Security Engineering. Ross Anderson

Security Engineering - Ross  Anderson

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about seven (plus or minus two) simultaneous choices [1319] and, as a result, many designers limit menu choices to about five. But this is not the right conclusion. People search for information first by recalling where to look, and then by scanning; once you've found the relevant menu, scanning ten items is only twice as hard as scanning five. The real limits on menu size are screen size, which might give you ten choices, and with spoken menus, where the average user has difficulty dealing with more than three or four [1547]. Here, too, Miller's insight is misused because spatio-structural memory is a different faculty from echoic memory. This illustrates why a broad idea like 7+/-2 can be hazardous; you need to look at the detail.

      Security researchers need to find ways of turning these ploughshares into swords (the bad guys are already working on it). There are some low-hanging fruit; for example, the safety research community has put a lot of effort into studying the errors people make when operating equipment [1592]. It's said that ‘to err is human’ and error research confirms this: the predictable varieties of human error are rooted in the very nature of cognition. The schemata, or mental models, that enable us to recognise people, sounds and concepts so much better than computers, also make us vulnerable when the wrong model gets activated.

      Human errors made while operating equipment fall into broadly three categories, depending on where they occur in the ‘stack’: slips and lapses at the level of skill, mistakes at the level of rules, and misconceptions at the cognitive level.

       Actions performed often become a matter of skill, but we can slip when a manual skill fails – for example, pressing the wrong button – and we can also have a lapse where we use the wrong skill. For example, when you intend to go to the supermarket on the way home from work you may take the road home by mistake, if that's what you do most days (this is also known as a capture error). Slips are exploited by typosquatters, who register domains similar to popular ones, and harvest people who make typing errors; other attacks exploit the fact that people are trained to click ‘OK’ to pop-up boxes to get their work done. So when designing a system you need to ensure that dangerous actions, such as installing software, require action sequences that are quite different from routine ones. Errors also commonly follow interruptions and perceptual confusion. One example is the post-completion error: once they've accomplished their immediate goal, people are easily distracted from tidying-up actions. More people leave cards behind in ATMs that give them the money first and the card back second.

       Actions that people take by following rules are open to errors when they follow the wrong rule. Various circumstances – such as information overload – can cause people to follow the strongest rule they know, or the most general rule, rather than the best one. Phishermen use many tricks to get people to follow the wrong rule, ranging from using https (because ‘it's secure’) to starting URLs with the impersonated bank's name, as – for most people, looking for a name is a stronger rule than parsing its position.

       The third category of mistakes are those made by people for cognitive reasons – either they simply don't understand the problem, or pretend that they do, and ignore advice in order to get their work done. The seminal paper on security usability, Alma Whitten and Doug Tygar's “Why Johnny Can't Encrypt”, demonstrated that the encryption program PGP was simply too hard for most college students to use as they didn't understand the subtleties of private versus public keys, encryption and signatures [2022]. And there's growing realisation that many security bugs occur because most programmers can't use security mechanisms either. Both access control mechanisms and security APIs are hard to understand and fiddly to use; security testing tools are often not much better. Programs often appear to work even when protection mechanisms are used in quite mistaken ways. Engineers then copy code from each other, and from online code-sharing sites, so misconceptions and errors are propagated widely [11]. They often know this is bad, but there's just not the time to do better.

      There is some important science behind all this, and here are just two examples. James Gibson developed the concept of action possibilities or affordances: the physical environment may be climbable or fall-off-able or get-under-able for an animal, and similarly a seat is sit-on-able. People have developed great skill at creating environments that induce others to behave in certain ways: we build stairways and doorways, we make objects portable or graspable; we make pens and swords [763]. Often perceptions are made up of affordances, which can be more fundamental than value or meaning. In exactly the same way, we design software artefacts to train and condition our users' choices, so the affordances of the systems we use can affect how we think in all sorts of ways. We can also design traps for the unwary: an animal that mistakes a pitfall for solid ground is in trouble.

      What can the defender expect attackers to do? They will use errors whose effect is predictable, such as capture errors; they will exploit perverse affordances; they will disrupt the flows on which safe operation relies; and they will look for, or create, exploitable dissonances between users' mental models of a system and its actual logic. To look for these, you should try a cognitive walkthrough aimed at identifying attack points, just as a code walkthough can be used to search for software vulnerabilities. Attackers also learn by experiment and share techniques with each other, and develop tools to look efficiently for known attacks. So it's important to be aware of the attacks that have already worked. (That's one of the functions of this book.)

      3.2.2 Gender, diversity and interpersonal variation

      Many women die because medical tests and technology assume that patients are men, or because engineers use male crash-test dummies when designing cars; protective equipment, from sportswear through stab-vests to spacesuits, gets tailored for men by default [498]. So do we have problems with information systems too? They are designed by men, and young geeky men at that, yet over half their users may be women. This realisation has led to research on gender HCI – on how software should be designed so that women can also use it effectively. Early experiments started from the study of behaviour: experiments showed that women use peripheral vision more, and it duly turned out that larger displays reduce gender bias. Work on American female programmers suggested that they tinker less than males, but more effectively [203]. But how much is nature, and how much nurture? Societal factors matter, and US women who program appear to be more thoughtful, but

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