The Real Thing. Brenda Jackson

The Real Thing - Brenda Jackson

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his watch. He was having dinner at McKays with Bailey and figured he would surprise her this time by being on time.

      He had one more file to read, which wouldn’t take long. Then, before leaving for the day, he would call Trinity to see how things had gone at work. He wanted to make sure Belvedere hadn’t caused her any grief about seeing them together last night at Laredo’s.

      * * *

      “So how did things go last night with Adrian?”

      Trinity plopped down on the sofa in her living room after a long day at work. She’d figured she would hear from Tara sooner or later, who would want details.

      “Great! We got to know each other while eating a delicious steak dinner. And Dr. Belvedere was off today, which was a good thing, given that he saw me and Adrian together last night at dinner.”

      “He did?”


      “Coincidence or planned?”

      “Planned. It seemed Adrian didn’t waste time. Once he had agreed with your suggestion he found out where Belvedere liked to hang out and suggested we go there. Only thing, Adrian didn’t tell me about his plan beforehand and when Dr. Belvedere walked in, I was unprepared.”

      “I can imagine. But you do want to bring this situation to a conclusion as quickly as possible, right?”

      “Yes. But...”

      “But what?”

      “I hadn’t counted on a few things.”

      “A few things like what, Trinity?”

      Trinity nibbled on her bottom lip, trying to decide how much information she should share with her sister. Although there was a ten-year difference in their ages, they had always been close. Even when Tara had left home for college and medical school, Trinity had known her sister would return home often. After all, Derrick Hayes—the man Tara had dated since high school and had been engaged to marry—lived there.

      But then came the awful day of Tara’s wedding. Her sister had looked beautiful. She’d walked down the aisle on their father’s arm looking as radiant as any bride could look. Trinity had been in her early teens and seeing Tara in such a beautiful gown had made her dream of her own wedding day.

      But then, before the preacher could get things started, Derrick had stopped the wedding. In front of everyone, he’d stated that he couldn’t go through with the ceremony because he didn’t love Tara. He loved Danielle, Tara’s best friend and maid of honor.

      Trinity would never forget the hurt, pain and humiliation she’d seen in her sister’s eyes and the tears that had flowed down Tara’s cheeks when Derrick took Danielle’s hand and the two of them raced happily out of the church, leaving Tara standing behind.

      That night Tara had left Bunnell, and it had been two years before she had returned. And when she had, motorcycle celebrity Thorn Westmoreland had given her a public proposal the town was still talking about ten years later. Trinity’s brother-in-law had somewhat restored her faith in men. He was the best, and she knew that he loved her sister deeply.

      “Trinity? A few things like what?” Tara repeated, pulling Trinity’s concentration back to the present.

      “Nothing, other than I wish Adrian wasn’t so darn attractive. You wouldn’t believe the number of women staring at him last night.”

      She decided not to mention the fact that he had kissed her right in front of a few of those women, although he’d done it for Dr. Belvedere’s benefit. She hadn’t expected the kiss and she had gone to bed last night thinking about it. Today things hadn’t been much better. Burying herself in work hadn’t helped her forget.

      “Yes, he is definitely handsome. Most Westmoreland men are. And don’t worry about other women. He’s single, but now that he has agreed to pretend to be your boyfriend, he’s going to give you all his attention.”

      Trinity sighed. In a way, that’s what she was afraid of. “Adrian doesn’t think Dr. Belvedere seeing us together once will do it.”

      “Probably not, especially if the man is obsessed with having you. From what you’ve told me, it sounds like he is.”

      Trinity didn’t say anything for a minute. “Well, I hope he gets the message because Adrian is serious about making sure the plan works.”

      “Good. I think you’re in good hands.”

      Trinity wasn’t so sure that was a positive thing, especially when she remembered the number of times last night she had thought about Adrian’s hands. He had beautiful fingers, long and lean. She had wondered more than once how those fingers would feel stroking her skin.


      She blinked, realizing she had been daydreaming. “Yes?”

      “You’re still keeping that journal, right?”

      Tara had suggested she keep a record of each and every time Casey Belvedere made unwanted advances toward her. “Yes, I’m still keeping the journal.”

      “Good. Don’t worry about anything. I wouldn’t have suggested Adrian if I didn’t believe he would be the right one to help handle your business.”

      “I know. I know. But...”

      “But what?”

      Trinity breathed in deeply. “But nothing. I just hope your idea eventually works.”

      “Me, too. And if it doesn’t we move to plan B.”

      Trinity lifted a brow. “What’s plan B?”

      “I haven’t thought of it yet.”

      She couldn’t help but laugh. She loved her big sister and appreciated Tara being there for her right now. “Hopefully, there won’t have to be a plan B.”

      “Let’s keep hoping. In the meantime, just enjoy Adrian. He’s a fun guy and you haven’t had any fun lately. I know how it is, going through residency. Been there. Done that. You can only take so much and do so much. We’re doctors, not miracle workers, Trinity. We have lives, too, and everybody needs downtime. Stress can kill—remember that.”

      “I will.”

      A few moments later she had ended her call with Tara and was about to head for the kitchen to put together a salad for dinner when her cell phone rang again. Trinity’s heartbeat quickened when she saw it was Adrian.

      What was that shiver about, the one that had just passed through her whole body? She frowned, wondering what was wrong with her. Why was she reacting this way to his phone call? It wasn’t as if their affair was the real thing. Why did she feel the need to remind herself that it was only a sham for Dr. Belvedere’s benefit?

      She clicked on her phone. “Hello?”

      “Hello, this is Adrian. How did things go at work today?”

      She wished he didn’t sound as good as he looked. Or that when he had arrived to pick her up for dinner last night, he’d not dressed as though he’d jumped right off the page of a men’s magazine.

      She had been ready to walk out the moment his car had pulled into her driveway. So there had been no reason for him to get out of his car to meet her halfway down the walkway. But he had done so, showing impeccable manners by escorting her to his car and opening the door for her. However, it wasn’t his manners the woman in her had appreciated the most. He was so tall she had to look up at him, into a pair of eyes and a face that had almost taken her breath away.

      She sighed softly now as the memory rushed through her mind. Only then did she recall the question he had asked her.

      “Today was okay, probably because Dr. Belvedere is off for the next two days so I didn’t see him. I’m dreading Friday when he returns.”

      “Hopefully things won’t be

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