The Army Doc's Baby Bombshell. Sue MacKay
But Cooper wasn’t going to take advantage of these uncertainties. ‘Now I’m ready.’ Despite the panic that occasionally overwhelmed her, she could say, Bring it on. She couldn’t wait to meet her daughter.
Their daughter.
Eek, but this was awkward.
Thankfully her phone rang just then. Ignoring Cooper’s scowl of disapproval, she answered. ‘Yes, Corporal?’
‘Captain, can you come back? One of the Unimogs went off a bank during the exercise and they’re bringing the men in to be checked over.’
Instantly Sophie was on her feet. ‘Any reports of serious casualties?’
At her question Cooper also stood up. ‘I’m available if needed,’ he said quietly.
‘So far only two probable fractures have been reported, but we’re to see all the personnel who were on board,’ the corporal informed her. ‘ETA is thirteen hundred hours.’
Less than an hour away. She had to head back and make ready for the soldiers. It was a lucky escape from the conversation she wasn’t ready for. ‘I’m on my way.’ Sliding her phone into a pocket, she turned to Cooper. ‘A Unimog tipped off a bank. So far we’ve got a couple of likely fractures. The rest of the crew is to be given the once-over. I’ve got the staff to cover it.’
‘In other words, you don’t need me.’ Was that disappointment behind his question?
‘I’d have thought after a long-haul flight you wouldn’t want to work.’
‘You were expecting me, weren’t you?’
‘Yes.’ She turned to the guy behind the counter. ‘Can you put my sandwich in a bag? I’ve got to go.’
‘No problem, Sophie. How’s that baby doing?’
‘Like a gymnast training for the Olympics.’ She grinned, then saw Cooper scowling again. Didn’t he like her being friendly to the locals? Tough, he was out of luck. She did friendly. Plus guys like the one behind the counter had been a part of her life for the last few months. Cooper hadn’t.
The baby kicked hard.
She sucked in a breath. Her hand automatically went to the spot and rubbed gently. It was as though the baby knew her dad was here and needed to remind Sophie he’d been a part of her life ever since Bamiyan.
Cooper was staring at her hand, his throat working hard. Awe filled his eyes and softened his mouth.
‘You want to feel the movement?’ she asked before she had put her brain in gear.
Relief speared her, quickly followed by disappointment. Of course he didn’t, stupid. ‘Fine.’ She turned away.
‘Sophie? I’m still getting my head around all this.’
‘Sure. I understand.’
I think.
She probably wasn’t being fair. The guy would be tired from that flight squashed in the back of the transport plane with a load of other men. Throw in the shock of learning about the baby and he was allowed time to accept everything, wasn’t he? ‘Just trying to involve you a little bit.’ She turned for the exit.
‘Um, can I touch? Feel her?’ The new look in his eyes held hope and excitement, and stopped short her sudden need to step away from him and run.
As if running was an option with a barrel sticking out from her stomach. ‘Here.’ On an indrawn breath she reached for his hand and placed it where her baby was kicking. She ignored the spike of warmth that stole up her arm from where she touched him, and the sense of rightness having his hand on her belly gave her. Because it wasn’t right. Never would be. They didn’t belong together and this was a very intimate moment. Even if they were standing in a café full of strangers.
When ignoring Cooper proved impossible she gave in and leaned closer, breathed in his scent. Hot male with a hint of musk. Her tongue lapped her lips. This was crazy. They’d spent less time together than most people had with their dentist and yet now they were having a child and her hormones were in a spin every time he came within breathing distance.
‘Wow...’ Awe drew out that single word and filled his eyes so that they glittered with amazement.
The warning flashed into Sophie’s brain.
He’s not going to walk away and leave you to get on with having your baby. He’s hooked. Whether he knows it or not.
Pushing at his hand, she stepped backwards. ‘I need to get back to base.’
‘I’m coming with you.’ Cooper’s tone told her not to argue. He changed his moods rapidly and often. Something to remember. Now all that amazement had gone; filed away, no doubt for him to take out at his leisure.
Which worried her. Yes, he was the father. Yes, she wanted him to be a part of their daughter’s life. No, he was not welcome at the birth, or any midwife sessions beforehand. He was most definitely not going to take part in deciding where she’d live, or how many hours a week she’d work, or how to bring up her daughter. Those were her decisions to make.
But there was no avoiding the fact they were inextricably tied together for the rest of their lives.
‘Can’t you find something to entertain yourself in town for the rest of the afternoon?’ she asked, even knowing his answer. Being crammed into the car together again made her throat dry and her head spin. Cooper frightened her. Simply by demanding his rights he could destroy her independence, which was her safe haven.
‘I’m coming with you, Sophie.’ He already had her door open and was waiting patiently for her to clamber in, an activity no longer done with ease now that she had an enormous stomach to squeeze behind the steering wheel. ‘Maybe I should drive,’ he said as he watched her awkward movements.
‘No way,’ she shouted, and grabbed the door to slam it shut. It was so tempting to throw the car into gear and race away, leaving him on the roadside. Childish, yes. Would it relieve some of the tension tightening her muscles? Absolutely.
Cooper must’ve seen something in her expression because he was around the car and sliding into the passenger seat even before the key was in the ignition. Worse, he grinned at her. ‘Didn’t know you had a temper.’
Which cranked her temper higher. ‘There’s a lot you don’t know, Captain, and I intend keeping it that way.’ The car jerked onto the road as she touched the accelerator.
A hand covered her thigh, squeezed lightly. ‘Easy, Sophie. Let’s take this one step at a time. First being to get back to base in one piece.’
Boy. Did he know how to wind her up or what? Her first reaction was to slam on the brakes and kick him out. Literally. Her second was to slam on the brakes and ask nicely if he’d mind getting out. Finally she wound down her window for much-needed air and drove carefully, and silently, back to work. But her teeth were clenched, and her jaw ached by the time she got there.
Why had she had sex with this man in the first place?
Sex in hard boots.
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