Her Favourite Maverick. Christine Rimmer
slowly shook her head. “I’m so sorry. But we just don’t—”
“A million,” Max cut in, bringing a trio of stunned gasps from Viv, Caroline and Sarah, too. Max nodded at Viv. “You heard me right. A million dollars. You find my boys wives and the money is yours.”
“Max.” Viv let out a weak laugh. “That’s just crazy.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. I’ve made my fortune thinking outside the box. And that makes me living, breathing proof that anything can be achieved if you’re willing to make your own rules.”
Sarah took another step back from the worktable. She couldn’t have disagreed more. Rules mattered. And as much as she would like for Max to be the solution to Viv’s money troubles, fast-talking men were dangerous. Sarah had learned that sad lesson the hard way.
Viv wasn’t going for it, either. “Are you asking us to set up six arranged marriages? No. Definitely not. Caroline and I could never do that.”
“Arranged?” Max huffed out a breath. “No way. My boys would never go for that. They’ll choose their own brides. All I’m asking is that you find the perfect woman for each of them.”
“Right,” Viv scoffed. “Easy peasy.”
“Love isn’t something you can force.” Caroline added her quiet voice to Viv’s mocking one. “It really does have to develop naturally and—”
“Caroline, darlin’.” Max patted her shoulder. “I couldn’t agree with you more. We’re on the same page. You won’t be arranging anything. You won’t need to. I’ve heard all about Rust Creek Falls. Love is everywhere you turn around here and the percentage of pretty women is satisfyingly high. You set my boys up and they are bound to fall.”
Sarah took another step back. How could they believe a word the guy said? He talked too fast and he’d openly admitted that he made his own rules.
As if he’d sensed her retreat, the big man shifted his glance to Sarah. “So how ’bout you, darlin’?”
Sarah straightened her shoulders and hitched up her chin. “What about me?”
“Are you looking for the right guy to marry?”
She was looking for anything but. “Excuse me? You want to marry me off to one of your sons?”
“Sweet, sweet Sarah, just say yes.” Max actually winked at her. “You won’t regret it.”
“Sorry, but I’m not on the, um, market.”
“Got a sweetheart already, then?”
“No. I’m simply not interested.”
Max heaved a big sigh. “That’s a crying shame, and I mean that sincerely. You’re a beautiful woman with a sharp brain, I can tell. You’d be just perfect for—”
“Dad. What are you up to now?” At the sound of another commanding male voice, Sarah whirled toward the open door.
“Patience, Logan,” Max replied. “Just give your old man a few minutes more.”
“They plan weddings here, Dad. You don’t have a fiancée, so you don’t need a wedding. Xander and I are getting tired of waiting in the truck.”
Sarah tried not to stare. But really, who could blame her? The cowboy in the doorway was hot—tall and lean, with thick brown hair and a mouth that would have just about any girl thinking of long, scorching kisses.
At the moment, though, that gorgeous mouth was scowling at Max. “What’s going on here?”
As he spoke, another fine-looking cowboy entered behind him. The second guy said, “Whatever you think you’re pulling, Dad—don’t.”
Max only laughed. “Come on over here, boys. Let me introduce you to Viv, Caroline and Sarah.” His big white teeth gleamed as his smile stretched wide again. “What did I tell you, ladies? Meet my oldest son, Logan, and third-born, Xander.”
The first cowboy, Logan, flicked a glance in Sarah’s direction—and froze. Now he was staring right at her. “Hello, Sarah,” he said low. Intimately. As though they were the only two people in the room.
And then he was on the move again, coming straight for her. He stopped a foot away, right up in her space. The breath fled her lungs. The guy was even hotter up close. It should be illegal to have eyes so blue.
With a little shiver of unwelcome delight, she took his offered hand. His big, warm fingers engulfed hers. More shivers skittered up her arm.
Absurd. Sarah Turner had no time for the shivers. Not anymore. No way was she letting a pair of bedroom eyes lead her astray again.
But Logan wasn’t making it easy for her. He stared at her like she was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen.
Why? She so didn’t get it. She was not at her best and hadn’t been for way too long now. A year and a half ago, she’d been hot...ish.
Now, though? She wore her hair in a ponytail to keep it out of the way and didn’t bother with makeup beyond a swipe of mascara and maybe some lip gloss. On a good day, she made it all the way to dinnertime without getting spit-up on her shirt.
Max just kept talking. “Boys, Viv and Caroline here not only plan weddings, they also serve as the Rust Creek Falls dating service.” Such a liar, that Max. He wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him on the butt. “And Sarah is not only gorgeous—she’s got a mind for figures, works as an accountant right in town. Falls Mountain Accounting, I believe. Have I got that right, Sarah?”
Logan still held her hand. She really ought to pull away. But she didn’t. “I’m a CPA, yes,” she said as she continued to stare into Logan’s blue eyes.
“I think I need an accountant,” said the killer-handsome cowboy in that deep, smooth voice of his, never once letting go of her gaze—or her hand. “And a dating service works for me. Sign me up. I’ll take you, Sarah. To dinner. Tonight.”
“Uh, yeah. Right.” She laughed, playing it off, as her traitorous heart flipped cartwheels inside her chest.
Ridiculous. Impossible. She had no time for dates. If she had any extra time, she would spend it sleeping. And never again would she believe the lies of a handsome, smooth-talking man.
Max was still talking. “Sarah, Logan here is a self-made man. He grew up on our ranch in Texas, but he couldn’t wait to get out on his own. Earned his fortune in Seattle, in real estate.”
Logan chuckled. “Shut up, Dad.”
Max didn’t miss a beat. “Son, why don’t you and Sarah go on into town? Take her to the donut shop. You can firm up your dinner plans over bear claws and coffee.”
Sarah opened her mouth to give both father and son a firm no when a baby’s cry from the back room did it for her.
“Huh?” Max blinked in surprise. “That sounds like a—”
“Excuse me.” Sarah pulled her hand free of Logan’s warm grip and managed a breezy smile. “My little girl wants her mother.” Turning neatly on her heel, she headed for the back room.
Was she disappointed that a certain dreamboat of a man was bound to lose interest fast when faced with a crying baby?
A little, maybe. But not that disappointed.
Really, it was for the best.
* * *
Logan Crawford watched Sarah’s bouncing ponytail as she trotted away from him. What was it about her? Those big golden-brown eyes, all that shining bronze hair? That smile she had that was shy and devilish simultaneously? Damned if that smile didn’t dare him to kiss her.
He would take that dare at the first opportunity.
Was she married?