Baby Under The Christmas Tree. Teresa Carpenter

Baby Under The Christmas Tree - Teresa Carpenter

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does the world care what I do in bed? Why can’t I just play hockey?”

      “You can, but you won’t get eight million dollars for it. Celebrity is a part of the entertainment package you signed on for. Now, do I have anything to worry about?”

      Max bit off a curse and spilled his guts. “Kink is relative, isn’t it? We had a good time but there were no whips and chains, if that’s what you’re asking. And I’ve never hit a woman.” He rubbed a knuckle over one thick eyebrow. “But it doesn’t really matter what I say, because I don’t doubt for a minute she’ll lie to get what she wants.”

      “And she wants Troy?”

      “She doesn’t care about him or she wouldn’t leave him with strangers. She wants the money that comes with him.”

      “Did you get the name of the girl she left him with last night? We need to get a statement from her before Amber can get to her.”

      “Elle got it.”

      “Yes, Elle would. Good. She’ll know how to take care of this. Do what she says. What was that noise?”

      The sound of Max’s teeth grinding together. But beggars couldn’t be choosers, so he unclenched his jaw. “Nothing. Anything else?”

      “Yes. Be nice. I want Elle still to work for the Thunder organization when she’s done helping you.”

      “Very funny.”

      “I’m not making fun.” Ray barked out the words. “I’ve seen the friction between you two, and this is too important to muck up. I expect professionalism from both of you.” There was a pause. “I’ve got another call. Send Elle in as soon as you can.” The line went dead.

      Growling his displeasure with the whole situation, Max returned to the bedroom in time to shut off Elle’s alarm before it woke her or the boy. Max eyed the bed. Troy had moved into Max’s space and Elle had rolled toward the middle. The only space big enough for him was next to her.

      Max could have moved Troy, but where was the fun in that?

      Feeling ornery, he climbed in behind Elle’s lush form and, pulling her to him, laid his head next to hers on the pillow. Her hair tickled his nose and the sweet scent of cherry blossoms filled his senses. For all of a moment he savored how delicious she felt in his arms before sleep knocked him out.

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