The Best Gift. Irene Hannon

The Best Gift - Irene Hannon

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smiled. “I had a great Thanksgiving. I don’t know anyone here, so I joined a group from Nancy’s church to help feed the homeless downtown. And we got a great turkey dinner in the bargain.”

      He frowned. Dishing up food for a bunch of down-and-out strangers didn’t sound like a great holiday to him. It hit too close to home. His parents had never resorted to a homeless shelter, but they’d come close a few times. “Don’t you have family?” Hadn’t Jo mentioned several great-nieces? But he couldn’t recall any details.

      “My parents are both gone. But I have two sisters. They’re too far away to visit for such a short holiday. We’ll make up for it at Christmas, I hope.” She’d talked to them both, of course. Morgan had actually gone to work in the morning, then out to dinner with friends. And Clare had somehow managed to wrangle a holiday dinner invitation to the same place Dr. Wright and his daughter were going. There was no stopping Clare when she set her mind to something, A.J. thought with a grin. “What about you, Blake? Any family?”

      Slowly he shook his head. “No brothers or sisters. My parents live in Oregon.”

      “Also too far away for Thanksgiving. Maybe you can see them at Christmas.”

      Not likely, Blake thought. But she didn’t need to know that. He started to turn away, but suddenly found himself speaking. “By the way, I like what you did with the shop.”

      A.J. looked as surprised by the comment as he was. He had no idea where those words had come from. He’d certainly had no intention of complimenting her. But she rewarded him with a dazzling smile. “Thank you.”

      Suddenly Blake felt as if he’d just hit the proverbial runner’s wall. It was a familiar experience that squeezed the breath out of his lungs and left him feeling limp when it occurred at about the twenty-one mile mark of a marathon.

      But the only thing racing right now was his heart.

      Which made no sense.

      And it made him want to run as fast as he could away from this red-haired source of disruption in his life.

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