The Louise Allen Collection. Louise Allen
A Most Unconventional Courtship
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Louise Allen
“If you will just stand on the step, Miss Ross, I will carry you across to the horses,” Lord Weston instructed.
The previously assured figure before him seemed to shrink back into herself. “My lord, I should tell you…I am five foot ten and one quarter inches tall.”
“Indeed, ma’am? I am six foot three. And one half,” he added after a moment’s thought. “I would be charmed to stand here all day exchanging shoe, glove and hat sizes, but I really feel we should be making a start.”
There was a muffled choke of laughter from her maid behind her and Decima realized she was being teased. Teased about her height! Why, no one did that; no one considered it grounds for anything but the deepest shame and gloom.
He swept her up. “Can you put your arm around my neck?” he asked.
Decima did as she was bid. The viscount turned and began to wade back through the snowdrifts. The movement of his torso against her body was…disturbing. Something was making her feel quite strange inside: melting and flustered.
For heaven’s sake, Decima, pull yourself together!
The Viscount’s Betrothal
Harlequin® Historical
Praise for
Louise Allen’s
Those Scandalous Ravenhursts
“Allen’s latest adventure romance is a roller-coaster ride that sweeps readers through Europe and into the relationship between a very proper baroness and a very improper spy. The quick pace and hold-your-breath escape plans turn this love story into a one-night read that will have you cheering for the appealing characters.”
—RT Book Reviews
“Allen’s daring, sexy and, yes, outrageous spin-off of The Dangerous Mr. Ryder gently borders on erotic romance because of the manner in which she plays out her characters’ fantasies (including a marvelous bear rug!) without ever losing sight of Regency mores.”
—RT Book Reviews
“Allen continues her collection of novels centering on the ton’s scandalous activities with another delightful and charming Ravenhurst story of love and mayhem.”
—RT Book Reviews
“With a cast of dangerous characters, an honorable hero and a courageous young heroine…Allen sets the tone for a lively adventure and immensely entertaining read.
—RT Book Reviews
In a charming breakfast parlour overlooking a sweep of wintry parkland in the county of Nottingham, three people were partaking of the first meal of the day in an atmosphere of quiet refinement and elegance.
Miss Ross placed her slice of toast neatly upon her breakfast plate, wiped her fingers in a ladylike manner with her linen napkin and smiled at her sister-in-law.
‘Over my dead body.’
‘Dessy!’ Charlton spluttered into his morning coffee. Decima felt dizzy, as though something inside her had snapped. Had she really just said that?
Charlton put down his cup and wiped his lips with an irritable dab. ‘What is the reason for that outburst? Hermione merely suggested that we should pay a visit this afternoon to our neighbours the Jardines. I told you about