A Secret Consequence For The Viscount. Sophia James

A Secret Consequence For The Viscount - Sophia James

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he nodded before carrying on.

      ‘But enough of this maudlin emotion and confession, for I think we now need to get down to this afternoon’s business and find you some more appropriate clothes to wear.’

      Thus the mundane allowed an end to the extraordinary truths of the conversation.

      * * *

      Nicholas could not remember ever taking this long to dress, but the Challenger valet was both insistent and persuasive and, although he had no clothes of his own to speak of, the man soon conjured up an array of cast-offs that fitted him well.

      ‘Just a slight tuck here, my lord.’ His grip was firm on the side seam of the jacket. ‘You don’t quite have the girth of Major Challenger. The trousers have been lengthened, but a good steam has taken care of any tell-tale signs of alteration. They give a fine impression of being your own clothes, Lord Bromley. Tailored to perfection if I might say so myself.’

      ‘Thank you.’ He gave this quietly. It had been years since he had had a servant fuss over him in such a way and it made him feel strangely odd. He had never given those who worked for the Bromley estate much thought before, but now he did. He hoped his uncle had treated them well and that there might be a few familiar faces at the Manor when he went up there on the morrow.

      The luxury of London unsettled him and he fought for a touchstone. He wondered if Eleanor Huntingdon might come to Frederick’s soirée with her brother. He would like to see her dressed in finery with her hair arranged to show off the colour of it. He would like to dance with her. He would like to have her near.

      Frederick came into the room he had been assigned just as the valet had finished the last stitch and broken off the thread, smoothing down the fabric.

      ‘A fine job, Masters. The Viscount looks as though he should fit in nicely.’

      When the man collected all the assorted spools and left, Fred poured them each some wine in ornate cut-crystal glasses.

      ‘For fortification,’ he said and raised the tipple. ‘Most of those present tonight are friends and acquaintances, but there are always the certain few outsiders who might want to rock the boat.’

      ‘Are you warning me, Fred?’

      ‘You’ve been away a long time and stories have formed around your disappearance that have no bearing on the truth.’

      ‘For that I am glad.’

      ‘But a word of advice. If you do not wish to be the continued censure of the gossipmongers perhaps you could think of a reason for your injuries that may be more palatable. An army wound? The sanctity of government violence goes a long way in suppressing criticism, I have always found. The Seminole Wars, perhaps? The time frame would fit.’

      ‘You have thought about this already?’

      When Frederick began to laugh he did, too.

      ‘The legends that abound about you as the reckless and dissolute Viscount Bromley are also a protection. No one will know quite who you are.’

      ‘Including me.’ He said the words quietly and finished his drink.

      Frederick’s frown was deep. ‘You can’t do this alone any more, Nick. You have to let us all help you.’

      ‘You are already doing that and I will be fine.’

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