Functional Metal-Organic Frameworks. Ali Morsali
rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_701b7bf2-4a92-50ee-bf15-efe001004e19">Figure 1.8 Functional groups as guest-interactive sites inside the structure of ...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Application of dmen-Mg2(dobpdc) in selective capture-release of carbo...Figure 2.2 Application of [Cd(ATAIA)].4H2O in detection of TNP. (a) Schematic re...Figure 2.3 3 dimensional framework of bio-MOF-1 along the c crystallographic dir...Figure 2.4 Application of [Zn2(TPOM)(NH2–BDC)2]∙4H2O in detection of Cr(III) ion...Figure 2.5 Application of NH2-MIL-125 (Ti) and
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Application of TMU-4, TMU-5 and TMU-6 in knoevenagel reaction. (a) De...Figure 3.2 Application of RhB@TMU-5 composite in 2D detection of picric acid. (a...Figure 3.3 Application of TMU-5 in oil adsorptive denitrogenation. (a) Possible ...Figure 3.4 Representation of applied ligand, functional pores and 3D frameworks ...Figure 3.5 Photoisomeriation characterization of Cu2(F2AzoBDC)2(dabco). (a) Stru...Figure 3.6 Application of IRMOF-74 in on-command cargo release of dye molecules....Figure 3.7 Application of azo-MOF in photo-responsive capture-release of Ar and ...Figure 3.8 Structural strict hindrance in [Cu2(AzoBPDC)2(BiPy)] and [Cu2(NDC)2(A...Figure 3.9 Representation of the non-functional and azo functionalized ligands a...Figure 3.10 Two ways to introduce azo-functionalized molecules into MOFs. (a) Az...Figure 3.11 Structural combination of azine and azo pillar spacers.
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Resonance forms of imidazolium ring with carbene formation and metala...Figure 4.2 Representation of possible interactions between metal ion and carbeni...Figure 4.3 Applied synthesis approaches for construction of NHC–metal centers in...Figure 4.4 Application of (I-)Meim-UiO-66 in cycloaddition reaction of CO2 with ...Figure 4.5 Application of ZnL–Pd in Sonogashira cross-coupling reaction. (a) Son...Figure 4.6 Application of In-L is selective removal of anionic dyes. (a) 3D stru...Figure 4.7 Application of Fe-MOF, Im@Fe-MOF and Im-Fe-MOF in proton conductivity...Figure 4.8 Effects of the number of imidazolium rings on the structure [29].Figure 4.9 Application of ZJU-56-0.20 in two-photon adsorption. (a) Structure of...Figure 4.10 Electron excitation process in materials by single and multiphoton a...Figure 4.11 Application of [Zn(p-CPBPY)(HBTC)]∙H2O in UV light detection. (a) th...Figure 4.12 Charge separated surface of a MOF-framework based on 1,1’-bis(3,5-di...Figure 4.13 The ligand used for construction of zwitterionic MOF for CO2 adsorpt...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Combination of chemical properties of N-heterocyclic azine functions.Figure 5.2 Application of ZJU-5 in acetylene storage. (a) Structure H4PDDI ligan...Figure 5.3 Application of ZJNU-43, ZJNU-44 and ZJNU-45 in CO2 capture. (a) Struc...Figure 5.4 Depiction of applied structures by Chen and coworkers in methane stor...Figure 5.5 The idea of synthesis of UTSA-110 with optimized porosity and high de...Figure 5.6 Application of bio-MF-11 in CO2 capture. (a) Co(II)-adeninate-acetate...Figure 5.7 Application of Eu(III)-pdc in photoluminescence detection of Cu(II) i...Figure 5.8 Application of Zn-TATB (2) in colorimetric detection of N,N’-dimethyl...Figure 5.9 Application of TMU-34 in colorimetric detection of chloroform. (a) 3D...Figure 5.10 Application of UiO-66(dhtz) in detection of oxidizing gases. (a) Int...Figure 5.11 Application of TMU-34(-2H) in ion detection. (a) Effect of the solve...Figure 5.12 Application of [(WS4Cu4)I2(dptz)3] 3DMF in solvatochromism. (a) The ...Figure 5.13 Illustration of crystal structure of [Gd2Mn3(PZTC)4(H2O)12]·5H2O [67...Figure 5.14 Illustration of some groups of ligands with similar coordinating con...Figure 5.15 Illustration of two groups of ligands for discussion about the roles...Figure 5.16 Combination of some ligands with straight chain with carboxy or N-do...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Application of Cr3(BTC)2 in selective O2 capture and release. (a) Cry...Figure 6.2. Application of Cr-BTT in selective O2 capture and release. (a) Cryst...Figure 6.3. Application of Co-BTTri and Co-BDTriP in selective O2 capture. (a) S...Figure 6.4. Application of TIF-1 in conjugate addition reaction. (a) Formation o...Figure 6.5. Application of Sm-MOF in excited-state intramolecular proton transfe...Figure 6.6. Synthesis, coordination mode, and formulae for 3D energetic [Cu(atrz...Figure 6.7. Application of [M(N3)2(atrz)]n (M = Co 1, Cd 2) as energetic materia...Figure 6.8. Comparison of general properties of heterocyclic azoles [58].Figure 6.9. Coordination modes of heterocyclic azole N-based functions.Figure 6.10. Similarity between carboxylate and pyrazolate coordination modes in...Figure 6.11. Similarity between carboxylate and pyrazolate coordination modes in...Figure 6.12. From left to right: an alkyl−alkyl imidazolium cation; an imidazole...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1. Possible interaction between azoxy functionalized framework and Pb(I...Figure 7.2. Application of Eu-L2 and Tb-L2 in metal ion detection. (a) structure...Figure 7.3. Representation of oxadiazole, thiadiazole, and selenadiazole ligands...Figure 7.4. Application of Zn–H, Zn–OH and Zn–NH2 in CO2 adsorption. (a) Schemat...Figure 7.5. Possible host–guest interactions between CO2 molecules and hydroxy f...Figure 7.6. The role of free hydroxy function in activation of epoxy ring in CO2...Figure 7.7. H2BDC based ligand for construction of MOFs based on hard-soft chemi...Figure 7.8. Structure of MOF-5, MOF-74, UiO-66 and UiO-66(SH)2. In the UiO-66(SH...Figure 7.9. Protection of H2BDC-(OH)2 by acetoxy groups and deprotection of H2BD...Figure 7.10. Application of Zr-btdc in gas adsorption. (a) Structural representa...Figure 7.11. Application of FJI-H12 in Hg(II) removal. (a) Structure of FJI-H12....Figure 7.12. Adsorption of Hg ions on thiol