Security Engineering. Ross Anderson
in section 4.7.1 in that they were principally designed to help you set up a pairing key with the right device in a benign environment, rather than defending against a sophisticated attack in a hostile one. The more modern ones appear to be better, but it's really just theatre.
So many things go wrong: protocols that will generate or accept very weak keys and thus give only the appearance of protection; programs that leak keys via side channels such as the length of time they take to decrypt; and software vulnerabilities leading to stack overflows and other hacks. If you're implementing public-key cryptography you need to consult up-to-date standards, use properly accredited toolkits, and get someone knowledgeable to evaluate what you've done. And please don't write the actual crypto code on your own – doing it properly requires a lot of different skills, from computational number theory to side-channel analysis and formal methods. Even using good crypto libraries gives you plenty of opportunities to shoot your foot off. ElGamal digital signature and DSA
Suppose that the base
An ElGamal signature on the message
A few more details need to be fixed up to get a functional digital signature scheme. As before, bad choices of
DSA assumes a prime
The hash function used by default is SHA2568.
DSA is the classic example of a randomised digital signature scheme without message recovery. The most commonly-used version nowadays is ECDSA, a variant based on elliptic curves, which we'll discuss now – this is for example the standard for cryptocurrency and increasingly also for certificates in bank smartcards.
5.7.3 Elliptic curve cryptography
Discrete logarithms and their analogues exist in many other mathematical structures. Elliptic curve cryptography uses discrete logarithms on an elliptic curve – a curve given by an equation like
First is performance; they give versions of the familiar primitives such as Diffie-Hellmann key exchange and the Digital Signature Algorithm that use less computation,