Your Tarot Predictions for 2015. Karmel Nair

Your Tarot Predictions for 2015 - Karmel Nair

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will play devil’s advocate. It might all look too difficult to handle but don’t stress too much. You will sail through, as I see; you have the temperament to handle such pressures. I would however like to prepare you for a defeat. It is possible that situations and people make it difficult for you to win. You may lose to a tyrant boss or menacing colleagues. There is very little that you can do about this. I would advise you to keep calm and let go. This obviously is going to be difficult for you to do, knowing the intrinsic emperor’s Ego in you, but any more fighting or speaking up will only create more uncertainties for you. There is very little that you can do on a stormy day. Let the storm settle on its own and the day will get brighter. Let’s try to be hopeful for a better beginning in 2016.

      All is fair in love and war. Career isn’t less than a war in this modern world, one needs courage, valour and immense patience to get where one desires to be. It is like a battlefield, only persistence and the right strategies win. On one end is your formidable opponent—your boss, your clients or your stressful job—and on the other is you. This whole setting is nothing less than a war; well, you are the Emperor after all, the mightiest of them all. You came, saw and conquered. This phrase so perfectly suits you, doesn’t it? I have covered almost everything important for you in these chapters. But is this all? Apparently the Universe thinks differently. It places Spirituality ahead of all of the above aspects we have done so far. The Universe believes we were born for only one purpose, to realize ourselves in God. In this context Universe implies the gambit of the entire living existence of which we form a part. At the present moment we seem to have moved away from this ultimate purpose of oneness with the Universe, in fact, my dear friend, we have completely erased it from our present time. So let’s turn to your spiritual reading for 2015 and see whether you are able to get in close contact with your inner self, the Being in you, and transform your life.

      When the Universe created us, it made us for one purpose, to rejoin the Supreme One. This process may also be called Liberation, Nirvana or Enlightenment. But do we really believe that we were born to do this? I’m sure you don’t. You are way too busy right now with more important things like making a living, picking up right clothes, cars, investing money, getting in shape, fighting workplace politics, and much more. Not anymore. Through this chapter I request you to take a minute off and think about why you were given this human form. The answer to this question is simple—because you are a blessed soul and therefore the Universe gives you the opportunity to realise your ultimate truth—Enlightenment. I have picked four cards from my Tarot deck and these will tell me your Spiritual health and quotient in 2015. You begin fantastically this year in Spiritualism. You will start a new course or class or simply pick up an interesting reading material about spiritual stuff. This is a good beginning. As I see it, you need to spend some more time this year for your inner healing and enlightenment. Don’t put this on the backburner. Finish what you have started. You have what it takes to be a good Soul; all you need is to know that what you are doing is good. This brings about a positive change in your life, a journey to begin. This book might just be the start. Don’t stop the fire here. Keep it burning. I also see you meeting a Mentor; not exactly like a teacher and not someone with whom you can have a direct teacher-student relationship but someone who from a distance can be a huge positive influence on you. Let this influence be; don’t get carried away if others mock you on this new beginning. They will eventually follow your path too. That’s natural. Unlearn your old belief systems, put them away and learn from this master who will show you the new way. You will have a huge positive reinforcement in your spiritual goals and belief which I think is phenomenal considering the busy life you lead. As an Emperor, it gets very difficult to attain even a modicum of spirituality, given your authoritative nature. Such was the case with Siddhartha Gautama too, a prince who would have soon been ordained as the Emperor if not for the sudden turn of events in his life. This is how his true journey began and with your spiritual predictions I hope you too choose to focus on not just being an Emperor in the material world but also an Emperor deep inside, a winner who achieves Realisation.

      I see you enjoying this learning, a good emotional shift from where you were. You will be happy about what you learn. Don’t be too hard on yourself to finish the entire learning in a day. Take it slow and easy. Don’t be the Hare. This learning brings about a huge change in your life and this change is significant. It will shape you up to become another person, a better version from the Emperor you are now. The Wheel of Fortune favours you and with fortune I mean spiritual Enlightenment.

      I am glad you have got these wonderful cards. I hope you realize what a remarkably good spiritual beginning you will have in 2015. Enjoy every bit of it and keep the purpose close to your heart. Don’t let this Human birth go vain. Make the most of it. Liberate yourself. Now is the beginning…

      Highlights of 2015 – This year looks financially great for you. You will make money from unexpected sources and even go on to investing in a new home or some kind of real estate. You may also end up buying a car or some other kind of automobile. This year is a great omen to make wealth. For female Aries there is a high possibility of conception if you have been considering this for some time now.

      Areas of Concerns in 2015 – Don’t ignore your body’s signs during its low times. Give it timely attention. When it comes to love, avoid hasty decisions and don’t be pushy if you are in a committed relationship. Your professional life may see some difficulties due to insecurities, but this isn’t anything that you can’t deal with. It is a fear that your mind has created and you can tackle it by dealing with your mind calmly.

      Revelation – Despite the above I see you making a marvellous spiritual beginning this year. You will choose to walk this path probably for the first time. You will be provided with all the help and this book may just be the first help extended towards you.

       Spread I


      1: Past—Ten of Swords: This is the beginning of the end card. In your recent past you have decided to end something or have ended a good relationship of some sorts. This was a painful decision but there was nothing to be done but to end it.

      2: Present—Five of Wands: You are facing stiff but healthy competition at work. To tell you honestly, you have all that it takes to withstand this competition and come out victorious.

      3: Future—Nine of Cups: In the forthcoming months you are going to be emotionally happy and content with the way things go. If there is anything you ever wanted, just make a wish and it will be granted. Next few months are worth looking forward to.

       Spread II

       Horoscope Spread

      This spread describes your entire life through a cluster of 10 magical cards. Come, take a look!

      1: Personality—Queen of Pentacles: You are an excellent executer. Whatever tasks are entrusted to you reach completion systematically and beautifully. You also have the tendency to be an authoritative person who would like to either lead or be the next in command. You may also think of starting something new this year.

      2: Health—Knight of Cups: New beginnings in love will keep you happy and charged. You are a knight in love, always ready to embark on new beginnings and new affairs or bring freshness to existing relationships. Health looks all well in the times to come.

      3: Wealth—Three of Wands:

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