A Family’s Heartbreak. Kitty Neale

A Family’s Heartbreak - Kitty Neale

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fighter, and he’d thought long and hard about what he could do, before he finally came up with what he hoped was a solution. He wasn’t sure Jenny would go for it, but he had to try. It wasn’t ideal, but at least she’d be safe and anything had to be better than living in fear for her life.

      Feeling determined, he jumped out of bed and quickly washed and dressed. There was no time for breakfast; he had to act fast. Living under her father’s roof left Jenny in imminent danger. Henry had hospitalised his daughter. What if he went for her again?

      As Craig marched to her house, he planned what he was going to say. By the time he arrived, he thought it was clear in his mind and knew it was the right thing to do. He’d never forgive himself if Jenny was hurt again and he hadn’t tried to protect her. He knocked and Gloria answered the door. She looked different without all her make-up on. Younger, more like a child than a woman.

      ‘You again,’ she said, grinning. ‘It seems you can’t stay away. I suppose you’d like to see Jenny?’

      ‘Yes, please.’

      ‘I’ll tell her you’re here. After all, who am I to stand in the way of true love?’

      Though a younger sister, she seemed to Craig much bolder than Jenny, especially when she called over her shoulder, ‘Jenny, your handsome lover-boy is at the door … again.’

      Craig’s brows rose as two lively boys charged out. ‘Who are you?’ the taller of them asked.

      Jenny had spoken of her brothers with deep affection, but this was the first time he’d seen them. ‘I’m Craig, I live upstairs from your gran. What’s your name?’


      ‘Hello, Peter.’

      The other boy said something, but as he was running up and down the short front path, Craig couldn’t quite get what he said.

      ‘Sorry, I’m deaf so I have to see your lips to know what you’re saying. Can you stand still and repeat it, please?’

      ‘You’re deaf?’ Timmy asked, looking astounded.

      ‘Yes, that’s right, but I can understand what you are saying by the way your lips move.’

      ‘I said, my name is Timmy.’

      ‘Pleased to meet you, Timmy,’ Craig said, smiling down at the lad.

      ‘So, you can’t hear nothing?’ Timmy asked then turned his back for a few moments before spinning round again. ‘Did you hear what I said then?’

      ‘Nope, afraid not.’

      ‘Blimey, Peter, he really is deaf!’ Then Timmy looked at Craig again, and asked, ‘But you know what I’m saying now.’

      ‘Yes, I do.’

      ‘Wow, can you teach me how to lip-read? I’d know what Terry and Bruce are saying when they’re whispering to each other.’

      ‘Who are they?’

      ‘A couple of boys in my class. Will you teach me? Will you?’

      Before Craig could answer, Jenny appeared and said, ‘That’s enough, boys, go inside.’

      ‘But I want to talk to Craig,’ Timmy whined.

      ‘I said go inside. You can talk to Craig another time. Now do as you’re told or there’ll be no trip to the common.’

      ‘Hi, Jenny. Did you just say you’re off to the common today?’ Craig asked.

      ‘Hello and yes.’

      ‘I know you wasn’t expecting to see me today but I have to talk to you. May I join you?’

      ‘Go on, Jen, say yes!’ Peter and Timmy urged.

      ‘If you want – looks like I’m outnumbered anyway,’ Jenny answered, smiling at Craig. ‘Peter, ask Gloria to start making us some sandwiches.’

      The boys skipped inside, and looking at Jenny, Craig saw she was blushing again. He found it so endearing.

      ‘Is everything all right? Is my gran OK?’ she whispered.

      ‘Yes, as far as I know. That’s not what I want to see you about.’

      ‘Oh, what is it then?’

      ‘We’ll talk at the common,’ Craig answered. He was eager to pitch his idea to her, but on the doorstep wasn’t the best place.

      Jenny frowned worriedly, then said, ‘I’d invite you in, but my dad’s still in bed and I don’t want to disturb him. If you don’t mind waiting out here, I’ll get myself and the boys ready now.’

      ‘Of course I don’t mind,’ Craig told her, thinking it was probably just as well that they didn’t disturb her father. He wasn’t sure how he’d react to the man and though he wasn’t one for violence, he wouldn’t stand for him laying into Jenny again.

      Jenny quietly closed the door and Craig meandered up the street. He tried to keep his mind focused on his proposition, but seeing her again had flustered him. She did something to him, something he couldn’t explain, but he had to admit, he liked it. Whatever it took, Craig was determined he’d protect her from her father’s brutality and now could only hope she’d allow him to.

      Though still in pain, Jenny did her best to hurry up the boys. She stuffed sandwiches into a shopping bag along with some stale bread and a bottle of lemonade.

      ‘Calm down, Jen, it’s only a stroll on the common,’ Gloria said.

      ‘I know but look at the state of me, I’m a complete mess.’

      ‘You look fine.’

      ‘Where are my shoes?’ she asked frantically, her eyes darting around.

      ‘In your bedroom I should think.’

      Jenny couldn’t run upstairs, but walked as quickly as she could, to find her father emerging from his room.

      ‘What’s all the fucking commotion about?’ he growled.

      ‘Sorry, Dad. The boys are a bit excited because I’m taking them to the common, that’s all.’

      ‘Good. Get a move on and get them out from under my feet then. Where’s your sister? I want some breakfast.’

      ‘Gloria’s downstairs, Pamela has gone to stay with Gran ’cos she had a fall.’

      ‘Huh, your mother should be looking after the old girl. Is your gran all right?’

      ‘Yes, just a bit shaky, I think.’

      ‘Right. I ain’t got time for your mother, but Edith’s a good woman. ’Ere, take this and get her some flowers or something … make sure you say it’s from you kids though. I don’t want her thinking I’ve gone soft in the head.’

      Jenny tried not to show her astonishment as her dad fished in his trouser pocket and handed her five bob. She muttered, ‘Er, right, thanks.’

      He barged past her and she stood bewildered as he stomped downstairs. This was turning into a day of surprises. Once in her room, Jenny shoved the money into her purse, put her shoes on, ran a brush through her tangled hair and grabbed a light coat. Although she was still sore, the thought of meeting Craig muffled her pain. She took a last quick glance in the mirror and decided there wasn’t any need to pinch her cheeks: they were red enough already. Too red, in fact, but there was nothing she could do about her persistent blushing.

      She drew a long, deep breath, which was a mistake and she gasped at the pain in her ribs. Shallow breathing was all right, and they’d have to walk slowly, but she was thrilled that Craig was joining them. Slowly she walked downstairs, to see Timmy and Peter hovering at the street door. ‘Come on then, boys, let’s go,’ she said, and called, ‘See ya later.’

      Craig was casually standing close

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