The Lost Princes: Darius, Cassius and Monte. Raye Morgan

The Lost Princes: Darius, Cassius and Monte - Raye Morgan

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did look tired.

      “But what about you? You’re the one who’s been driving and you need some sleep yourself.”

      He gave her his long, slow smile that he only handed out on special occasions. “I never sleep.”

      She laughed, charmed by that roguish smile. “Oh, please. What are you, a Superhero?”

      “Not quite. But close.”

      It occurred to her that she knew precisely what he was—wary and mistrustful of something. What exactly did he think was going to threaten them? What was it he was running from? He’d given her a brief sketch of his theories, but not many specifics. She wished he would tell her so she could worry, too.

      “Ayme, do what I say,” he said firmly when she still hadn’t moved. “We don’t have time for long, drawn-out discussions.”

      “Aye aye, sir,” she said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

      “That’s the spirit,” he said approvingly. “Consider this a quasi-military operation. I’m the superior officer. You do what I say without questioning anything.”

      She rolled her eyes dramatically. “Oh, that’ll be the day!”

      “Indeed.” He shook his head and turned to go. “I have to go out to make a phone call.”

      “Why can’t you do it from here? Don’t you have your cell phone?”

      “I’ve got my mobile,” he responded. “But it’s not the phone I want to use for this call.”

      “Oh.” More likely, she thought, it was a call he didn’t want her to overhear.

      “I’ll be back.”

      She didn’t bother to ask again. It was confusing at times. For whole moments he would seem to warm to her, and that special connection would spark between them. Then, in an instant, it was gone again. She wished she knew how to extend it.

      But she had other things to think about. She got up off the bed and puttered for a bit, putting clothes away in the closet and cleaning off the dresser of things David had thrown there. Cici still slept. Maybe she would be able to get that nap in as David had suggested she do.

      Something drew her to the side window, and peering down into the gathering gloom, she could see the walkway along the front of the hotel. Suddenly, she caught sight of David. He had a cell phone to his ear and seemed to be carrying on an energetic conversation with someone. She could see him gesticulating with his free hand. As she watched, he ducked into the side alleyway beside the hotel and she lost sight of him. She wondered who he was talking to. Hopefully it was someone who knew Cici’s father.

      Funny how she always thought of him that way—Cici’s father—instead of Darius, the Ambrian Prince, or the lost royal. Was that because, deep down, she was pretty sure that either Sam had been fooling her or someone had fooled Sam. The story didn’t really seem to hold together. But maybe David would find out the truth.

      It was interesting how she trusted him and she really didn’t want to analyze why that was. She had a feeling it had something to do with a deep need for a sense of stability in her life. She wanted him to be good. Therefore, he had to be good. Simple as that.

      She looked at Cici. Babies were so adorable when they slept. She was starting to get a handle on how to care for a baby. At least, she thought she was. She was trying to copy everything that David did. It was obvious that a strong, steady hand, a soothing tone of voice and a sense of confidence made all the difference. Cici hadn’t been crying much at all and that was certainly a relief.

      “I’m a fast learner,” she muttered to herself. “I will survive.”

      Turning from the window, she lay down on the bed and fell instantly to sleep.

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