365 Days Wild. Lucy McRobert

365 Days Wild - Lucy McRobert

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waterproofs and something to eat or drink. Follow local signs and guidance.

      Wild swimming

      Wild swimming can be great fun, but it must be enjoyed responsibly and safely. This book gives no guidance as to locations or specific situations, so before taking a dip, make sure that you have researched your activity thoroughly, looking at local conditions, legal access and your own physical suitability for the swim. Give fishermen a wide berth and respect local landowners’ wishes. Before getting in the water, check for changing or rip tides, strong currents, weed or debris in the water, cold or deep water, or anything else that could cause harm. There are loads of online forums and websites that can provide information about the best swimming locations – these are the best place to start. Even better – join a local wild swimming group, who can offer support, activities, events and social opportunities, too!

      Wild foraging

      Many wildlife sites don’t allow commercial foraging, so keep your foraging for domestic use only. Some sites don’t allow foraging at all, so always check for local guidance and legal protection – it’s illegal to pick some species. Some plants and fungi are poisonous to humans, so be 100 per cent sure of identification and edibility before you eat any. Courses are a great place to start or go out with an expert to pick up top tips. Books and the internet are good resources, too, but if there are any doubts on identification, it’s best not to eat it. Only forage where there is a lot of food to be had and only take what you need. Leave plenty for local wildlife populations, which may depend on it.

      Be respectful, be responsible, and have wonderful adventures!

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