Your Stars. Carolyne Faulkner

Your Stars - Carolyne Faulkner

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Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Tuesday 28th January

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Wednesday 29th January

      The Moon moves into Aries.

      Power surge for those with major stamps in Aries and, to a lesser degree, Libra.

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Thursday 30th January

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Friday 31st January

      Carry out at least one random act of kindness (without telling another soul about it) and pop it into your reflections at the end of this week. Note how you feel about your good little secret mission.

      Mission completed? Challenge level: 1–5; Ideas and insights:

      Reflections …

      If you managed to complete this week’s mission, how did it make you feel?

      If you skipped on anything, did you feel any different?

      Did you carry out a secret act of kindness? What triggered this and how did it make you feel?

      How did the week’s aspiration unfold?

      List a few things, or even just one, that you are grateful for.

      Are there any takeaways from this week that you would like to address next week? Try reflecting without judgement.

      Now relax. Relax before you turn the page to February. Be in the moment! Make some notes and give yourself a gold star for the missions that you completed throughout the month.

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