A Rumored Engagement. Lily George
Chuck it all. Join me in London and leave it all to your estate manager.” Paul sat forward eagerly. “I shall meld daylight slumbers with evenings spent crawling through the worst places imaginable, until my bachelor appetite is quite satisfied.”
Ugh. What a disgusting way to waste a trip to Town. Daniel raised his eyebrows in surprise at his gut reaction. Just weeks ago, he would have found Paul’s plan enticing. Why the change to anathema?
“No, thank you. I must be getting old. I’d rather drink at home and fall asleep in my own bed.” He swirled the scotch in his glass with a meditative air. “You’ll have to accomplish enough degradation for two, I am afraid.”
“You do sound old.” Paul laughed, a sly look creeping across his features. “Ready to settle down, are you? Perhaps take up where you left off with Susannah Siddons?”
“Stubble it.” Daniel willed his temper to subside. “We’ve agreed to remain friends.”
“Easy, easy.” Paul held his palm up in a placatory gesture and settled back on the settee. “I take it you saw her today?”
“Yes.” Perhaps if he spoke of the work Susannah was doing, Paul would leave their failed engagement alone. “You should see the place, Paul. That tumbledown building has been completely transformed. Those three girls work harder than any laborer here on the farm. I’m quite astonished by all they’ve accomplished.”
“Did she appreciate the gift?” Paul winked.
“Yes, she did.” Daniel cast his glass aside and scrubbed his brow with a weary hand. “I can’t give her extravagant gifts again, Paul. Not even when I am in my cups. She’s too proud, and she works so diligently. I don’t want to make life harder for her than it should be. I know you think it’s all a grand joke, but I cannot find it amusing. Not when I have so much and she has so little.” He faced his friend squarely. “I must ask you to respect our pact. I’m a hopeless drunkard and a shirker, but we need to have deference for all Susannah has done to keep her little family together. Do I have your word?”
Paul pursed his lips, a sheepish look in his eyes. “Of course. Never meant to cause trouble. You know me. Everything—even love—is fodder for comedy. But I will respect your privacy. And raise enough trouble in Town for the two of us.”
Daniel nodded, a smile quirking his lips. “That’s the best I can hope for.”
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