The Illegitimate Heirs: Luke, Zach and Jake. Kathie DeNosky
help but laugh. “I use a flat iron to take the curl out.”
“Your hair is naturally curly?” He shook his head. “I wasn’t aware of that.”
“That’s what I meant about knowing each other. Don’t you think that’s something a man would know about the woman he has a child with?”
He looked thoughtful. “I suppose it might be since it’s a trait that could be passed on to my son.” Grinning, he winked at her. “But it’s certainly not a requirement for having sex.”
Luke wasn’t going to concede easily. But neither was she.
“I know how you take your coffee. Do you know how I prefer mine?”
He was silent for several seconds before he finally answered. “No.”
“That’s something else most couples know about each other by the time they walk down the aisle or have a baby.” She smiled. “And just for the record, I don’t drink coffee because I don’t like the taste of it.”
“I never noticed,” he acknowledged as he picked up the tray. “But I think I have an excellent way of remedying this little problem you think we have while learning each others’ likes and dislikes.”
“Really? What would that be?”
“We’re going to take a drive across the mountains over into North Carolina. And while we’re traveling, we’ll take turns asking questions about the little everyday things.” He looked quite pleased with himself. “It won’t take any time at all and we’ll know each other quite well.”
“But I thought you had plans to stay here for the rest of the weekend,” she reminded him, fascinated by the play of muscles in his broad back as he balanced the tray and walked to the door.
Stopping, he turned. “That was before I took your virginity.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” she asked, getting out of bed to find her clothes and take a shower.
Luke suddenly groaned, closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath.
Alarmed by his uncharacteristic behavior, she went to him. “Are you all right?”
When he opened his eyes, the intensity in his incredible blue gaze warmed her. “Do you have any idea how sexy you look wearing nothing but my shirt? Or what a turn-on it is for me just knowing that you don’t have anything on underneath it?”
“Not really.” She wondered if he knew how sexy he looked without a shirt.
“The reason we need to go for a drive is because if we don’t, I’m going to put down this tray, carry you back to bed and make love to you until we both collapse from exhaustion.” He glanced away. “And that wouldn’t be a good idea right now.”
Had he changed his mind about wanting her to become pregnant immediately?
“Why not? Isn’t that a prerequisite for making a baby the old-fashioned way?”
“Sweetheart, nothing would make me happier than making love to you all day and all night.” He gazed at her and shook his head. “But you’re new to this and I’m sure you’re a little sore. If we wait until this evening, it might not be as uncomfortable for you as it would be now.”
Haley felt as if her cheeks were on fire. She wasn’t used to discussing something so intimate and personal. “Oh, I…um, didn’t realize.”
“We’ll make love again tonight.” He gave her a quick kiss, then walked out into the hall. “Now, do me a favor. Go down to the master suite and get ready. We’ll leave as soon as the rental car agency can have a car delivered.”
When she started to walk past him, he shook his head.
“Let me go first.”
Giving her a look so sensual it could have easily turned a stone to mush, he started down the hall. “Because if you walk downstairs ahead of me, I’ll end up hard as hell. And when I take the tray back to the kitchen, I don’t think Mrs. Beck could stand the shock of seeing me in that condition.”
“That might even traumatize her more than me wearing nothing but a sheet,” she said, laughing.
Luke snorted. “Knowing Mrs. Beck, I’d put money on it.”
As Haley followed him toward the stairs, a tiny feminine thrill flowed through her at the knowledge that he was that attracted to her. She wasn’t foolish enough to think that just because he wanted her, that he cared deeply for her. But if he desired her now, maybe one day he would develop true feelings for her.
As Luke steered the rental car into a parking area at Chimney Rock in North Carolina, Haley gazed at the lush green mountains surrounding the natural monolith. “I see why this location was chosen for several movies. It’s absolutely gorgeous. Can you imagine how fantastic the hiking must be around here?”
Turning off the car’s engine, he smiled. “Did I just learn another little known fact about you that I wouldn’t have guessed? Are you a hiker?”
“Not anymore.” She looked out at the panoramic view. “But I used to go hiking all the time when I was younger.”
“Let me guess. One of the college boyfriends appreciated nature.”
“Not hardly. They might have gotten their hands dirty.” Just the thought of any of them going anywhere that took them outside of a climate-controlled environment was laughable. “My passion for hiking started long before college. I went on nature walks when I joined the Campfire Girls. Then later, when I was in high school, I joined the hiking club.”
“What about you? Do you enjoy any outdoor activities?” She grinned. “Surveying the work-in-progress at a job site doesn’t count.”
He laughed. “But that’s outdoors and I do enjoy watching another Garnier project take shape.”
She shook her head. “That’s something I already know about you. Remember, we’re supposed to be sharing the unknown.”
“Right. Let’s see, Jake and I used to go on an annual camping trip in the Sierras,” he replied, referring to his twin brother. “But in the past several years, we’ve both been so busy that we haven’t had time.”
“Did you enjoy those trips to the mountains?” she asked, trying to imagine what it would be like to have a family to share things with.
Looking thoughtful for several seconds, he nodded. “We’d spend an entire week fishing and catching up on what plans we were making to advance our careers.”
“You should make the time to do that again, Luke.” If she had a brother or sister, nothing would stand in the way of their spending time together. “You know what they say about taking the time to smell the roses.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he indicated, getting out of the car to come around and open the passenger door for her. “What about you, do you have a family tradition with one of your siblings?”
Taking the hand he offered to help her out of the car, she tried not to meet his questioning gaze. If she did, he might see how truly alone and sad she’d always felt.
“I was an only child,” she revealed.
“Really?” Closing the car door, he put his arm around her waist and tucked her to his side as they walked to the edge of the scenic overlook. “I wasn’t aware of that.”
Before he could question her further about her family, she pointed to a black bear and two small cubs that waddled into a clearing on the slope below. “Aren’t they adorable?”
He snorted. “I suppose, if you like a lot of fur and really big teeth.”
“I love babies of