Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design. Группа авторов
Integration of Heat Pump Assisted Distillation in the Overall Process 7.4 Case Study 7.5 Conclusion References
13 8 Insightful Analysis and Integration of Reactor and Heat Exchanger Network 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Influence of Temperature Variation on HEN 8.3 Relation Among Reactor Parameters 8.4 Coupling Optimization of HEN and Reactor 8.5 Case Study 8.6 Conclusions References
14 9 Fouling Mitigation in Heat Exchanger Network Through Process Optimization 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Operation Parameter Optimization for Fouling Mitigation in HENs 9.3 Optimization of Cleaning Schedule 9.4 Application of Backup Heat Exchangers 9.5 Optimization Constraints and Objective Function 9.6 Case Studies 9.7 Conclusion Acknowledgments References
15 10 Decomposition and Implementation of Large‐Scale Interplant Heat Integration 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Methodology 10.3 Case Study 10.4 Conclusion References
16 11 Multi‐objective Optimisation of Integrated Heat, Mass and Regeneration Networks with Renewables Considering Economics and Environmental Impact 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Literature Review 11.3 Environmental Impact in Process Synthesis 11.4 The Synthesis Method and Model Formulation 11.5 Case Study 11.6 Conclusions and Future Works References
17 12 Optimization of Integrated Water and Multi‐regenerator Membrane Systems Involving Multi‐contaminants: A Water‐Energy Nexus Aspect 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Problem Statement 12.3 Model Formulation 12.4 Illustrative Example 12.5 Conclusion Acknowledgments 12.A Appendix: Detailed Models for the ED and RO Modules Nomenclature References
18 13 Optimization Strategies for Integrating and Intensifying Housing Complexes 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Methods 13.3 Case Study 13.4 Results 13.5 Conclusions References
19 14 Sustainable Biomass Conversion Process Assessment 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Methodology and Assumptions 14.3 Results and Discussion 14.4 Conclusions Acknowledgments References
20 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Major shale gas plays in the United States.Table 1.2 Recent shale gas reserves and production in for the six countries w...Table 1.3 Reforming options and their characteristics.
2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Feed types as determined by methane composition.Table 2.2 Selected cases.Table 2.3 High acid (HA) gas feed composition.Table 2.4 Parameters used for the techno‐economic analysis.Table 2.5 Price of different commodities.Table 2.6 Effective prices