A Forbidden Passion. Kelly Hunter
means I have to pack and leave now, unless you’re coming and want to make other arrangements to get us to the city by two.”
His brain stalled on pack and leave. The rest penetrated more slowly and didn’t make a lick of sense. “What?”
Rowan folded her arms across her chest in a move that was so defensive he instinctively knew he didn’t want to be enlightened. She spoke with exaggerated patience that annoyed him further.
“I thought I would have more time to reason with you, but I’ve just realized I don’t. I have to go now. Unless you’re willing to have the helicopter come and get us in a few hours? In that case we have all kinds of time to fight.”
“About …?” He tensed right down to the arches of his bare feet.
Her mouth pursed before she took a brave breath and stated, “The service.”
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