla chose to ignore that. She knew it was hard when another doctor took over a patient’s care but it wasn’t for Alessi to air his concerns to his sister so she continued with what she was saying. ‘And it isn’t a crazy idea to me. A lot of women want to experience a natural delivery. She’d have a closely monitored trial of labour and if things didn’t progress well then, perhaps more quickly, given her history, things would move towards a Caesarean. Even if Darcie is new, our recruitment policy is vigorous and she’s joined an amazing team, which means that your sister shall be well looked after here, Alessi, you know that.’

      Alessi thought for a long moment. Really, he could only admire Isla for confronting him on this difficult subject but her help didn’t end there.

      ‘If it makes it any easier for you,’ she continued, ‘I’m happy to oversee Allegra’s care.’

      Alessi’s eyes jerked up and met hers.

      ‘Whatever you think about me personally, Alessi, however you think I landed the role, the truth is I think that we both know that I do a very good job. I will, if you would like, keep an eye on Allegra during her antenatal visits and, as far as possible, I will be there for the birth.’

      ‘You’d do that?’

      ‘Of course.’

      Alessi was surprised by her offer but, then again, was he? For nearly a year he had chosen to believe she had got the job because of who her father was. He had been wrong about that. Alessi had known it deep down and it was confirmed right now. The patients all raved about her, there was no doubt that she ran a very good midwifery unit and now she was offering to take care of Allegra when both knew how tense things were between them. Even the fact that Allegra had discussed so much with Isla told Alessi something—she didn’t open up easily to anyone, yet she had with Isla. ‘I would like that and I’ll back off, too,’ Alessi said, and then stood. ‘Thank you.’

      ‘No problem.’

      He went to go but then turned around. ‘I was going to come and see you later,’ Alessi said. ‘But now that we’re here, I might as well just say it now—I would like to apologise for the things that I said last night.’ Isla found she was holding her breath as he continued, ‘I had no right to lecture you about your partner and the choices you make. It was out of character for me and I really would like to apologise.’

      ‘It’s fine.’

      ‘Also, I broke up with Amber last night, so you don’t have to worry that I’m dating one of your students.’

      ‘Because of what I said?’

      Alessi let out a very mirthless laugh. ‘No.’

      ‘But …’

      ‘As I said, I don’t cheat and, given that last night the only person I wanted was you, it seemed appropriate to end things.’

      And with that he was gone and only when the door closed behind him did Isla let out the air trapped in her throat—her lungs were still closed tight.

      Had he just said what he had?


      Did that mean …?

      It did.

      Oh, God.

      It was like being tossed three flaming torches and having to learn to juggle with absolutely no clue how.

      She walked out of the consulting room into a world that felt very different—Alessi liked her, in that way, and had made it clear that he was single. There was no Rupert to hide behind any more, not that she’d told Alessi that.

      She was on the edge of something—scared to step off yet somehow compelled to.

      Allegra was holding Niko and speaking with Sophia, but Isla watched her turn and smile widely at her brother as he came over, and as Isla approached she heard their conversation.

      ‘You should have said.’ Alessi gave her a cuddle.

      ‘I tried,’ Allegra gently scolded. ‘Several times.’


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