Fortune's Heart. Leanne Banks

Fortune's Heart - Leanne Banks

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pulled on her coat and walked to the door. “Regrets?” she asked in a low voice.

      Toby shook his head firmly. “I did the right thing, and they’re good kids. They make me laugh every day.”

      “Well, I admire you, Toby. Not many men would do what you’ve done,” she said. Three kids, all redheads with tons of energy.

      “I think I’m getting a lot more out of this than I expected,” he said.

      She gave her brother a big hug. “Call me anytime, and bring the kids over to visit Piper. When they’re well,” she quickly added.

      “I’ll do that,” he said and opened the door. “Drive safely,” he instructed, protective as ever.

      “Good night. Get that cool washcloth for Kylie. See if it helps,” she called over her shoulder and got into her car.

      Stacey drove toward her house, growing more nervous with each increasing mile she covered. It wasn’t that Piper was a bad baby, but at times she could be demanding and very vocal. Stacey hoped the baby had calmed down enough to fall asleep. She supposed that if Colton had really needed anything, he would have called her. As she pulled in front of the house, the lights from inside welcomed her. She got out of the car, climbed the stairs and opened the door.

      She paused for a long moment, listening for the sound of Piper. All she heard was quiet. Stacey breathed a sigh of relief. Piper must have fallen asleep. She was surprised the television wasn’t on. She would have expected Colton to turn on a ballgame once he’d put Piper in her crib.

      Stepping into the den, she caught sight of Colton napping on the sofa with Piper asleep on his chest. Her heart swelled with emotion. If that wasn’t the sweetest sight she’d ever seen, she thought. Seeing her daughter being held by a good strong man reminded Stacey of everything Piper was missing on an everyday basis. Tears filled her eyes, and she blinked furiously to keep them at bay.

      First things first, she thought. Get the baby to bed. She gingerly extracted Piper from Colton’s chest, praying the baby wouldn’t awaken. Then she tiptoed to the small nursery in the room next to hers and put Piper down in her crib. Piper gave a few wiggly moves, and Stacey held her breath. Then the baby sighed and went back to sleep.

      Stacey returned to the den and touched Colton’s shoulder. He didn’t awaken. She gave him a gentle shake, then another. The man was dead to the world. He must be worn out, she thought. He’d probably put in a full day at the ranch, yet he’d still agreed to watch Piper for her.

      A rush of sympathy flooded through her. Stacey had lived on a ranch long enough to know it involved hard backbreaking work and long hours. It wouldn’t hurt him to rest a little longer, she thought, and pulled the blanket from the back of the sofa and put it over him.

      Backing away, she pulled off her coat and hung it in the closet, then returned to the den. Sinking onto the chair across from the sofa, Stacey allowed herself the luxury of looking at Colton while he was unaware. She wondered why she’d never noticed how attractive he was before. Sure, she’d known him her entire life, but she wasn’t blind.

      He was as strong as they came. Broad shoulders and she’d bet he might even have a six-pack. She blushed at the direction her mind was headed. He had a bit of stubble on his chin. His hard masculinity was at such odds with those eyelashes, she thought.

      She wondered what it would be like to sleep with him and wake up with him. Would he be grouchy or sweet in the morning? She wondered what kind of lover he would be. She’d only had one, Joe. Their lovemaking sessions had often felt rushed to her, and although it wasn’t something she discussed, she’d never felt completely, well, satisfied after sex with Joe.

      Stacey wondered if Colton was the kind of man to take his time with a woman. Although she hadn’t paid much attention, she’d heard of more than one woman he’d left more than happy after a night together. Lately, she was becoming much more curious about Colton. She kept reminding herself that he was interested in someone else, but that didn’t seem to take the edge off her...curiosity.

      At that moment, she heard the front door open and her father talking to her mother. “That meeting went on forever,” he grumbled.

      “Everyone has a right to speak their mind,” Jeanne said.

      “Well, they could speak a little faster,” he said, and closed the door firmly behind him.

      Stacey saw Colton jolt awake at the sound. He glanced around. “What the—” He broke off and shook his head.

      “Hi,” she said.

      “Hey,” he said, rising quickly.

      “Listen, thank you for taking care of Piper,” she said, also getting to her feet.

      “No problem,” he said, rubbing his face. “I guess I’ll head home—”

      Her mother and father entered the den. “Well, hello there, Colton. It’s good to see you.”

      “Colton agreed to watch Piper while I checked out Kylie for Toby. He said she wasn’t feeling well and their doctor is out of town, so he wanted me to come over and make sure she was okay. She just had a headache. I think Toby may be a little nervous fostering those three kids. Can’t say I blame him.”

      “I’m glad Kylie is okay. It sure was nice of you to come over here and look after Piper,” Jeanne said.

      “That, it was. She can run you ragged at bedtime,” her father said sympathetically.

      “Daddy,” Stacey said in an accusing tone.

      “But she’s a cute one and we love her,” her father added.

      “Of course we do,” her mother said. “Why don’t you join us for some hot chocolate before you leave? I can have it ready in no time.”

      “You don’t need to do that,” Colton said, appearing a bit embarrassed.

      “I want to,” Jeanne said. “Now sit down and relax, and I’ll have that hot chocolate for you before you know it.”

      Colton sighed and sat down on the edge of the sofa. “Is there anyone who can say no to your mother?”

      “Not for long,” Stacey said, laughing. “How was Piper?”

      Colton nodded. “She did fine,” he said in a noncommittal tone.

      Stacey read between the lines. “She was a beast, wasn’t she? I was afraid of that. Even though I’d fed her, she seemed unsettled.” Stacey sighed. “I’m sorry.”

      “I wouldn’t call her a beast,” Colton said. “Now,” he added and chuckled, “amazing how something so small can get you so twisted trying to get her to calm down.”

      “How did you get her calm?” she asked, curious.

      “You mean after I gave her the bottle in your magic bag and changed the toxic dump of her diaper?” he asked.

      “Oh,” she said, cringing.

      “Yeah, I might need to take the kitchen trash out tonight before I leave,” he said.

      Her mother entered the room with cups of hot chocolate filled with mini-marshmallows. “This will help you sleep better once you get home, Colton,” she said.

      “I think Piper may have worn him out, so he may not need any help falling asleep,” Stacey said.

      “Oh, dear,” her mother said, wincing. “She’s gotten so much better during the last month. Did she have a rough night?”

      “I wonder if she sensed that I was in a tizzy about getting over to Toby’s house,” Stacey said.

      “Well, I speak from experience. Babies can sense our moods. Especially their mom’s moods. At the same time, she may have just had a little tummy ache. Can I get you something to eat, Colton?”

      “No, I’m fine, Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Fortune

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