Beauty And The Brooding Lord. Sarah Mallory
‘I agree,’ said Quinn. ‘The object now must be to protect Miss Russington’s reputation.’
‘If it can be done,’ said Dorothea, shooting a resentful glance at Serena. ‘You know how these things get about.’
Henry was more optimistic. ‘Forsbrook will not want it known that his abduction failed. But you mean the Downings, I suppose, my dear, since they are the only other people who know of this. They have agreed to say nothing and I am sure they will keep their word. After all, what do they really know, save that Serena did not go to Vauxhall with them? No, the main thing now is to get Serena back to Bruton Street with all speed. I am sure Lord Quinn will understand if we do not tarry.’
‘Of course. The sooner you remove Miss Russington from this house the better.’
Serena had grown used to Quinn’s manner, but she saw Henry blink at these terse words and Dorothea positively bridled.
Serena said quickly, ‘Then let us not take up any more of Lord Quinn’s time. If you have finished your wine, Brother, we will be gone.’
* * *
‘Well,’ exclaimed Henry, as the carriage rattled out of the courtyard, ‘I had heard it said that Rufus Quinn had no social graces and now I have seen it for myself. Why, he virtually threw us out of the house.’
‘You said yourself we should not tarry,’ Serena reminded him, but she could not help feeling disappointed. Quinn had left it to Henry to escort her to the carriage.
‘That may be so, but the fellow was positively curt,’ retorted Henry, settling himself back into a corner. ‘Heaven knows he must have some good qualities, Serena, but you have to admit he has no manners.’
‘Yes, for all his wealth he is odiously rude,’ Dorothea agreed. She glanced out of the window, ‘And I had expected Melham Court to be much grander. Why, I should be ashamed to receive visitors in such a small house.’
‘I do not think Lord Quinn wishes to be sociable,’ murmured Serena.
Henry snorted. ‘Well, thank goodness he spends so little time in town, because I confess I should find it difficult to be civil to such a man!’
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