Heir To His Legacy. Katherine Garbera

Heir To His Legacy - Katherine Garbera

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that I am going somewhere, but I’m not leaving,’ he said curtly. ‘I want to see my son first thing in the morning.’ Sensing that she was about to argue, his expression hardened. ‘The other reason I’m going to spend the night here is to make sure you don’t disappear with Nico.’

      ‘I wouldn’t do that,’ Kristen said sharply, stung by his scathing tone.

      ‘You hid him from me for three years,’ he reminded her coldly.

      She shook her head, despairing that she would ever make him understand why she had acted as she had. ‘I truly believed you would not want him. When we were together you constantly told me you didn’t want a committed relationship, and having a child is a massive commitment.’ Faced with his implacable expression, she sighed and gave up. ‘Anyway, there’s nowhere for you to sleep. The house only has two bedrooms, and Nico’s room is too small for you to share with him.’

      ‘Then I guess I’ll have to share with you.’

      Unexpectedly, Sergio smiled, revealing his gleaming white teeth. Kristen caught her breath as she was instantly transported back to the first time she had met him on the beach in Sicily. He had been wearing running shorts and a vest top that had shown off his tanned, athletic body. With his dark hair falling into his chocolate-brown eyes, he had been the sexiest man she had ever laid eyes on, and when he had smiled she had been utterly blown away by him. They had become lovers within days of that first encounter, she remembered. Four years on, the attraction between them was still potent and three nights ago it had blazed into an inferno. But Kristen knew she couldn’t risk her emotional security by sleeping with him again.

      ‘I’d rather share my bed with the devil,’ she said tartly, desperate to disguise the ache of tears in her voice as she was overwhelmed by memories of the past.

      His brows rose. ‘I didn’t get that impression on Friday night.’

      She flushed. ‘That was a mistake. The champagne went to my head.’

      ‘You only had one glass.’ He gave her a speculative look. ‘I take it you haven’t been drinking champagne today?’

      ‘Of course not. I was at work, and then trapped on a Tube train for nearly an hour,’ she reminded him drily.

      ‘In that case, my experiment should reveal the truth.’

      Kristen had not been aware of Sergio moving, but suddenly he was far too close for comfort and, as he reached behind her and cupped her nape, she realised too late that she had walked into a trap.

      ‘Don’t...’ Her voice faltered as his head swooped and his warm breath feathered her lips.

      ‘I am about to prove that you are a little liar, cara,’ he threatened softly, before he stifled her protest by slanting his mouth over hers.

      It was no gentle seduction. His lips were firm and demanding, taking without mercy as he twined his fingers in her hair and hauled her against him, trapping her with his arms, which felt like bands of steel while he ravished her tender mouth.

      Kristen’s determination to resist him was dissolving in the honeyed sweetness of his kiss. It felt so good when she had been starved of him for so long. It would be so easy to sink into him and give in to his sensual mastery. Summoning her willpower, she attempted to push against his rock-hard chest, but it was futile. She couldn’t escape him, nor could she deny the hot tide of desire that poured through her veins and pooled between her thighs.

      With a soft moan, she opened her mouth for him and trembled when he slid his tongue between her lips. Reality faded, just as it had done three nights ago at the hotel. But suddenly, shockingly, he lifted his head and stared down at her, and the triumphant gleam in his eyes acted like an ice-cold shower on her heated flesh.

      ‘Don’t ever lie to me again, Kristen. Next time I won’t stop at kissing you,’ he warned. His mouth curled in self-disgust as he stepped away from her and raked a hand through his hair. ‘Believe me, I resent the wildfire attraction between us as much as you do, but it’s there and we will have to deal with it because I’m not going to go away. Nico is a part of both of us and we will be forever linked by him.’

      His emotive words shook Kristen and tears filled her eyes. Sergio gave her a piercing look but, when she made no response, he said, ‘I’ll sleep on the sofa tonight, and tomorrow we’ll discuss the best way we can bring up our son.’ He glanced around the untidy kitchen and his jaw hardened. ‘This place is far from ideal,’ he said disparagingly.

      Kristen felt a stab of fear. Surely he wouldn’t be able to state that she was an unfit mother just because she hadn’t had time to do the washing-up?

      ‘I’ll go and find some bedding,’ she mumbled, seizing the excuse to get away from him while thoughts whirled around her head. She ran upstairs and paused on the landing to peep into Nico’s room. He had flung back the covers as he usually did and was cuddling Hippo. He looked utterly adorable with his halo of dark curls framing his face and his long eyelashes fanned out on his cheeks. Intense love surged up inside her. She would never give her little boy up, she vowed fiercely. She was deeply suspicious of Sergio’s insistence that he wanted to be involved with his son. The man she had known four years ago had been the ultimate commitment-phobe and it would take a lot to convince her that he had changed. Her biggest fear was that he would form a bond with Nico and then walk away when the novelty of fatherhood had faded.

      She took a blanket and spare pillow from the hall cupboard, and then went into her bedroom to change out of her uniform, which felt uncomfortably damp after her attempts to wash Nico’s hair. Furious with herself for being tempted to wear her new lilac silky top that clung in all the right places, she pulled on jeans and an old T-shirt and quickly brushed her hair, but resisted the urge to put on a bit of make-up. It wasn’t as if she wanted to make herself look attractive for Sergio, she reminded herself firmly.

      A tantalising aroma of spicy food met her as she walked into the kitchen, reminding her that she had been too busy to eat lunch. Sergio was opening cartons of take-away food. He had found plates and cutlery, and she saw that he had washed up the breakfast bowls.

      ‘I ordered Thai,’ he said, glancing at her. ‘I remembered you like it and I’m guessing you haven’t eaten tonight. There’s nothing in the fridge except for a couple of out-of-date yoghurts. What had you planned to give Nico for dinner?’

      She prickled at the implied criticism in his voice. ‘I was going to call in at the supermarket on the way home from nursery. Here’s your bedding,’ she murmured, handing him the pillow and blanket.

      He gave her a sardonic look when he felt the coarse woollen blanket. ‘I’ve heard of monks wearing hair shirts. Have you decided that I should serve some sort of penance?’ he queried drily.

      She flushed. ‘You could always go back to your hotel.’

      ‘And give you an opportunity to steal Nico away?’ He gave a bitter laugh. ‘Not a chance, Krissie.’

      His use of the nickname that only he had ever called her by twisted a knife in Kristen’s heart, but somehow she managed to give a shrug as she sat down and began to help herself to food. Sergio opened a bottle of red wine that she assumed had been delivered with the meal, but when he went to fill her glass she shook her head.

      ‘Not for me, thanks. I rarely drink wine.’

      His brows rose. ‘Then how do you explain the half a dozen empty bottles that I put in the recycling bin?’

      ‘A few of my girlfriends came over last night. One of them has just gone through an acrimonious divorce and she wanted to celebrate being free and single again.’

      ‘And where was Nico while this drunken party was going on?’

      ‘It wasn’t a drunken party!’ She glared at him. ‘The girls just had a few drinks. Nico was tucked up safely in bed, and I didn’t touch any alcohol. I am a responsible parent.’

      ‘What about on Friday evening?’ Sergio pressed. ‘Where was Nico while you were in

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