Seduced By The Boss. Natalie Anderson

Seduced By The Boss - Natalie Anderson

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she said. ‘They’re my family.’

      He went quiet.

      ‘I want them to be proud of me.’ She tried to explain.

      ‘There’s no way they’re not proud of you already.’

      She smiled. But he was wrong. She’d let them down. ‘I’m not like them.’ But she didn’t explain it further. Rather she let her hands slide over him—her reward for a long day of hard work. ‘You were wrong.’

      ‘What about?’

      ‘This just can’t be legal.’

      He laughed.

      ‘I’m serious. It feels too good.’

      ‘I’ve got a secret for you, honey,’ he whispered into her mouth. ‘Only the things that are right feel this good.’

      And that was the moment her heart liquefied. She tipped her head back to look up at him—a long, searching look. But his gaze slid from her and then the rest of him did.

      He splashed up the steps out of the pool. ‘We need to get moving.’

      ‘You’ve got to be kidding.’

      ‘A couple of my growers are coming in to Hanmer and we’re going out to dinner.’

      ‘What, like at a restaurant?’

      ‘Yeah.’ He turned on the shower.

      ‘And it’s okay for me to turn up in my bikini?’

      He laughed under the stream of water. ‘Absolutely.’

      ‘Well, what else am I going to wear? My crushed suit from today?’

      She was naked.

      He left the shower running for her and wrapped a towel round his hips. While under the hot jet she watched him open his backpack. He pulled out another pair of jeans and tossed them on the massage table for her.

      She switched off the water. ‘I’m not going to meet people wearing your clothes.’

      ‘Sophy—’ he sent her a look ‘—relax. It’s not a fancy restaurant. Just nice people, nice food.’

      It was a fancy restaurant and wearing nothing but a pair of men’s jeans that hung on her and a tourist tee shirt from the spa shop wasn’t her idea of fancy restaurant attire. And, worse, wearing his jeans turned her on.

      ‘Hi, Lorenzo. You must be Sophy.’ So he’d mentioned her to them? She felt an absurdly warm glow about that.

      To her relief the older couple were in jeans too and were full of welcoming smiles. Lorenzo explained that Charlotte and Rob Wilson had one of the largest holdings that supplied grapes to one of his labels. They were led to a table, talk turned to food and wine and business.

      ‘Have you known Lorenzo long?’ Sophy just had to do some digging while Lorenzo and Rob talked about the bar.

      ‘Fifteen years,’ Charlotte replied.

      Sophy nearly spilt her wine. Wow—if there was someone who knew him it was this woman.

      Charlotte was smiling at her as if she’d just read her mind. ‘He used to work as a hand in the picking season. Right from when he was a teen and had nowhere to go in the holidays.’ She looked at Sophy. ‘I tried to spoil him but he wouldn’t have it. I’d leave baking in his cabin and hope he got it. The tin was always empty when he left so I figured he did. Later on Alex used to come and work too. It was more fun for him then, I think.’

      Sophy swallowed. ‘He was lucky he worked with you.’

      ‘He worked on another vineyard when he was still at school too. The McIntosh property.’ Charlotte shook her head. ‘I’ve never known someone to be so driven to succeed. And he has.’

      Yeah, but was he happy with it? Sophy was increasingly worried there was a huge depth of unhappiness in him.

      ‘Now he’s invested in this bar. Who knows what he’ll turn to next? He’s a natural entrepreneur. He’s a genius.’

      Okay, so Charlotte was his number one fan.

      ‘What are you talking about?’ Lorenzo turned to them.

      ‘You.’ Charlotte smiled at him. ‘When are you going to be satisfied, Lorenzo?’

      ‘I don’t want to get bored.’

      Sophy smiled as the woman laughed. But her nerves stretched. Bored—as he had been with the woman who’d no longer turned him on? He was busy—always busy—and frequently moved to newer, even more challenging projects. He did that with women too, didn’t he? She had to try to remember that.

      ‘Did you know Jayne McIntosh is trying to sell,’ Rob said. ‘I bet her father regrets not backing you now.’

      ‘Would you be interested in Jayne’s property, Lorenzo?’ Charlotte asked quietly.

      Was it Sophy or had he gone a bit stiff? Who was the Jayne? Was this the McIntosh he’d worked for? He reached for his wine and took a small sip. ‘No. I don’t think so. We have enough for the label and I’m diversifying elsewhere.’

      ‘He was stupid not to come in at the time.’ That was Rob again.

      ‘He was doing what he thought best.’ Lorenzo shrugged.

      ‘He made a mistake,’ Charlotte muttered.

      ‘No.’ Lorenzo’s face went blank. ‘He did me a favour. He made me want to fight even harder.’

      ‘You were already fighting hard enough,’ said Charlotte.

      Lorenzo just laughed and put his hand on the older woman’s arm.

      The rental car was roomy and sleek and, even though it was only a ten-minute drive, she was asleep by the time he parked the car. He switched the engine off and just looked at her in the dim light from the moon and stars. Her hair was amazing. He’d been with her every moment—she hadn’t nipped into a salon to have it styled in the two minutes he’d had his back turned. She hadn’t even used a hairdryer. But it was in that old Hollywood movie star style again—a straight bob at the top ending in curls at her shoulders. She’d run a comb quickly through it, made sure the part was straight and put a clip in. That was it. Utterly effortless perfection.

      That was her all over. But she didn’t seem to know it. Always she strived to be more—to be and do everything for everyone. She should just chill out and believe in herself more. Because she was gorgeous—inside and out.

      He went round to her side of the car, opened her door and roused her gently.

      ‘Oh, sorry.’ Her eyes were slumberous, deep blue.

      He held her hand tightly and guided her into the lodge. She blinked as he put the lights on.

      ‘You have been working hard,’ he said looking at the table. It was covered. But it was the one lying on the small mirror that caught his attention. The blue was the exact colour of her eyes.

      ‘Put it on for me,’ he said, his voice woefully husky.

      ‘It’s only dress jewellery.’ She played it down as she put it on. ‘It’s hardly diamonds or pearls.’

      ‘It doesn’t need to be. It’s beautiful. You’re really talented.’ He’d known that. It was some of what had driven him to offer her the room, to bring her down here.

      But it wasn’t the only reason. There was the totally selfish reason as well—to have her for the weekend, all to himself. With no one else making demands on her, no interruptions, no brother or sister or mother calling all the time, scheduling errands for her to run. No, she was here for when he wanted. And he wanted her all the time.

      He took her on the floor then and there. With her naked other

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