The Millionaire's Virgin. Sophie Weston
cliff path, but this time he wouldn’t stop… This time he would give her exactly what she wanted. He could see she was remembering what had almost happened there, and that it was exciting her as much as it was exciting him.
He couldn’t believe what she was asking him to do; he couldn’t believe how much he wanted to do it. The thought of attending to those impudent curves made his throat tighten with anticipation. She had an extremely narrow waist that emphasised the fullness of her hips, and from his vantage point her bottom appeared to be a perfect pink globe… palest pink. She was thrusting it towards him now as he stared at her, almost as if she could read his mind… and now she was writhing a little to tempt him still more. ‘Are you asking me to put you over my knee?’
‘Would you?’
She made it sound more like a request, than a question. ‘Do you want me to, you naughty girl?’
‘Maybe—if you can catch me.’
‘You don’t seriously expect me to mildly submit, do you, Tino?’
‘I’m not sure.’ His senses flared. She was inviting him to indulge in a tussle they both knew could only have one conclusion.
‘Naughty girls don’t just roll over and submit.’
‘Don’t they?’ He gave her a firm look.
‘No… they’re rebellious, and cunning, and—’
She shrieked as he caught hold of her, and then they rolled over once, twice… and then they were falling… falling off the bed.
She was laughing, he saw with relief. ‘Are you all right?’
‘I will be soon,’ she promised provocatively. ‘I suppose I should be grateful that you brought me on top of you to cushion my fall… I suppose I should be relieved that your reflexes are so sharp.’
Everything was a tease now. She had moved away from him, and she was on her hands and knees, staring at him like a beautiful pussy-cat, her eyes narrowed to arrow slits of emerald. Her bottom was raised high, displayed to its best advantage. He relished the moment, sure she couldn’t possibly know the effect the sight of it was having on him… but then she undulated, and even raised it a little higher, proving that she knew exactly what she was doing.
‘You are a bad girl,’ he observed huskily.
‘Tino… I want it.’
She gasped as he moved quickly behind her. Kneeling on the floor, he stroked his hands lightly over her naked rump. ‘Down,’ he said softly.
She obeyed him at once, resting her head on her arms so that her bottom was raised as high as it could be. He dealt her several firm strokes, and had the satisfaction of hearing her call throatily for more. The next few ended in a caress that brought her very close and that was his cue to lift her to her feet. Holding her in front of him with their faces almost touching, he very slowly stroked his hands up her arms relishing the sight of the shudders coursing through her. ‘I had no idea this was going to turn out to be quite so energetic, or half so dangerous.’
‘Are you frightened of me, Tino?’ She whispered the words against his mouth.
Even he didn’t know the truth to that. She made him feel things he shouldn’t be feeling… She unsettled him more than any woman he had ever known… She pushed him further than he had ever considered going with a woman before. ‘More to the point,’ he said, ‘are you frightened of me?’ He searched her eyes.
‘I’m in more danger from this.’
‘Oh,’ he murmured softly as she cupped him through his evening trousers.
‘I’m glad you understand me.’
‘Oh, I do,’ he assured her as he reached to undo his zip.
‘Let me,’ Lisa whispered.
He held his hands out to the side.
‘That’s better.’ She held his gaze as she undressed him, and only broke it when she was forced to dip down to remove his trousers completely and toss them away. ‘Now you get your reward.’
But as she reached for him he pulled away.
‘Not before I give you yours.’ He swept her up.
‘If you insist.’
And he did…
LISA shrieked with shock and with excitement as Tino joined her. As he pulled her on top of him she dropped a kiss on his firm mouth. ‘You’re not going to get away from me now.’
‘As I’d hoped,’ he murmured. ‘Shall we begin?’
‘Oh, please,’ she sighed, reaching for him. Now the barriers were down between them his clean male scent was all the aphrodisiac she needed. Yet still he played with her, holding her away from him, refusing her any satisfaction. Cupping her chin, he caressed the sensitive area just below her ear… but when she tried to kiss him on the mouth he made a sound of denial down low in his throat, and held her away again. She wriggled against him, wanting the touch of his hands, needing it desperately. ‘You will send me crazy, teasing me like this,’ she complained breathlessly.
‘Not crazy, just into a deeper state of arousal,’ he observed clinically.
‘You sound so cold.’ She laughed it off, confident that it was a figment of her imagination.
Pulling away, he lavished a look down the whole trembling length of her.
‘Hold me, Tino. Touch me.’
Her words drove him. His passions had never been roused to such a level. But he must keep control… that way he would give her more pleasure than she had ever dreamed of.
‘You’re not making me wait any longer,’ she insisted fiercely.
He caught her wrist as she reached for him, and held both her hands over her head, keeping them secure in one fist on the pillow. She didn’t try to resist him. ‘So, you’ve no more fight left in you?’
‘I didn’t say that—but if you use your strength there’s no contest.’
He released her immediately, and she sprang to the other side of the bed, staring at him, teasing him…
‘I’m a naughty girl, Tino… or had you forgotten?’
‘I have not forgotten anything, Lisa.’ Nor had he. He remembered Bond Steel, and how she had set herself against him. ‘Before I give you what you want, you must welcome my authority.’
Seeing the change in Tino’s eyes, Lisa shivered with desire. ‘Can you master me?’
‘Let me ask you a question, Lisa… Do you want me to pleasure you?’
‘You know I do.’
‘Then you must convince me that you will submit to my command.’
‘Never.’ The single word left her lips on a sigh… a sigh that was laced with all the temptation she could muster, and her expression tempted him on still more.
‘Never?’ he queried softly. ‘Do you want your bottom smacking again, Lisa?’
Lisa could hardly breathe with excitement as she nodded suggestively. Her lips were moist as she gazed at him spellbound with fascination at the thought of what might lie in store for her.
She shrieked as he rolled her over his knees. The sudden impact of Tino’s warm hand on her soft flesh was so good. Lisa shrieked again, and wriggled her buttocks to show her approval. The pressure of his hard thighs against her was electrifying, and he judged the spanking perfectly. She knew he meant to rouse her all the more, and he had succeeded.
His hand lingered, and his skilful fingers, warm and firm, curled around her buttocks until