An Irresistible Temptation. Elizabeth Bevarly
he was starting to.
He was very aware the paparazzi were probably having a field day seeing the three brothers together now, which was why they’d chosen to meet at The Athenaeum Club instead of a pub. He’d learned as a youngster that ignoring them and going about his life was the only way to be happy.
And happiness was one of his chief concerns. He saw Geoff sitting on a high stool at a table in the back of the establishment and nodded to acknowledge him.
Henry was stopped several times by fans from his playing days as he walked through the club. Henry exchanged a few words with every one of them. Shook their hands and signed napkins and scraps of paper. His stepfather had always said that players should remember without the fans they’d be back on their local pitch playing for fun instead of money.
And his fans had made him very wealthy.
Geoff was on the phone, seated at the back of the club. So Henry took his time. Everyone always wanted to know whom he favored in the 6 Nations game—a tournament held between the first nations to play each other in rugby. Originally it had been England vs. Scotland, but over time had grown to include Ireland, Wales, France and Italy, as well. And it went without saying that Henry always favored the home team.
As he approached Geoff, the other man motioned he’d be another minute, so Henry detoured to the bar and ordered a beer. He wasn’t too keen on this get-to-know-you meeting, but both Steven and Geoff had outvoted him, so to speak.
He brought his drink back to the table where Geoff was as the other man disconnected his call. Geoff stood and shook his hand.
“Where’s Steven?”
“His secretary called and said he’d be running late today.”
“I can’t stay long. I’ve got things to take care of before I hit the clubs tonight. How’d you like your first day?”
Geoff arched one eyebrow at him. “Probably as well as you did. The airline is a well-oiled machine, and I think we should be able to show a large profit during the terms of the will.”
Henry realized that Geoff expected to win. Probably by order of his birth he should inherit the entire Everest Group but Henry wasn’t ready to back down and give up the fight. It would take signing just one phenomenal group for his segment to outperform Geoff’s airline. And Henry was damned determined to make sure he found it.
“How’s the record label?”
“Good. It’s in good shape and I have the right people in place.”
“I always heard you were a team player,” Geoff said.
“It’s served me well all my life,” Henry said.
“Good to hear it.”
Henry had heard that Steven and Geoff were both loners. Steven’s mother was a twin. And, according to the media, very close to her extended family.
His mobile beeped and he glanced down to see that a text from Astrid had arrived. He skimmed it and turned his attention back to his Guinness. He and Geoff talked about sports and Henry noticed that the other man was uncomfortable with him.
Geoff had grown up in the spotlight as part of the royal family. Henry wondered if being around a rugby man such as himself was what bothered Geoff. Though rugby was a ruffian sport, it had always been played by those of the middle and upper classes.
“Do you see your mum much?”
“Every Sunday for brunch,” Henry said. His mother had done her best by him. Making sure that he grew up in comfortable surroundings with the family she’d created for them. Being left by Malcolm Devonshire hadn’t put her off her dreams of family.
“That’s good. My cousin Suzanne is a huge fan….”
“Does she want an autograph or a chance to meet her?” Henry said. His mum was just that, his mum, but he was very aware that to other people she was a pop star. And despite the fact that she hadn’t had a hit in fifteen years, she was still very popular. And when he’d been in secondary school, all of his mates had listened to her records. Tiffany couldn’t walk down the street without being recognized.
Geoff laughed. “She’d settle for an autograph.”
“Send me her name and I’ll get Mum to autograph a picture for her.”
“Thanks. If there’s ever anything I can do for you.”
“I’ll keep it in mind.”
Steven showed up a few minutes later. “A girl is at the front desk asking for you, Henry.”
“A girl?”
“Astrid something. I told them I’d let you know.”
“Thanks. I guess that means I need to go.”
“Do you?” Geoff asked. “Who is she?”
“My new assistant, Astrid Taylor.”
Steven signaled the butler and ordered a drink. Geoff rubbed the back of his neck.
“Did she used to work for Daniel Martin?”
“Yes, I believe she did. Why?”
“I recall reading something in the business journal about it. She sued them because they didn’t give her adequate exit benefits. Just be careful.”
“I always am,” Henry said. “I know a lot about building a winning team.”
“I’ll say. Do you have time for another drink before you go meet her?” Steven said as his drink arrived.
Henry wasn’t sure and being indecisive didn’t sit well with him. He shook his head. “I better not. We have a couple of meetings tonight. I appreciate the information Geoff. I’ll keep my eyes open.”
Geoff laughed. “I sound like my sisters passing gossip.”
“You have sisters?” Steven asked.
Henry had to laugh at that. They’d been linked…well their names had since their birth, but they were virtual strangers.
“I have two younger brothers,” Henry said.
“I’m an only child.” Steven took a sip of his drink. “But we can talk about siblings later.”
“I’m not sure I trust Malcolm not to throw something else at one of us,” Geoff said.
“I agree. I’m surprised even being faced with his mortality has made him contact us,” Henry said.
“Too right,” Geoff added.
“I don’t give a damn about his legacy,” Steven said. “I’m in this for the money and the challenge.”
Henry laughed at the way Steven said that. This man was someone who just said what he wanted, to hell with the consequences.
“I see your point.”
“Good…on that note, I think you should know that I’ve been contacted by a magazine…Fashion Quarterly—”
“Isn’t that a woman’s magazine?” Henry asked. His mum loved the magazine and read it cover to cover each month.
“Yes, it is. The editor-in-chief needed a favor from me and I helped her out in exchange for a promise to run some articles on us in her magazine.”
“On us?” Geoff asked. “Everything I do has to go through the Royal Press Office.”
“It’s on our mums, actually since it’s a woman’s mag but they will mention our business units and do a bit of a showcase on each one as well,” Steven said.
“My mum will love that,” Henry said.
“I’m not so sure about this,” Geoff said.
“Just talk to her,” Steven said.