It forged a legal partnership, built wealth and provided heirs. A beneficial arrangement, legally documented and containing clearly defined boundaries.
‘I want everything in writing.’ She rose to her feet and sent him a long direct look. ‘Subject to my legal advisor’s perusal and approval.’
Nic followed her actions, extracted notes from his wallet and tossed them on the table. ‘The document will be delivered to you by courier late this afternoon. A copy of which will be despatched to your lawyer.’ He waited a beat. ‘Whose name is?’
Tina gave it, and battled the apprehension curling deep inside.
An instinctive omen? Don’t be ridiculous, she silently derided as she made her way out of the restaurant. This isn’t personal…it’s business.
She paused as she reached the pavement. ‘We’ll be in touch.’ Then she turned and walked away from him without so much as a backwards glance.
Outward composure, when inwardly her nerves were threatened to shred into a tangled mess.
Lily could barely contain her curiosity as Tina re-entered the boutique. ‘Details,’ Lily begged without preamble.
Truth wasn’t an option, so she went with ambiguity. ‘We’re still working them out.’
A call from her lawyer a few hours later insisting on a personal consultation at day’s end didn’t surprise her. Nor, as she sat opposite him, did his cautionary advice.
He agreed, however, that each of her concerns had been adequately dealt with from a business aspect.
Tina signed, her signature was duly witnessed, and she walked out into the cool evening air, aware she’d just sealed her fate.
An hour later her cellphone rang, and she discovered Nic Leandros on the line.
‘I’ve arranged an intimate ceremony at the weekend in my home, immediate family only.’ He barely paused. ‘Any further media queries, refer them to me.’
Her heart leapt into her throat. ‘So soon?’
‘Why delay?’
She closed her eyes, then opened them again. Because I’m not ready for this. But then it was doubtful she’d ever be ready.
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