An Unlikely Rancher. Roz Denny Fox

An Unlikely Rancher - Roz Denny Fox

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Any of them could be installed as soon as possible.” J.D. ripped the sheet off his clipboard and passed it to Jenna. He loped off to the open back of his panel truck, where she heard him rummaging around.

      “This is a bummer,” Flynn murmured, eyeing Jenna.

      J.D. jogged back and gave Jenna three brochures. “The cheapest we recommend is $5,500 on up to $12,000. For a house this size I suggest the one at $8,000. It’s a workhorse and over the long haul will give you the best bang for your buck.”

      All Jenna could think was that $8,000 was way more than a buck. Way more than she had in the savings account. “Is there such a thing as buying used?” she asked hesitantly.

      The repairman looked sympathetic. “No.”

      Not looking at Flynn, she paced back and forth, trying to figure out what to do. “The truth is I can’t afford any of these air conditioners at the moment. I’ll need to arrange for a bank loan, and I worry that since I’m new in town that may take time.”

      The men didn’t respond. Flynn ran a hand through his cropped blond hair. “My rent’s paid up for this month. To be honest, I’ve sunk so much into the airpark I’m sort of strapped for cash, so I’m not in a position to front you the money and take it out in rent.”

      Jenna glanced at Andee, who sat beneath the tree pretending to read to the dog.

      Turning her gaze on Flynn, Jenna took a deep breath and said in a rush, “All I can think to do is to temporarily offer my upstairs. It’s vacant. Two bedrooms with a full bath. One room has a double bed and dresser and a TV. The movers hooked up cable. The second room has a daybed, a nightstand and bookcase. As for kitchen privileges, I can make room in a cupboard and the fridge. We can set a timetable so we don’t trip over each other.”

      Flynn scrutinized Jenna for the longest time, then his dog. Even though Beezer sat in the shade, he was panting hard from the heat. “It isn’t ideal,” Flynn muttered darkly. “I’ll give you a month to square things with the AC. Just so we’re clear, there’s no need to get chummy because we’re sharing a house.”

      Jenna’s mouth dropped open, then snapped shut. She sensed heat rising to her cheeks and was sure of it when J.D. said, “My card’s stapled to those brochures. Call when you decide which unit you’d like.” He left in a hurry.

      Jenna clutched the brochures, locked in a glaring match with her renter.

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