Propositioned By The Prince. Jennifer Lewis

Propositioned By The Prince - Jennifer Lewis

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opened inside her. A deep, cold loneliness that craved something—sex, love, companionship—all the things that had never come together in her life before.

      Now this kind and handsome man offered her all those things and more.

      Tears sprang to her eyes and a sob tore from her throat.

      “What’s the matter?” AJ moved his hands from her waist to her shoulders, where he held her steady. He frowned, no doubt getting irritated by her hot-and-cold behavior. “Is being my wife such an awful fate?”

      Another sob shook her from head to toe. “I can’t do this.” Tears fell from her cheeks and dripped onto her bare breasts.

      “Then you won’t. We’ll get dressed. I’m not going to push you into anything.”

      Lani froze. “But we have to.” The shrill sound of her own voice startled her.

      AJ frowned and shoved a hand through his hair.


      “Because I’m already pregnant.”

      Her words rang in the air like the clash of a ceremonial gong. AJ frowned, trying to process the information. “You’re carrying Vanu’s baby.” His gaze dropped to her stomach, then her hands flew to cover it.

      She nodded, eyes filled with tears.

      A horrible, cold sensation settled over AJ. Just when he’d finally committed himself to this new life, when he’d chosen to marry Lani, and was looking forward to sharing his life with her… his brother’s long, strong and deadly arm reached out to him from beyond the grave.

      “Why didn’t you say anything before?”

      Lani shuddered. “I didn’t know until a few days ago. Then I took a test, and…” She looked down, apparently unable to meet his gaze.

      AJ stared at her. He couldn’t understand the secrecy. His mom was so anxious for them to marry, to keep the family together in the traditional way. Maybe they’d decided he’d be less likely to marry her if he knew she was carrying Vanu’s baby.

      “So you thought you’d marry me and pretend the child is mine?”

      “I didn’t want to…” She swallowed. Lani looked like she wanted to say more, but couldn’t.

      “But my mom put you up to it.”

      She nodded. “She said it would be better because then you would be the next in line to the throne, and not the baby.”

      AJ spun away and blew out a curse. “I can’t believe you women cooked this up. I’ve never been hungry for the throne. I’d have been quite happy to leave and let your child rule Rahiri.”

      “I think that’s what your mom was afraid of. She wants you here.”

      He knew. Her obvious happiness at having him back home had been a source of guilt and torment to him—until he’d decided to stay.

      “What about you?” He peered at her through narrowed eyes. “You don’t need to marry me. Either way your child will inherit the throne.”

      “My child’s not even born yet.”

      “Your child’s not even showing yet.” AJ’s eyes raked over her belly. “And at this point I’m not even sure whether to believe you now. Get dressed.”

      The command startled her into action and she picked her dress up off the floor and pulled it back on. AJ buttoned his pants and turned away. If she really was pregnant and wanted to pretend it was his, no wonder she’d been so anxious to have sex right away. Desire had nothing to do with it.

      Revulsion and anger flashed through him. She’d seemed so sweet and innocent—now he knew she was anything but. Lovely Lani had schemed to lure him into a lifetime of deception.

      He’d never wanted to come back here. His gut instincts had told him to leave as soon as possible. If anything the instinct had become even stronger after his explosive kiss with Lani. He should have known her pretty facade hid a dangerous and deceptive core. What kind of woman would kiss another man when her husband was barely gone?

      He peered at her, hating her beauty and the mix of fear and alarm in her wide, golden eyes.

      He turned from her and strode across the room. He should never have promised to stay. It went against everything he wanted from his own life. He loved his film career and his group of friends in L.A. He had no interest in getting married and settling down into some routine existence.

      But the ancient ceremonial drumbeats had stirred something lying dormant in his blood. They’d kicked his heart into a primal rhythm and drawn him back into the mysterious and powerful pull these islands exerted over anyone who’d lived here. The magic of the lush jungle and the bright, clear ocean formed a paradise of beauty that could entice any man, much like a stunning woman.

      Seductive—and dangerous, in that you never knew what hit you until it was too late. Until you were trapped, bound by tradition and the expectations of people you didn’t even know.

      Well, no more. He’d weakened for a moment and taken up the mantle they all wanted to thrust on him, but he could throw it off just as easily.

      He turned to Lani, who stood just to the side of the wide bed, already rumpled by their almost-lovemaking. She’d said she was so happy, that she wanted to climb in that bed with him.

      All lies.

      “You disgust me.”

      She flinched slightly, as if his words stung her. “I’m sorry.”

      “More lies. You’re not sorry, or you wouldn’t have done it.” “I did tell you the truth.”

      “I’m sure you have your own motives for that choice, too.” Perhaps the prospect of bedding a man she didn’t love—or even like—had proved too much for even her hardened sensibilities? “No doubt you’ve decided that marriage to your husband’s brother is too much to stomach—tradition be damned.”

      She blinked. “I’m willing to marry you.”

      AJ let out a growl. “Willing? How kind of you to be so generous with your life. With your body. Allow me to throw your sacrifice back at you. Please leave.” He gestured to the door, hand shaking with fury. Her wide-eyed desire of only a few minutes ago was so obviously fake, and it disgusted him that she’d tried to trap him into sex with her when she viewed the entire arrangement as a chore.

      But she didn’t move.

      “Leave.” His command echoed off the walls, and no doubt out into the night since the windows were open.

      Lani seemed to shrink a little. She gathered her dress about her. “The guests are probably still here.”

      “Then what are you worried about? That they’ll see you in a state of undress and assume you’ve been in my bed? I thought that was what you wanted.” He narrowed his eyes. “Or was that only when you intended to trick them into thinking your baby was mine. It doesn’t look so good if you sleep with me when you’re pregnant with my brother’s baby, does it?”

      She shook her head. “I didn’t want any of this.” Tears welled in her eyes.

      “Me, either, but you at least chose your role by marrying my brother. I got shoved into this dog-and-pony show from the moment I was born. It took me years to work my way out of it and I almost made the biggest mistake of my life letting you and my mom suck me back into it with trickery and deception. With a face like that I’d imagine you’re used to getting your own way.”

      Her tear-filled gaze only fueled the indignation pricking his muscles. “I told you to go.”

      If she didn’t get out of here, he might get suckered in by some sob story she’d cook up. She still clutched her dress awkwardly about her. He grabbed her sash off the floor and thrust it at her, his fingers instinctively flinching back from hers as

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